Chore Charts

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Ava Rose, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    What do you ladies do about chores? Do you use charts? Do your kids just remember? Do they do chores? Do you remember?

    I always start a chart and then I forget. The kids normally remember better than me but soon it falls apart. To avoid teaching irresponsiblity, I don't even start charts anymore, since I can't keep up. I am trying to get more organized. They do whatever I tell them to, so motiviation is not an issue. I perfer just telling them as things come up, because I just can't keep a darn chart. I want them to know what is expected of them without me just telling them though. They are supposed to get dressed and make their beds before they come downstairs in the morning. That is as far as I got. lol. They do a ton of other chores, but only by me telling them. They don't have set chores on set days. I think that is a good thing. maybe if I post the chart in a central location, ya think? When I give them a chart, they do it....but I forget to give them another one...the ones I have only last for a week. So, you see, I am the one with the issue. lol. My kids are good little soldiers. I am just not running a tight ship. I was for a bit and then I fell off...I always do that. I am afraid I will pass this pattern on to my kids, if I don't get it together. Everything gets done but I am really lacking in organization. :roll: HELP!
  3. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I have the same problem. I have even tried laminating the charts so I can write on them, wipe them off, and reuse them. That didn't last either. Like yours, my kids do the chores that I tell them to (for the most part, they are human!), but don't do things without being told. I'd like to hear suggestions, too.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Me, too!!! I am not a "list" person at all!!! This goes beyond CHORES. I've tried lists of what I expect my kids to do in a week, make menu plans, chore charts.... There's nothing wrong with not being wired this way, but I can't figure a BETTER way to do it. So I keep trying to go back to it! Sigh..... I DO have a great site for making charts. You can type in whatever you want. Very easy!
  5. INmom

    INmom New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Try starting chore per child for the week and post it on the fridge. When we did this, I would simply ask them if they checked the chart that day. That way there's not so much for you or them to remember. As they get in the habit of doing that, add more at the rate that feels comfortable to you.

  6. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Well, I am glad to hear I am not the only one with this problem.

    I did print out a chore chart with only three chores....I don't remember where it is...I am hopeless. Oh wait, I think I do know. I will have to put it up in the kitchen since that seems to be the center of daily operations.
  7. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Boy, when I got on here this morning and seen this thread I thought they are talking about me. I have the same trouble. I talk a big storm but don't walk it.
    I have tryed charts they look nice hanging up and pretty but I don't follow up with it.
    My dd's will do anything I ask them to do. I hope someone will come up with a soultion to our problem. LOL
    Hang in the Ava Rose, it will get better and theres always tomorrow.
  8. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Yes, me and Scarlet O'Hara always have tomorrow. lol. I dug up the chore charts I made online and taped them in the school area (breakfast nook). Let's see if I remember they are there. It may just work out since when I am not sure what is going on the kids do double the work, because they are just as confused. lol.
  9. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I have the same problem...and I thought I was the only one! :) What I have started doing little by little is this. When I have a load of towels that need folded and put away...I put it on the couch that they sit and watch tv on. When they see it, they know to fold them and put them away. Same with clothes, I put them, already folded, on their beds and when they go in and see them, they put them away. Now, I do have to remind them from time to time, but they are slowly getting better at doing it themselves. Also, I have a note posted on the bathroom lists what everyday things need to be done. I am VERY specific because I have found if I don't tell my kids they need to brush their teeth, they will say, "well you didn't say I had to do that!" Anyway, maybe we are more normal than we all think!!

  10. melanee

    melanee New Member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    Here's a suggestion. I, too, have had my share of charts, but I now have two rotating charts. I have 3 dds. This works well and saves the "she always gets the easier job" talk. I rotate my charts at the beginning of each month. The first chart is daily chores; such as: clean up the kitchen (one washes, one rinses and dries, and the other cleans off the table and floor), clean your room, ect... The second chore list is weekly chores; This includes: cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, helping with laundry, ect.. Since I have to update the charts and the girls have to look at them to see who is suspose to do what it works for us. The chores usually remain the same I just rotate the girls' names. It isn't the best way, but it works for us.

  11. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    wow, that sounds great Melanee. If any one has web page for getting charts. Can you please pass it on. Thanks
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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  13. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    You can try the Chart Jungle,, and dltk...not sure the exact address but you can personalize the ones on dltk. They have bookmarks and cards you can personalize also. My kids have fun with it. yep, I got the charts down, not the implementation. I just put one up for my kids. Maybe this will be a new start.

    Sorry I didn't give you a direct link....I don't know how. Someone teach me...:) When I had AOL I was an expert. Now that I have sbc, I am lost.
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Ava, the link I gave is the DLTK page. For me, all I do is type the web address and it comes up as a link. I don't know if your server works that way or not. But it doesn't appear as a link until AFTER I hit the "Post Quick Reply" button! Also, might have chore charts.
  15. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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  16. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I made one out of poster board.. It just has a one day list. And then I cut out stars and stuck them on with velcro. There is a space at the bottem with velcro for the unused stars. (I love velcro even velcro posters to walls). Then it's ALL Sami's deal.. She moves the stars next to the job when it's done and the next day it starts over.

    That way I don't have to remember to hand out new charts (except on the odd occasion I change a job) and it's up to her to use it as a tool to help her remember without me telling her.

    I mainly use this for the 5 things she has to do when she wakes up (ie dress, brush teeth etc.)... and not for Chores, but it'd work just as well I'd think.
  17. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Thanks Jackie, I am not sure if my server works like that or not...I will try it out, next time I have a link. :)

    Syele, great idea!!! I just may try that.
  18. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    hmm thinking more, you could even make strips with the jobs on them and velcro those on too so changing out the jobs would be easy.
  19. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I found chore charts on for the kitchen, bedrooms, etc. They list weekly and monthly chores. The chores are geared for adults. However, I printed them out and posted the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and living room ones behind cabinet doors. I am going to assign the kids a room and let them pick a few chores out of the ones listed. I am also going to assign the chores before school. That way, everything will be done and I can breathe. I always feel like I can't function when my house is not tip top. The kids can have thier own charts to mark whatever they want. I am through with those kind of charts. I may try the velco idea however. I will just implement the plan I am already starting. I like the velco, it, like it.
  20. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Hey, Jackie! I did it! I sent a link! Thanks for helping me out.
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    GOOD GIRL!!! Glad it worked for you!!!

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