Brilliant Move---NOT!!!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Deena, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Well, now I've gone and done it. I rear-ended someone today! :( We were coming back from town and there was a line of cars stopped at a light. I stopped. When the line started moving I started going, glanced at ds15, who was sitting beside me, and back forward. In that length of time the cars stopped again. I didn't even have time to get my foot to the brake. It was a low-speed impact, maybe 5-10 miles an hour. I hit a small Toyota pickup with a big steel bumper and a towing hitch. The bumper went above our bumper and wiped out our lights and grill and bent the hood up some. The hitch went under the bumper and messed up our radiator and stuff underneath. I called my dh and 911. The guy had a yellow lab tied in the back of the pickup. When we pulled over and got out I said I'm sorry, and he said it's okay, we're fine. The kids (ds15, dd11 and dcg5) said they were all fine. The guys first concern was for his dog, who I'm sure was scared when it happened! Later after the Policeman came and we talked with him, the policeman went back to his car to enter stuff, and I asked the guy how he was. He said that (now) his back and neck were hurting, and he was worried about the dog, cuz the dog growled at him when he tried to pet him, and he's never done that before.

    I would appreciate prayers that this guy doesn't try to up his problems and make claims just to get money out of the deal! You know, like major neck and back problems, and therapy for the traumatized dog! I couldn't "read" him very well. Obviously he wasn't thrilled with it, but he didn't get raging mad, in fact he looked more sad than anything, and was calm. Not sure what he's going to do as time goes by now. I am feeling some lower back aches and left shoulder stiffness. Hopefully that doesn't get any worse! DS15 was very calm through the whole thing, made sure dd and dcg were okay, and he read to dcg while they were waiting. I was proud of how well they did! It took a long time for the policeman to get there, take the reports fill in the info., explain things to us, etc. My dh got there part way through. I'm sure it wasn't great for him to receive my phone call: "Hello Honey, Bad news...!" At one point dd started crying. She said, "I don't know why I'm crying, but I can't stop." I told her to go ahead and cry, we were all okay, and that it would help relieve some tension for her.

    I got a ticket. He said he could have given me a negligence ticket, which would cost $550, but he felt that was too extreme for this case. So he gave me a ticket for driving excessive speed for conditions, which was "only" $175. It's good I'm doing day care, that can help cover the cost of the ticket!

    Anyway, the radiator was leaking. I managed to follow my dh as he drove to a repair place not all that far from where the accident happened. But it made it leak more. Definitely shouldn't be driven. So, we had to go get a rental car. Our insurance covers a certain dollar amount, which the guy at the rental place said is the amount of a 30-day rental, so it's good we don't have to pay for that! We have a Toyota Camry. The kids say they really like it and we should keep it! :) I like my van though, and have since I got it, so I already miss it! I told the kids I was just bragging about how much I love the van to my sister last night.....then I go and do this to it! :( If I was going to do something stupid like this, I wish I'd have just run into some THING, not a vehicle! Then I wouldn't have to worry about others and how they are and what they might do! I also think that if I would've run into a car with similar bumpers as ours, the van wouldn't be in as bad of shape! Bummer! I guess we'll find out what happens to our rates. We've been paying in to them for years and years and have never filed a claim, so you'd hope they'd be nice to us! Are insurance companies ever nice, though? ;)

    So there it is. I'm just glad it wasn't any worse, and everyone's okay! And I am MAJORLY thankful for an understanding and kind husband! He never said a negative word to me....just made calls and took care of details of what needed to be done. It was good for me to have him there too!

    Sorry this is so long.....had to get it out! Thanks for reading!
  3. lovinhomeschool

    lovinhomeschool New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    Honey, we've all been there. Don't feel too bad. Praise God that no one was hurt! I'll be praying that it all works out!
  4. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Oh Deena- big hugs!!

    That is a terrible feeling, and to have kids in the car too- well, no wonder you feel tension in your back, etc!

    Prayers that all will work out GREAT!!

    Take care, MT3
  5. Singing Strong

    Singing Strong New Member

    Jul 3, 2008
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    What a rough day !!
    saying a prayer for you !
    Those kinds of things can happen so fast !
    Hugs !
  6. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I am sorry this happened. Just keep telling yourself it could be worse.
  7. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I am so glad you and everyone else is okay. I hope the man and his dog are okay today and don't need any extra medical attention. You son sounds like a real level headed young man and helped make the whole thing easier for you. Beth
  8. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Ugh - I know how you feel (seriously - I wrecked 2 mini vans last year or maybe it was in 2007.....) I hope everything works out for you.

