
Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by cabsmom40, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I haven't been on here on a long while, mostly because we are done homeschooling. However, i am concerned about my son and I don't want to speak to family at this time.

    I think he is depressed and possibly bi-polar. He had been to counseling in the past and almost went to a new therapist a few weeks ago, but changes his mind. He is 20 years old and I can't force him. He sleeps a lot and does hardly anything at home and stays by himself much more the past year than ever before. We bump heads when it comes to chores. He does have a full time job. I am SO thankful for that. I think that keeps him a little more stable and gives him some motivation. I go in his room to visit and sometimes it works out and sometimes it is real quiet.

    I feel bad because i have been through a lot of depression myself as he was growing up. I am afraid I didn't show him enough joy in life. I don't want him to be depressed. I want him to grab onto life fully and enjoy the ride so to speak.

    Just needed to vent.
  3. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I am sorry you son might be having poor mental health. I have a child that I worry about sometimes due to my spouse having mental illness. I think she is okay but she has strong responses sometimes, so it nags in the back of my head. on the otherhand, her older sister is so calm and quiet, it is likely just the normal kid coming out.

    Are there any behaviors in your son's life that might account for his tiredness. Does he stay up playing video games, or use the internet for many hours. It is not uncommon for young men especially to feel rejected by girls and that sort of thing and turn to online time for escape from hurt feelings.

    I hope he will get help, sorting things out.
  4. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    He does sometimes stay up really late. I know that accounts for some of it. The good news is that the same day I wrote the post, we had a great family dinner and a conversation that lasted about 2 hours. The day after we went shopping with my niece. At first he wanted to back out of shopping, but I didn't let him. I was his ride home and I can still "make" him do some things in a way. He had a fun time.

    I just want him to balance out being alone and with other people. I understand needing alone time. I love lots of it, but I know that being with people is also a good thing. I know if I was alone all the time, I would be sad.

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