For those with boy's

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by R.B., Sep 26, 2005.

  1. Arby

    Arby New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Jesus has no place in affairs with people that couldn't care less about Jesus..............Meaning most affairs.

    Jesus won't keep your boy safe from a car bombing or higher taxes.Jesus won't keep millions of folks from being slaughtered in death camps.Jesus won't help you in your buisness or with a flood or hurricane.

    Reality is what your boy has to deal with.If he has the luxury to believe than all the better for him.
  2. Arby

    Arby New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Jackie most men feel the same way but don't know or don't care to vocalize it.

    I hate it but it's true.It's just how things are.

    My wife loves Jesus so we agree to disagree on stuff...........My wife dosen't provide for us so she has that luxury.
  3. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Think of the nice, quiet, sweet old lady who works at the library. As nice and sweet and kind as she is, never did anyone wrong in her life, if she isn't saved she will go to hell. So, yeah, anybody can have morals, but it's more than that.
    Sin enslaves you, not religion. Sin can eran you social diseases, sin can land you in jail, sin can end your life. Following God's word protects your life, if you think about it.
    You reap what you sow.
    The people following those other religions probably are nice. I have a friend who's a Jehova's Witness, and even though we don't believe the same way, I really like how devout a person she is. It's one of the things that makes me like her so much.

    We're not talking about other faiths here, though. The subject is what you want for your boy, and the only concrete way to secure a good life for him is to get him into church, teach him those commandments, and tell him there's a real hope for him if he'll accept it.
    I used to think if I became a Christian I'd have to give up all the fun stuff. Looking back, what I thought was fun really was just baloney. I can honestly say that for everything I 'had' to give up I was given so many more things to replace it. I can't think of one thing I miss from that old life. Actually, I'm sad for the years I wasted.

    RB, behave so you don't get banned again. I like talking to you. Let's pick this up tomorrow. I've got dishes to wash, because the old man won't.
  4. Arby

    Arby New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Becky I will get banned as sure as the Jesus dosen't seem to govern that as it rises for all

    Tell you what..........I'll log on in about 3 months(When the heat has died as somebodyelse & be we can talk.

    And BTW I think folks get confused when they meet the nice old lady that has class.Class aint got nothing to do with religion.You either have it or you don't........And I'm proof of
  5. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Well, the dishes can wait.

    RB, yes absolutely Jesus will help with all those things. If a person is killed in a car bomb and they are saved, that's not the end for them it's the beginning. They will be at their new better life in Heaven. I can't explain it, but God does use bad things to bring about a greater good.
    The only way I can explain is to give an example. My growing up years sucked out loud for a lot of reasons. The adults around me were self serving and I paid for it. However, I believe I am the person I am because I learned from all their mistakes. My kids are never without their mom, I'm never drunk or at a bar,and I'm not always dropping them at a babysitter.
    I'm not praising myself, I'm saying I think God helped me to see all the wrong from that era and grow from it. God saved me from all that.

    Yes, I do believe Jesus will help you financially. No, you won't win the lottery, but I do absolutely know for a fact that if you seek his guidance with your finances He will bless what you do have. Needs and wants are two different things, remember.
    He promises us our daily bread, not our daily caviar.

    I think you're right, too that most men feel like you do. I know my husband does. We duke it out constantly over standards, morals and what the kids should be exposed to.

    You have to remember that Jesus wanted the children brought to Him when others were shooing them away. We will be held accountable for keeping our kids away from Him.

    Think about this, too. Yeah, Nathan will have to face life's realities. Wouldn't you rather have him face those realities with something to hold onto during the hard times?
    He can earn all the money in the world, have all the good things there are to have, have all the friends on the planet, but he is all alone if he doesn';t have God in his life to help him through the rough spots.
  6. Arby

    Arby New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Very good points.It's not offten you find a person that's willing to debate their religion.Or anything really.

    I'll say it again......................I love

    Becky I'm out for awhile.I'll check in but not post so yall'll see ya around Christmas.Good luck with everything. :grin:
  7. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Arby, it's usually the ones who act this way who need Jesus the most. What is 80 years on Earth compared to eternity? A LOT!
  8. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    If you'd open your eyes then you would see everything you said is completly false. I am guessing you don't know much about what's in the Bible.
  9. Anne

    Anne New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    I'm praying for 'ya! I second Becky, Brenda and the other ladies. It's ALL about whether you have Jesus or you don't. I'm not "religious" - I have personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus, who paid my sin debt on the cross and offered me freedom, not slavery, eternal life, not death! Yes, as a child of God I must obey Him, but that obedience does not cost me anything important in life, it protects me and frees me from snares that this world has to offer. I don't have to obey God to earn my way to Heaven. There is NO WAY a person can earn their way to Heaven. There is only one Way to Heaven: Jesus. I can go out and sin like crazy, and still go to Heaven because Jesus saved me. But all that sin will not only scar and ruin my earthly life, it will come between me and God (this is like when your son disobeys you, you aren't happy he misbehaved, and things are not hunky-dory between you until things are made right - but he is still your son!!!!).

