Dem bones, Dem bones, dem dry bones

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TinaTx, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. TinaTx

    TinaTx New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I have to tell you what I ordered off of Ebay after I talked with a homeschooler here who has one. I have almost laughed until I cried about this.

    It is a 5' 6" skeleton. It has rod going up its *hiny* and it is hanging on a rod and comes on caster wheels to be rolled around.

    Everything is removable on it, including 3 teeth that can be taken out and skull...:lol: You can take arms and legs off and study them on the table..

    It looks like we will be opening a doctors' office soon! ROFL..

    We will be starting our second time around studying biology soon and I felt like we just needed some *umphh*...

    I think this will put the *yaaahh hooo* back in it! ROFL

    But I think having this almost 6 foot skeleton hanging in my school room is going to scare the *pa jeters* out of me at night. :lol: :p

    Oh my , my latest obsession with Ebay....I just love that place now!
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We always *thought* you were strange enough to have a skeleton hanging in your closet!!! I can see you coming into your schoolroom in the semi-dark and having it "jump" out at you! Though it'd be great if y'all celebrated Halloween! Did I tell you that our group did owl pellets right after I had taught the skeleton to Rachael? I loved it, because we had this diagram of the different bones that might be found, including the FEMUR. One kid asked, "What's a FEMUR?" Without even looking up from her dissecting, Rachael replied, "It's the big bone in the leg." YEAH!!!!
  4. TinaTx

    TinaTx New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    0 make me die laughing!!!...:p

    I remember when ya'll did the owl pellets. That was last year, or was it the year before?;) Time flies when your having fun...

    So I got some owl pellets too because I remembered ya'll doing it. So I have it here and the boys are saying *ohhh gross mom, we better wear gloves and googles*. ROFL...

    Don't you just love it when they actually learn something and spout it off while YOUR (LOL) having fun.....

    Dh had to give me the Oh eye roll when I bought it! LOL..He knows he can't say anything, he likes skeletons in our closet too. ROFL..
  5. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Oh Tina that is great. I wouldn't of never thought to look on E bay for anything like that. Where did you find something like that? Not that I would want one just thought I would check. Was it in the educational section.
    Oh my this is so funny. Remember, you are married and he is not your hubby (LOL)
  6. TinaTx

    TinaTx New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Kris..Why can't you get one? Well I mean if you like it:D

    Isn't that why we come here--to share all of our ideas.

    You know *steal some*, *give some*:lol:

    I have done my fair share of stealing ideas:p

    Actually here is the link where you can read about it..let me see how it comes out when I post it..

    Yep, my husband never knows what to expect of me. But he'll be the first one in there exploring when we get it!:lol:
  7. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Well now I don't feel as silly. every time I go in alpha Teaching Tools I stare at and wish I had the money to buy the skeleton hanging right by the front door. Sami is also facinated by it.. she wants to touch it and I have to tell her no so we don't get in trouble by the store owners. I guess I'll have to save up an get one when she is older and ready to learn all the bones.

    Ebay ones appear much cheaper.. maybe I COULD get one...

    When I saw the title of the thread I was suddenly trying to remember all the lyrics to that kids song "the leg bone is connected to the... thigh bone." or something like that. Too bad I don't think it had all the right bone names in there.. that would be fun to teach the kiddos around here.
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Syele, when I taught the bones to me kids, we sang "Cranium, scapula, patella and phlanges!" instead of "Head, shoulders, knees and toes!" And you wonder why my oldest ("very mature"...translate "stuffy" sometimes!) rolls her eyes at me! Friday we went and saw Ballet Met's school performance of Alice in Wonderland (which is a post in inself! AWSOME!!!). We went to a Wendy's in downtown Columbus for lunch. I started singing some silly song quietly, and she threatened to leave. Then a little later, I started with "Shut de door! Keep out de devil!" Without thinking, she started in, singing about three words before she caught herself and smacked her hand over her mouth. "I DID NOT DO THAT!!!" This mom LOVED it!!!
  9. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    ROFL That is so funny. Sami is SOOO like that I sing "Shut the Door" and "great Green Globs of Greasy Grimy GopherGuts" and alls orts of silly songs. Sami get downright MAD at me. Tells me I'm grosser than boys and that my songs are too silly. LOL

    Glad to know I'm not alone.

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