    You might want to go to court for the ticket. I got mine reduced pretty much just for going. My brakes had given out in the mini van (got it used and it was tested ok - but guess they were done) and I hit someone slow like you at a stop light. My ticket was for reckless driving which requires you go to court - but they reduced it and it was only $90 including court costs. Just a thought.

    Also glad you called the police.... hopefully the guy won't have a problem - his dog will calm down. Of course I'm one of these people who would really prefer people NOT tie dogs in the back of trucks - but that's me.
  9. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I'm glad no one was seriously hurt, Deena.
  10. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Don't feel stupid...we have all or at least 90.9% of us been there. lol. I know how horrible it feels to hit someone. I was in a similar situation way before I was married and had kids. I hit someone from behind and felt terrible. Things worked didn't go up...the other driver was fine and didn't sue. All worked out.

    It depends on your insurance company as far as how good they will be to you. Silly isn't it? We pay insurance for this kind of thing, yet insurance doesn't always act like they are on your side. Since you havn't had a claim in years I am sure it all be fine.

    I am very happy your family is ok and your dh is so great. Everyone makes was a simple mistake. is normal to be sore after an I am sure the other driver will be fine also. You and your dh are smart people, so I am sure you have good car insurance..that will take care of the other driver and things will be over before you know it.

    Don't feel bad!!!!! Everyone is okay! I am sure the dog is ok also.
  11. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    (((( ))))

    Sorry that happened. Your state has different laws, here you would have received a ticket for following too close. Glad you all are okay. Being sore after that is normal. The guys' dog probably growled at him because he was scared with all the commotion. We have seat belt harnesses for our dogs to keep them safe inside our vehicle.

    Lettuce know how you are doing. (((( ))))
  12. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I'm glad everyone is ok and I'll be praying for an easy resolution to it all. I know how you feel I once ran into another driver in a company car...boy was I nervous to get back to the zoo....but all ended well. It was the other drivers fault, and the police took the report that way even though based on the damage it normally would have been my fault but the guy didn't have his glasses he got ticketed for dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.
  13. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Buddy, glad everyone is ok and doing fine.

    Second you should feel bad I never done anything like that I watch the road, what are you a young driver. I hope you are laughing at this I wanted to give you a laugh and get you thinking of something else this can be stressful. I understand. I was just giving you a hard time.

    Deena, I hope everything turns out ok. Now days people are out to sue everyone so don't be surprise if it goes that way. I know of two that just happen in less then a month. One I stop the suit from happening, the other I have no control over.

    The one stopped was my new 16 year old dd was backing out of drive way and back into the neighbor's car parked behind us, I have talked and talked to her before to please park alittle up as she was learning to drive and back up. Do you think she would no she parked closer that b----, oh be nice Kris anyway when my dd was backing up the van it hit the drivers door, this happen at 8:30 am in the morning. Well we called our insurance company and got everything taken care of, because it was president day on Monday she didn't think much would be done. I did tell my insurance company to watch her she will try to take them I just had this feeling, you know how sometime you can feel something. Well Monday morning her lawyer called our insurance company and she was trying to get us for whip lash I said what there was no one in the car it was park and it took her 20 mintues to get to the door. Our insurance company called her back and told her that, well they dropped that, then I guess she thought ok I will go this way then, she then try telling her new lawyer our dd was driving alone and no one was with her. I said what how does she know she wasn't even out there and second I have a little brains maybe not much but I do have some and don't let her go with out my dh or me. What this lady is nuts? I then talked to our insurance company and said watch where she gets the car fix she will try to get some one off the road that don't know s---. to rack it up. She sure did, but then my insurance company told her she had to take it to a cerftified place and they had to prove them self. Oh boy was she mad then. But, hay I wasn't going to have my insurance go up for someone to get some bucks in her pocket.

    So, Deena hang in there and just be honest and forward and everything will work out ok. We are here for you buddy.
    But, hay next time Buddy watch the road please. You could of ran into my pink jet.
  14. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Suggestion: I was a municipal court clerk....................

