Daily Routines...?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by simka2, May 4, 2010.

  1. simka2

    simka2 New Member

    Apr 17, 2010
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    I know many of you have discussed this before, but since we had the curriculum ? a little while ago, I started wondering about daily routines for the homeschooler. I know this will vary a lot, but I am really curious about what others have found that works :)

    So....what does a typical day/week/or year look like in your home?
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Our general schedule is: Up at 6:00, breakfast at 6:30. School starts about 7:15 with a praise song, individual Bible reading and prayer. Followed by history, and possibly reading aloud from a historical fiction book. Then I go over lessons (mostly math and language) with my younger two, and they get to work independently. We break around 10:00 for a snack, and lunch at 11:30. After lunch, we have Silent Reading for a half-hour, followed by my reading aloud again (usually a more "fun" or a classic book), then finishing anything left from the morning or science or whatever.

    In addition to this, our weekly schedule includes:

    Monday: Stay home all day, do laundry. They fold the clean clothes while I read in the PM.
    Tuesday: Staff meeting at church in the AM, Co-op in the PM.
    Wednesday: Pajama Day Another stay-at-home day!
    Thursday: Piano lessons in the AM, horseback riding lessons for Faythe in spring and fall
    Friday: Science co-op at my house in the AM
  4. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    We're supposed to have a schedule?? :lol:

    No two days are alike here, sorry ;)
  5. TwilightMom

    TwilightMom New Member

    Mar 2, 2010
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    Our schedule is not really a schedule per say either. The kids do school Mon - Fri. Mon is a super light day since my dh is off with us. Tues-Fri school might take 2 hours tops.

    Waking times vary, my toddler is always the first one up. The girls wake anytime between 8am and 10am.
    After breakfast we either do school or chores. However in summer time, the kids go outside before it gets to hot early in the AM and then school comes later after lunch, as do chores.

    The younger kids go to bed at 8pm and my oldest dd at 9pm.
    So while we don't have a timed out schedule per say, we do have a nice flow that our days follow from one day to the next.

    edited to add: we do specific things on specific days school wise, I didn't think to mention that originally sorry.
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
  6. Mattsmama

    Mattsmama New Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    Since I am in school myself ( 2 more days until summer break woohoo!!) and I have class at a different time each day, we do things differently everyday.

    I do make sure that chores, math, language, spelling, reading, and journal is done everyday. ( just don't know when it will be lol)

    On days when I have a later in the day class, we get to history, science and health.

    On Fridays ( I have no classes) so he takes his weekly tests ( Abeka) and then we both colapse with a book and call it a week.
  7. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Well I do **try** to do certain things on certain days.. like math is supposed to be m-f and reading too, science m/w but things don't usually go the way I plan.. and we just go with the flow ;)
  8. gizzy

    gizzy New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Schedules vary alot in my family, and they have changed and evolved with the family as time passes.

    When I was young, things were strict, but my parents were pretty strict and we were mostly independent students at around, 5 or 6. We worked on our own and once our work was done, we could go and play.

    Now, life is a lot more hectic and wherever my mom can fit in learning is when it happens. Mostly it seems to go on all day, as she tries to wrangle the kids into work after breakfast but they gang up on her so the day is broken into several shorter study breaks broken by bursts of study, and then more play.
  9. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    My school schedule is based on my life schedule. First, I look at what's on the calendar for the week (doc appointments, field trips, etc.) Then, I schedule a lot of work on empty days, and little or no work on full days. Generally speaking, we do reading, writing, math, and Bible everyday. Things like science and social studies are done on empty calendar days. Days that have nothing planned look like this:

    6:30 - dh gets up
    7:00 - baby gets up (breakfast with dad)
    7:30 - I get up
    8:00 - ds gets up (breakfast with me)
    8:30 - dh goes to work
    9:00 - school for ds, play for baby (ds has a modified workbox system so most of his work is done alone... he's been extremely independent from the moment he was born. LOL)
    time varies here based on what needs to be accomplished
    11:00 - lunch
    rest of the day is playtime and cleaning house
    7:30 - dh gets home
    9:00 - kids go to bed
    midnight - we go to bed
  10. simka2

    simka2 New Member

    Apr 17, 2010
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    Wow! It's amazing how diverse we all are!!!! The schedule we are starting out with is Mon/tues we try to cover all our subjects, Wed is a flex/library/barn day Thur we hit all the subjects again, Fri is catch up/field trip/ or barn. I train and give rideing lessons so we're up there a lot especially in the spring :)
  11. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I used to have a wonderful schedule, but life kept messing it up! We just go with the flow and try to adapt to whatever is thrown at us each day. I hope to have a more normal one again next year, but this year I have one daughter having major dental work done and another meeting with a learning specialist 5 days a week. Fingers are crossed for more home time soon.
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape!

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