Good for them! School lunches were great when I was little, but by the time I got to high school, they were terrible. Thankfully, those were the hay-days of junk food machines and candy bar commercials on Channel One school news. I had coke and either chips or candy for lunch every single day for 6 years. (Which may be why I'm so fat now. LOL)
I've had quite a lot to say about this over the last few days, so I'm not sure I want to say it all again here. lol. But, I will say this: If nothing else, government mandated starvation will be a powerful motivator to get these kids involved in politics; and a hard lesson on how bureaucracy interferes with our lives.
when the kids would complain about homeschooling I'd ask them if they would want to eat the food in public schools............. thats terrible though. it seams that parents need to teach portion control to thier kids...... so that kids can practice it themselves. ......... it shouldn't be so hounded by the school lunch system..... I mean they can eat healthy and they should teach healthy food but kids need to be able to make choices when they are in highschool.....
It will take a long-term boycott to make a difference. I hope they'll stick with it! Good luck to them!