Hi everyone, gone for summer... now have returned

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by jenlynn4673, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. jenlynn4673

    jenlynn4673 New Member

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Gosh, this summer has been fun (said with much sarcasm). It seems that is how my days are. Very down and out...

    Dh's grandfather passed away in March 30th and we had the memorial at the end of April. May came in more like a Lion then a Lamb.

    I had reconciled with my mother after a 5 year estrangement last November. Basically, the reason for it came down to Money. We reconciled in time for the holidays and had a nice holiday.
    Without going into details at all, it didn't work and after dealing with her DH reating the boys and I like we were the ones who have wronged them... I finally had enough and walked away again at the beginning of July. There is no way to work this out. While she is with this current DH, no way. He felt that he had every right to yell at me and the boys constantly including profanty and on one occaision spank my son, for basically being a boy. Maybe if she was single, but that would be very hard, since I know for a fact that she had lied to him and his family about the whys and hows (Both now and 6 years ago), and they ate it up and bascially have been 100% blackballed from the entire group of them, again. I feel bad for the boys, because my mother and this husband (whom might be her 4th, but they have been together for 13 years and until the original estrangment, I had considered a father to me) could care less if they ever see their grandchildren again.

    Between that, DH and I have a small shop and we were relocating that shop to a new location because the one we are in is being torn down in the next 6 months. So we are trying to get prepared for all the audits and maintaining a customer base while running full operations. While arranging our open house and ribbon cuttng for the 8th of August.

    Above that, we have sent the boys to the Boys and Girls club for summer camp. We knew we were moving the shop and needed a safe enviorment for the boys to spend their summer. Our safe enviroment, wasn't too safe. One son is ok, the other was picked up by the older kids - Big people is what he refers to the ones picking on him - they apparently spent the summer pushing, pinching and name calling Jacob (including Jack A$$, Bi*&@ and little Fu*#@&). We learned this all yesterday. We knew he wasn't exactly happy being there, he never told us why. We assumed it was because he was bored he wanted to be home. Well, his clinginess became worse over the summer and he never would share. To the point in which DH wondered if someone was touching him. So, I arranged with my Aunt to have Jacob spend the weekend with her and see if she could draw it out of him. She is a police officer and Jacob trusts her.

    So now this morning DH and I are going to the camp to find out what in the world and where in the world is any staff when this is happening.

    Jacob went to my MIL's house last night, and to be honest I don't want to leave Logan in the camp, but both boys claim that he is ok and safe there. So, DH and I will go to camp, then we have a meeting near Chicago. Jacob will not be returning to camp at all. Logan, we still don't know and that will be decided on the fly based on the results of our little meeting there this morning.

    I am just so tired and my stomache hurts with the stress of dealing with all this. I needed a Calgon weekend alone! Not that any of this will go away, i just need a break.

    I think that is it for me. I wish the theatrics in my life would cease.

    Once this ribbon cutting is ver hopefully I can just relax and simply begin our homeschool year.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    There's no way I'd leave EITHER boy at that camp!!! Maybe they're only picking on one, but the whole environment doesn't sound at all safe and productive for EITHER boy! Poor guy!!! When will kids learn that life will be so much easier if they'd just let Mom and Dad in on some of that stuff, rather than suffer in silence?

    Am so sorry you've got so much going on right now! And I also agree that your mom's place is not a good environment for ANY of you. As much as I hate to see rifts in families, sometimes you need to distance yourself. You gave reconciliation your best shot. Can't do much more than that!
  4. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    I hope you get some kind of break in the drama soon!
  5. jenlynn4673

    jenlynn4673 New Member

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Jackie, that I agree, with. Fighting DH on that as well.
  6. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I have to agree with Jackie.. neither of my kids would go to that camp if one got hurt anyway... no way.. I hope you get things settle soon.
  7. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    no matter how hard things seem right now, I am sure you will all make it through. Hang in there (hugs)
  8. jenlynn4673

    jenlynn4673 New Member

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Thanks everyone. I
  9. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Hope things work out better for you! That is too much drama for one little summer, it's got to be tough! I will pray for things to get worked out and to go better for you!

    What happened with your discussion with the camp people?

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