    You should try to get the ticket "deferred" which means they court will retain the ticket for a certain period of time (we held them for 6 months) at which time I pulled a driving report to make sure the person had not received any other moving violations. If they had received no additional violations in the past 6 months I would just file the ticket away and not send it to the state.
  15. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I'd suggest going to court for the ticket, too. Many times if, you have a good driving record, and care enough to show up, the ticket will be lowered. I got a speeding ticket completely dropped, including court costs, just for showing up.

    I once did the same exact thing-kind of rolled into the person in from of me- but luckily it did not damage either car. Just shows us that even a glance away can make a difference.

    Praying for the best!
  16. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Thankyou so much everyone! Kris, I'm glad it wasn't your pink jet that I ran into! Yeah, it must be cuz I'm so young to be driving by myself, that's it! :) Yes I did smile Kris!

    Thanks for the suggestions. Katie, how do you go about getting it defferred? Do I pay the ticket cost? If you don't send it to the state, then does int not go on my record? What if a person DOES get a ticket of some kind within the next 6 months?

    This policeman said something about paying $200, then it wouldn't go on my record, but if I got some kind of ticket in the next YEAR, I'd have to pay the cost of the ticket plus the new ticket. That seemed dangerous to my dh and me! I'd be paying double if I did get a ticket! My dh says I should just pay the amount, but I thought maybe I should go to court too. I have absolutely NOTHING on my record--no tickets, no accidents. So do you think a judge would be leniant?

    Everyone is still feeling fine today, praise the Lord! I just have minor aching, which is not surprising. I want to go to the place the van is and take pictures of it, if it's not to late.

    Anyway, thanks again sooo much everyone, you guys are the best!!!!

    (((HUGS))) to all of you!
  17. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Here in our state this is what would happen:

    The person would pay the ticket fine and come to court to ask for a deferral. I would have that person's driving record available for the judge the day of court. If the person was ticket free for 5 years prior to their current ticket the judge would give a deferral depending on the ticket and circumstance. I would hold the ticket in my files for 6 months at which time I would pull another driving record on that person for the judge's review. If the person was in fact ticket free for 6 months I would keep the ticket in my files and it would not be sent to the state. If there are any moving violations on their records then the judge would not defer. You still have to pay the ticket fine and court costs.

    If the ticket is sent to the state it would go on the person's driving record and also that info would be available to the ins. co which they could use that ticket as a reason to raise rates.

    If the judge won't defer the ticket you can always ask for the points to be reduced. Anything is worth asking.

    You might inquire about the cost of court fees if you go to court asking for a deferral or point reduction vs. just paying the fine.

    Also, for anyone who doesnt know, at least in my state, if you get a moving violation ticket and you go to court and the officer who issued the ticket is not in court, you can ask for the ticket to be excused. The officer's presence is necessary in court. One time there were about 6 speeders in court and the officer wasn't present, the first guy didn't know he could ask for it to be excused due to the officer's absence, the next guy knew so he got off, then the rest followed. That was a good day in court for those who received tickets.

    Hope that helps!
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Oh, Deena, I'm glad no one was hurt!!! Give those kids a big hug for me. Been there, done that. I actually TOTALED my parents' car about 3 years ago! They had lent it to us, I drove Rachael to the library, it was wet, and I hydroplained into a car stopped at a light. Sigh..... The your middle one I'm proud of the way he pitched in and helped with the little one! He'll make a great daddy someday!!!
  19. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Thankyou again everyone! Jackie, it helps to hear a story of this kind of thing happening to someone else, and it being their fault! :)

    Katie, I'll talk to my dh about it and see what he thinks we should do. He's one for wanting to just get it over with, and I'm one for trying to save if I can! So, we'll see. We have 15 days to take care of it one way or another.
  20. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Deena, I am sorry this happened but I am so glad everybody is fine. :love: :angel:

    Many years ago, I was driving down the main street and a HUGE diesel truck with it's trailor was backing up into the middle of the street. I was getting ready to stop for the light. As I slowed down, the truck was getting really close to my car and I turned to look to make sure it didn't hit us. While doing this I ended up hitting the car in front of me.:?
    Thanksfully I was going very slow and both cars had rubber bumpers.

    The guys in the car I hit were total gangsters. They were throwing their hands all over the place but they refused to pull over. I followed them all the way to the freeway but they still refused to pull over. So I just kept on driving. There wasn't damage to my car and I assume there was not to their car since we were both driving the exact same car and I didn't notice damage to their car. LOL

    I assume that they either had something illegal in the car or they didn't have insurance, which is illegal in California. Otherwise I think they would have pulled over.

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