#&*&$%*&@ ! FOund X-Mas Toys. What Now??

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by JenniferErix, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    My DH left his side of the sliding closet open.

    Two bags of unwrapped gifts, that we just got yesterday, were in those bags.

    Did I mention, he left the closet open?

    Children just came up and asked, "What's the Battleship game for?" and the baby asked, "What's the Pony (My little Pony) thing for?"


    Ok, so any suggestions?
    I was cross for them going into my closet, to begin with, and I did not have the time yet to wrap them. (Planned to do so, tonight.)

    We are still big believers in Santa Clause and the "Santa Gifts" (The large Presents) were not discovered as they are in another part of the house.

    So, what should we do?

    My first idea is to tell them that these were the toys we were donating to the "Second Mile" (A Local Charity) for the less fortunate kids..... Dunno....

    I can get them something else as this was about $30 in toys that would have to be replaced.

    Then again, I could ignore it, try to give them time to forget it and if they do remember them on X-mass day, I can make sure they are labled FROM Mom and Dad and NOT Santa, since they are not Santa gifts anyway.... right?

    &#*$&%@ !

    P.S. DH gets to make his own cookies tonight! :wink:
  3. bugsmommy

    bugsmommy New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Something similar happened to me year before last. DD saw one of the Santa gifts in the back of my mom's van. So, I swapped it out with a gift (same ammount) that my mom had picked up and put that one out from Santa. You could wrap them and those two gifts could be from you and dh. They woun't be exactly suprised, but it keeps the Santa theory intact!!!:wink:
  4. bugsmommy

    bugsmommy New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    ps----is it really worth dh making his own cookies? You could be punishing yourself more than dh!! Is he a messy cook? If that is the case, you make the cookies, and give him the ones that "accidentally" fell on the floor!! LOL! My dh left our spare room open too! Dd walked right on in, but at least I, supermom, had the smarts to cover them up with a sheet--dh was oblivious till I shot him a look and shooed dd out!
  5. Aurie

    Aurie New Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    Two years ago, it was Christmas eve and we had just put the boys to bed. We were anxious so didn't make absolute sure they were asleep. Half way through wrapping, our youngest walked out and asked what we were doing after saying "WOW!"

    We quickly said, "Santa was in a hurry and dropped these off for us to wrap. Now go back to bed or he might come back and get them."

    He has been my big doubter ever since, but still says he believes :(
  6. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    If they are not Santa gifts, don't worry.

    IF they are santa gifts, take them back get something else.

    I'm having a sort of debate with DH, I bought something at the Grocery Outlet-- a store my stepdad runs, the kids saw them there. They weren't with me when I bought them, but I think I should wrap them and say they are from us, DH thinks they should be from Santa.
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Who says that Santa doesn't shop at Grocery Outlet?
  8. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    well, I did put that in Sammie's head, she really wants a sleeping bag/slipper/PJ thing with unicorns from there, I did buy it, but she thinks that my mom and step dad will get it for her since he works there, I told her that maybe santa heard her say she wanted it. (but all the kids have stuff from there). --incredible deal on legos and bionicles.
  9. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Since they are not from Santa, I'd probably just go ahead and give them. Did they see everything or just a couple of things? My dh leaves his side of the closet open ALL the time! I have things hidden in there (on the shelf) too, but so far, no one has found anything. Or if they have, they haven't told me!! Our Santa gifts are kept in dh's truck. The rest of us rarely ride in it, since there isn't enough room for all of us.
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Rachael found the Sodoku book Phillip go her for $1 at Big Lots. But she's old enough to not say a word to Phillip about it, and will act surprised and pleased. (Though the pleased won't be an act...she really likes Sodoku!) But Phillip would be in tears if he knew!
  11. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    I would just give them to them from mom and dad but if it was to be from Santa you better take them back.

  12. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Although we still hide gifts, this is a good example of why I'm glad I never started that Santa stuff with Jeannie.
  13. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Awe, Man!

