Completely lost

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Cheryl Storm, Sep 25, 2017.


Where do I start?

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  1. Cheryl Storm

    Cheryl Storm New Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    My son attended a difficult and rigorous Charter school. It is a classical academy where they did Latin and pre-algebra in seventh grade. There was no PE or anything like that...they just did work! He did not enjoy it or do his work as requested and the result was that they wanted to either keep him back a grade or for me to take him out. I tried a small christian school but he did not like it, so I took him out after a couple of weeks. I am now trying to homeschool. I have tried to join groups and we have met twice at a local park. I have no idea what those mom are talking about and have tried some of the programs they suggested. For instant, I tried mobymax but when he did a placement test instead of placing him in 7th grade it placed him in 5th grade! This has stressed him out even more. The parents asked me what his interests are and his only interest is playstation. He has been rated number 15 globally. I do not have a lot of money to spend on homeschooling at this point so I do not know which program to start with. Do I do Math, English, science? What affordable program do I use where we can get some support? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
  3. featherhead

    featherhead Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    For free you could check out Easy Peasy all in one homeschool. It's online, and it links to resources all over the web. Khan Academy is also great for math. If you have a local library you can also use that for science and history/social studies. Whatever curriculum you choose, make sure to use placement tests if there are some. Every curriculum is different and teaches different concepts in different grade levels. If you place him in the grade level he "should" be in rather than the one the placement test says, he is just going to struggle. Let him learn at the level he is at. If he is motivated, he can "catch up".

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