Could you all pray for me today?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by EmeryShae, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. EmeryShae

    EmeryShae New Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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    I have this huge desire to homeschool. I think about it often. Can't get the idea out of my head. But my husband is completely against it at this point. He won't even consider it. I get really discouraged at times, and was hoping to find some prayer here. I just want God's Will to be done. Even if that means sending our kids to public school. I just want to feel a peace about it. Thanks :)
  3. Mouseketeer67

    Mouseketeer67 New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Prayers sent.
  4. MomToMusketeers

    MomToMusketeers New Member

    May 2, 2011
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    May God guide your and your husband's hearts in the direction that is right for you. Will remember you in prayers tonight.
  5. justbecca

    justbecca New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Prayers Sent!

    I can totally understand where you are at with your husband. Mine was the same way before they hit school age. Then about 4 years ago he started coming around, now he LOVES it!
  6. EmeryShae

    EmeryShae New Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Thanks ladies. He actually brought it up last night, and said he didn't want to be completely closed minded about it. But everyone he has ever talked to about homeschool has given him a bad picture of it. And most of the people he has met that were homeschooled are just weird. Not sure how to deal with those issues. I also don't like bringing it up with him, because I don't think I need to argue about it. We actually had a very good conversation, and I think he was being honest when he said he wasn't completely against it. He just wants to meet/hear about some "normal" people who homeschool.
  7. featherhead

    featherhead Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Maybe get together with the Penners some time. I think they are pretty "normal" :D
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    praying that he will see the real home school and the good it can do for a family.
  9. cherryridgeline

    cherryridgeline New Member

    Jun 20, 2010
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    My husband was the same way, except he said, "you can't hs you will be shopping all the time and the kids will be idiots" LOL

    God can move mountians, we went camping and bumped into a family that was "normal" and hsed. We were sitting around a camp fire and this man in so many words just about told my husband he was a idiot for not hsing. tee hee hee.....

    At that point I went to bed and cried. I said, "Lord, now I will have to hs and the kids are gonna be idiots" LOL

    God is good, he calmed both of us and my husband reassures me all the time that my kids are doing great.

    If you had asked me even the week before that camping trip if he would ever agree to hsing I would have told you, you are completely out of your mind. My husband would never in a million years agree to it. It isn't something I would do without being on the same page.

    God crumbled that mt in one camp fire. He is so very good.
  10. EmeryShae

    EmeryShae New Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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    I keep hearing all these stories of husbands changing their minds. So I'm still praying for a miracle :)
  11. Carla W.

    Carla W. New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
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    I'll be praying for you and your family.
  12. LisaLuck

    LisaLuck New Member

    Jan 10, 2012
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    I REALLY laughed out loud at this! I pray every day for the Lord's help in homeschooling...I don't want my son to turn out to be an idiot! :lol:

    It's funny...2 1/2 years ago when I finally came to the conclusion that I NEEDED to homeschool my son, I talked with my husband about it and he flatly refused to entertain the notion. He told me that I couldn't do it, I would slack off, get frustrated and not want to homeschool anymore. I prayed and left it in the Lord's hands. I had other mom's (who hs) pray and agree with me that the Lord would change my husband's mind. I mean, if God could change the heart of pagan kings like Nebuchadnezzar...then my hubby would be a cinch! The Lord was faithful, and He did indeed change my husband's heart. Today, you couldn't PAY him to send our son back to PS.
  13. Blessings4all

    Blessings4all New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Praying for enlightenment.
  14. cherryridgeline

    cherryridgeline New Member

    Jun 20, 2010
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    I have to say it makes me feel better that you laughed! I think its funny and a lot people look at me like we are crazy. One thing I can say about our marriage we are blunt honest. Guess what they aren't idiots, and I haven't tired yet. I need a vacation but who doesn't :lol:
  15. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Are there homeschool groups in your area? You and your husband can sit in on a meeting and he can talk with some of the people. Is he willing to pop onto this site and discuss any questions he has?
  16. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    From a man's perspective, I'd suggest raising the following issues:

    1) Whose values and opinions would you rather the children learn? Yours and mine, or the political correctness and bias of government schools?

    2) Which courses would you like to teach? Car repair? Our family histories? Self-sufficiency? Budgeting? Whatever you believe is most important, you're free to teach.

    3) Would you like to take a child to work from time to time so they learn more about you and what you do? They could print things, copy things, run errands, learn from you how to deal with people, and much more. It's how children in the past always learned.

    4) Ultimately, who do you believe is responsible for a child's education? You or the state? If it's you, can I count on you attending all PTA meetings, child assessments, sports events? Will you pick them up when they have to stay late and help each night with their homework? Will you be the one who visits with the principal when the school does something we don't like? Are you the head of the household or not?

    5) Do you want the very best for your children so they can excel and progress more quickly when we learn their natural aptitudes? Or do you want them forever on a conveyor belt and to be as 'ordinary' as everyone else? What if they struggle? Do you want them to be given a second chance and a third chance or an automatic zero?

    6) And what about you? Are you willing just to go with the flow - or are you unique and a leader and an innovator and someone willing to buck the trend? Do it for your children.

    Hit the ego. Hit the sense of responsibility. Encourage your husband to grasp the mantle and to run with this. Once the possibilities are opened up, it's invigorating.
  17. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Those are great questions, Steve.
  18. LisaLuck

    LisaLuck New Member

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Steve - thanks for showing things from a guy's perspective! That is valuable insight!
  19. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Let's overcome the 'everyone.'

    Here's the first example. Our older daughter was homeschooled during middle school years and attended a private Christian school during high school years. She became school valedictorian and is now a physician assistant.

    You'll hear plenty more success stories at this site.
  20. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    I tend to think that maybe "back in the day" homeschoolers did not have as many options and there were just not as many homeschoolers. These are now the adults who so many people meet and get the wrong impression of homeschoolers. I know it depends on where you live, but I have seen so many resources, groups, and options for homeschoolers now available that maybe weren't so before. There are also so many reasons people choose to homeschool and ways that people homeschool that generalizations are hard to make. I would think that lining up your activities outside of the home and showing your husband these plans may help. Will you be participating in a homeschool group, sports in the community, church, scouts, etc. Just because you homeschool does not mean the kids are at home all of the time. In fact, there are days where ds begs to just have a lazy day at home since we are always on the go.
  21. EmeryShae

    EmeryShae New Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Thanks, Steve! That was really helpful, and I hope to have a chance to discuss those questions with my husband soon.

    My guess as to why he only knows of "weird" homeschoolers, is because we live in a very conservative Mennonite area. Many of the people here homeschool their kids so they can live a completely sheltered life. One of the examples he gave me of an issue was a graduated homeschooler who was employed at a Hair Salon to work at the reception desk. She had no initiative, and was fired shortly after. (My husband works with the salon owner's husband, so this was first hand info.)

    We do actually know some wonderful homeschooling families. Featherhead is my sister, and mentioned the Penners. Maybe we will have to get together for coffee sometime, and have a good open discussion.

    But overall, I feel the need to stay back, and just pray. Bringing up the topic, and asking all kids of questions, isn't going to help. He will just get more stubborn. Though I think I will still bring up the questions that Steve posted, because I think he will see them as valid.

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