
Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Codi, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. Codi

    Codi New Member

    May 14, 2007
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    I'm sure this has been covered, but how did you all start out? Were you consistent in HSing everyday or were you more on the slacker side? :lol: I need some tips on being consistent. I'm really not doing well and as a result DH wants to try kindergarten. Lance already knows atleast half, so I'm afraid he would be bored. I am afraid he'll like PS and I don't like that idea, I know that's wrong, but it's my true feelings. DH I think just wants to try PS so we can say we've tried both and now we're doing ____ since we know both.
  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    When I started out I was used to teaching on a schedule from working outside the home at pre-k/K and preschool teaching. So I was pretty consistant, also dh was working swing shift so he helped us to get started that way.
    Now we try to keep it consistant and I have found a written schedule helps us remember what class is next each day. I have had them on thier binders or on the wall but both help in organising the week and days
  4. wyomom

    wyomom Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I have gone through spells. I started out pretty consistant with the oldest. Then I got pretty slack. Now I am getting back to being more consistant. We are having a summer break right now. I think it is all in finding what works for your family and trusting god, and your gut.
    The measuring stick is, are your kids learning? Are they gaining proficency in all areas being taught? If so your doing good.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  5. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I am mixed. Right now - I have a plan and I NEED to get through that plan by the end of the week. I have next week planned - but I will play that by ear but expect it to get done. After that - well they have a week of VBS and 2 kids from Northern Ireland here so I see minimal work getting done (but I want some math and grammar done).

    It depends on their ages as well. For kindergarten I wouldn't worry about it so much. Higher grades - well make sure they are learning SOMETHING.

    My thought process is this at the moment.... if something drastic happens in our famly and I HAD to put them back in PS - would they be at the same level or above their classmates? If I can honestly answer that they would make it I am fine. Now we do test every year (required by the state because of the way we filed) and so they are above the 4th staine which is all the state requires (they tested at the 5th).
  6. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Me: Rigid!

    For me, I need structure or things will be and feel like chaos. That is one of the reasons I chose the curriculum that I did was for structure and for discipline. Believe it or not, we stayed on tracked for my kids entire hs career (13 years). Some days it was tough if we were ill, but we stuck with it and made it!

    Hang in there, it is normal to have off days! :love:
  7. mamamuse

    mamamuse New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I am structured in that we have school at least the minimum hours and number of days the state requires. We usually end up doing more than that. Right now we're on summer break, and it's lovely!

    I set up a weekly schedule of what needs to be tackled each day to keep the boys on track. But the actual order that we do each subject varies greatly...I tend to be flexible with that, allowing them to choose math, reading, etc...whatever they want to do first.

    However, next year I'm thinking I'll need to structure the days a little more tightly so that I'm staggering when each child needs more interaction with me. I'm just not a heavily scheduled person, so I don't know if it'll end up working for us, or not.
  8. rmcx5

    rmcx5 New Member

    Jun 8, 2007
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    I try to be consistent but I'm not rigid (if that makes sense.) We have our school time on the specific days but I'm not rigid in that math is only at X time for X minutes. I have my "plan" for each kid and we work through it during the day. This may take 2 hours or 6...just depends.

    We, too, are on a break right now but we're still reading and trying to do math at least once a week.

  9. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    We schooled everyday, except a few Fridays that I tried to get shopping done first, early. HUGE MISTAKE.
    Over the summer we will be doing math, english, and art each day, to finish those books.

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