    About men and Jesus. Unfortunately, there are many men out there who think like you do. But I can name you dozens and dozens who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and who wouldn't go back to not believing for the world. My father is one! My husband is another! I'm not talking about wimpy guys who need a crutch either!

    I stand by my earlier statement, if my son pleases God, he will be a success. He accepted Christ as his Savior a couple of years ago and I already see a huge difference in his life. He wants to please God. Yes, he makes wrong choices and disobeys from time to time. But he makes it right with God and with his parents and things are right and good again. He is a very stubborn little person, but in God's hands this stubborness will be channeled into preserverance, sticking to a job until it's done right, etc.

    I digress. Right now, it's not really important what I think about raising a little boy. Your soul is in jeopardy. I will be praying for you and I know the other ladies will be to. Don't worry, I won't "preach" to you every time you post! It isn't people who will convince you, the Lord is more than able to work on our hearts. He uses people to share His Good News, though!

  10. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Why the name change Arby/RB?
  11. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Well said Anne! Good job!
  12. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I'm assuming RB starting using Arby because he got kicked off the site.
    Whe he first came here I was leery- old story. But as he stayed here and carried on it became clear he was just doing that- carrying on. What guy speaks out like he did, for real? They might all think like he spoke but they're not stupid enough to vocalize it.

    Most of us took him way too seriously. He was a jokester. Didn't Amanda even say to ignore him?
    In his posts about 'religion', it's my firm belief that if we had all chosen our words more carefully and went slowly, he could have been won over.
    Rome wasn't built in a day, and someone like him would take time to reach.
    Just telling him he's lost and we'll pray for him, means nothing to him. You have to begin where he is and work from there.
    I was galled at the things he said about Jesus, but you have to consider the source.

    I personally hope a seed got planted. I hope we all do pray for him as well.
  13. Amanda

    Amanda Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    I agree completely, Becky.
  14. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    You have to go slow
  15. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Although I understand completly, it is personally hard for me to let anyone bash my faith, or someone elses, and not say anything. I know RB/Arby is a bunch of hot air...I pointed out early on that I think he is one to constantly be sarcastic...much like my hubby, which is why I took a liking to him at first. However, when someone starts in on my love of God (or someone elses), that's where I draw the line. It's just not appropriate and it's something I take very personally regardless of it's pointed to me or not.
  16. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    No, no, no!! He wasn't putting down ANYONE'S love of God. Think about it- did he actually say to any one of us that we personally were wrong to believe our faith was all we need to get by?
    No. He said he thinks - HE THINKS - it's not enough. I don't remember him saying anyone's name at all as he went off on his speech.

    If he named anyone in particular as being wrong for believing, show me, because I didn't see it.
    Remember, no one ever tried to reach him before. He's completely lost, without any knowledge of what he's missing.
    He deserves to be pitied for that, not scorned because he let a bunch of crap come out of his mouth. We should be coming alongside him, trying to help him see, to maybe win him over for Christ. True or false?
    What excellent witnesses we could have been.
  17. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Check out post # 14. RB even says he's not knocking anyone. Post # 21 shows just how lost and in need of intervention he is.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Guys, I'm siding with Becky on this one. What he said is very consistent with his beliefs (or lack thereof). He was being a bit obnoxious, but that was it. At the same time, what others said (Anne, Brenda, etc.) was just fine. I don't have a problem with them saying they'd pray for him. To me, that wasn't preachy at all. He didn't particularly appreciate it; fine. But that doesn't mean they won't continue doing it. Also, I think he was intentionally trying to get a rise out of you all. In such cases, any kind of arguements at all will only fuel him on. It's not worth it to go on and on when he isn't going to listen anyway.
  19. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    It's about planting seeds, so yeah, sometimes it is worth it, but with carefully chosen words. You have to meet him where he is. That goes for any non christian.
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    OK, I will agree both with the planting seeds and with the meeting him where he is. But sometimes its more than that. Becky, I think he saw something in you that is perhaps lacking in some of the rest of us. That meant that YOUR words he was more willing to pay attention to, even if someone else were to say the same thing with the same attitude. At the same time, Brenda might be able to speak to someone who would turn you off immediately. I still feel that it's OK to discern that this person is closed to me, so I am better off just shutting up and not putting my foot in it. Being closed to one is NOT being closed to all.

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