    Ok, but you brought this up, not me...... :p

    I think in todays' world, many of us have OVER-THUNK too many nonsensical things to the point of insanity.

    Imagine two kids in a theater.....
    One gets to see the show, the magic, the possibility!
    The other gets (Has) to sit backstage and run the curtains. (Not see the show). :(
    In the end, you have two kids who KNOW that the show was a fantasy.

    But in the end, you have only ONE child who got to experience the ride! Only one gets to remember that feeling. Only one.

    Now, where do you want your kid to sit? Where would you have sat?

    Remember, this is not a choice of where you soul is going for eternity, it is JUST a show. Just a ride.

    OH! How I fondly remember the effort my family put forth to create the enchanted memories of Santa, for me!

    It's like when you clap your hands to save Tinkerbell!
    I didn't suddenly doubt angels.

    It's just a fun ride, while it lasts.... A magical time when anything is possible.

    It's a ride childhood that if missed, can never be completely explained to those who missed out.

    I respect your choice, but find no fun in it. But I still hope your holidays are just AWESOME because I likes ya! :wink:
  14. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    I can't resist sharing this.

    Overheard in the back seat, coming home from church...

    Younger brother to older,"wiser" brother: "Do you really believe all that stuff the Sunday School teacher told us this morning about the devil?"

    Older bro: "Nah! It's probably a situation just like Santa Claus! I think it's just our dad!!!" :) :)
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Has anyone ever read "Honey for a Child's Heart" by Gladys Hunt? I would like to quote from her book:

    "Our ten-year-old was in on a discussion with university students traveling along in a car together. One student said he would never tell his child about Santa Claus because when he found out he wasn't real maybe the child would conclude Jesus Christ wasn't real either. After listeining to the debate, our son came up with his contribution. 'I knew about Santa Claus, like I knew about leves and other pretend things. I never got him mixed up with the Lord Jesus because I could tell from the way my parents talked and acted all year long that Jesus was true.'"

    Anyway, I found it an interesting comment!
  16. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    That's Cool!
  17. MelissainMi

    MelissainMi New Member

    Jun 1, 2006
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    I agree with this, I have all Madison's presnets in my walk in closet..its driving her nuts that she cant go play in there right now but oh well..I just told her to stay out. Sorry your dh left the closet open.
  18. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Well, I should have at the least, covered them with a sheet. (Like someone else suggested.)

    We had gotten in so late, and then put the kids to bed, and then carried in the toys from the car. (Didn't want them outside all night.) By then I was so tired, that I just tossed them in the closet and figured I would get to them later.. Oh well... Thanks for all ya'll's help!
  19. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Jen- going by how she tears into her gifts each year, I'd say Jeanne is enjoying her ride well enough! I really pity my older son, who's 20 now. Last year I gave him mostly money, but how fun is that when everything is closed?? I hid it all over the house- all one dollar bills- and he had to search for it. He enjoyed that, surprisingly. The big kid likes dumping his stocking, too.
  20. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Almost mistake:

    Donald lost a tooth, I forgot when I went to bed.

    THe boys were up at 4:30, I got up nearly at 5, sadlly he said the tooth fairy didn't come, I said, "well maybe she is busy this time of year, you know she still has until the sun comes up, so maybe you all better go back to sleep!!" IT worked.--this is the second tooth this week, and if I hadn't been up at 4:15 making Mac's lunch I'd forgot that day too, he wasn't up yet that day.
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Becky, I know just what you mean!!! We're the same here with our DSS. Carl's giving the oldest a check and some chess stuff he specifically asked for. The younger is getting a check and a gift card. The other three, however......

    Amy, as far as the tooth fairy goes..... I wouldn't want to tell you how many times she skipped over our house!!! The kids just roll their eyes at us and remind us in the morning that she "forgot again!" What's bad is when it sits under there for three days!!! Fortunately, we have very forgiving children!!!

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