Does Anyone Have Whiny Kids?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Cha, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I think all children are whiny to a degree... I have to say that I agree with what Carrie says... when Andrew (esp) whines about too much work, I load it up even more - he soon learned to get over it. The same applies to the other two.

    Whining isn't as big of an issue here as the tattle taling is :!: That drives me around the bend... So much for it being a toddler thing - the oldest one (13) is the best one at it :roll:
  2. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    YOU GUYS!!! You mean to tell me the whining never stops?!?! MAN, I had dreams of it getting better! I though it was bad at 3 1/2. Thanks for squashing my hopes;)!
  3. chee65

    chee65 New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Sometimes Trevor will complain about having to do school so I remind him that most kids have to go to school almost all day and he only has to do his schoolwork for a very small portion of his day. I also give him alot of incentives like if he works real hard he gets smiley faces on a 3x5 card and when he fills it up we take a trip to Scoops (an ice cream shop in my neighborhood). He gets real excited about that. Then for his memory verses he gets an apple sticker to put on another card and when he fills up the row (about 14 stickers) he gets to choose a toy from the prize box (very inexpensive dollar store type stuff) and he can't wait for the next time we have verses to say. I also have good work stickers to put on neat papers etc. Maybe I'm over doing it but he really works hard at doing well. This way too when he wants to go to Scoops (one of his favorite spots) I just gently tell him that he has to earn it by working hard in school.

    As far as whining goes, I nipped that in the bud when he was younger about 3. When he would start whining I would tell him that he must be really tired since he can't talk very well. So I tell him to go to his room untill he is rested enough and feels well enough to talk to me the right way. He usually stays in his room for about 5 minutes then he will come out with a much better attitude. Then I hug him and tell him that we can talk about anything he wants to now that I can understand him.

    But you know what, I only have one child (not by choice) so this is an easy method for me. It might be different if I had more. I hope this helps anyway.

  4. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Charlie, My kids would like to come to your house for all the prizes. I don't do much of that kind of thing.
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    HA! It only gets better Jen. How to describe it... Think of the absolute worst day you have ever EVER had in your lifetime as a parent and magnify it by at least 1000! I kid you not! When the hormones start rolling - only God can get you through it. On another note, I now understand why most parents have grey hair before their children have grown up and moved out - they put every one of them there (at least in my home they do :wink:

    Just the same - I love every one of them and can't imagine life without them...
  6. Carrie

    Carrie New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Homeschooling helps, though. I have two girls with hormones, then there's me. They are much easier to deal with than my almost 3 yr old son.

    You really can avoid a lot of the pitfalls of teenhood by cultivating a relationship during the homeschool years.
    It's not the homeschool that does the's just being home for school.
  7. chee65

    chee65 New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Lorna, send them right over it's just a trip across the country. I'm sure Trevor would love it. LOL
  8. mbj

    mbj New Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    whiny kids

    I too experience the whinies with my daughter some days. I tell her that I'm not going to listen to it and we start over again. Sometimes that means she goes and washes her face and catches her breath so to speak and we start over. I also try to make it fun with crafts or something at least twice a week to take the monotony out of what has to be done every week. Sometimes I let her pick the order of subjects we do first, second, and so on. I guess what I'm saying is I'm pretty sure everyone has experienced the whinies and just encouraging you to "hang in there". I know it's hard some days!!!!!!
    I also have two little ones who talk our ears off at home and won't talk to strangers at all. My oldest daughter was the same way and has grown out of that a little bit. Have you asked your children that you put into ps if they like the teacher and their class? I hope it all gets better for you. You sound like a good mommy!

  9. Reyesuela

    Reyesuela New Member

    Sep 22, 2005
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    Nothing on the not talking, but in my house, whiny children need a nap, whether they are 6mo old or 16. :) Indignity is a great motivator for older kids, and the younger ones usually really DO need a nap! It's a trick I learned in my babysitting days.

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