Homeschool newbie with baby on the way-Need help!

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by GamGam, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. GamGam

    GamGam New Member

    Feb 25, 2010
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    I am in my first year of homeschooling our oldest daughter. She just turned 7 this month. I also have an almost 5 year old, 16 month old and am expecting number 4 in September. My husband in out of town 3-4 days a week. I am starting to fear my ability to juggles schooling a kindergartner, second grader, an almost 2 year old and an newborn next fall. If you have been where I am at, please offer advice or suggestions. I am starting to find myself wondering if a year in public school would be that bad. Please help!
  3. pecangrove

    pecangrove New Member

    Jan 13, 2007
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    Hi! Although I'm not in the same position, I do have a 7-yr old and 15-month old, so I can sympathize some! :)
    I think you can do it --- the newborn won't be too difficult as they mostly sleep for the first little while. For the 16-month old I would just take advantage of nap times... do school when he's sleeping or even just playing quietly. You could keep some toys that are available for just when you are schooling so he'll be more interested in them and less likely to be fussy. I also pull up my son's highchair to the table and give him big blocks, paper and crayons and things like that to play with when we end up schooling when he's awake.
    For the 5-year old, I would let him do fun things -- coloring, painting, crafts, etc while you do school for the older one. Even educational videos are great to use some, too. You'll be surprised how much the younger one will learn just by sitting in during school.

    Just take it easy to start off with, and things will fall in line. With the new baby you'll be surprised how you'll grow in to a routine.
  4. jenlaw31

    jenlaw31 New Member

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Do you have any friends/family that could help out every once in a while ? I am going to be completely honest, I think that is too much. Yes, it can be done, but it will be very hard on you. Especially if your husband is gone alot. I would continue with your 7 y/o since she is already being homeschooled, but maybe consider sending your 5 y/o to school. I don't know what your finances are, but maybe a nice little preschool or christian school would work out well. For K last year my dd went to a half day christian preschool and loved it. They only went up to K or I wouldn't be homeschooling her this year. I also had a newborn at the time and it worked out perfect. I took my youngest to school, then while the baby took his nap I would do schoolwork with my older daughter. The most important thing no matter what you decide is coming up with a schedule and sticking to it :wink:
  5. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I have a 6yo in Christian school who brings home tons of homework, a 5yo homeschooled, and an 8mo baby. It's not too bad really. I do the math and phonics lessons during the baby's nap. We read stories with the baby for history and science. I do science projects on days when DH is home to watch the baby or DH will do the experiment, and ds does coloring sheets and worksheets whenever he feels like it....and I go over them during one of the baby's naps.
  6. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I don't have personal experience with this, but a lady in our local homeschool group is living that life right now. She has chosen to do 6 half days instead of trying to get full days done. They do a few hours of school each day while the baby naps or things are relatively peaceful and enjoy family time the rest of the day. She said her older two like to do art projects, listen to the classical composer of the week, build with legos, play educational computer games and etc when she is busy with the other kids. She said it is very hard and exhausting, but she has been pleasantly surprised by how much school they have gotten done this year.

    You could always give it a try for a few weeks and if it proves to be overwhelming than put one in school until things calm down. I'm not sure I could handle that schedule without my hubby's help.
  7. ariekannairb

    ariekannairb New Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    I have a similar situation. I am not pregnant but I have a 6, 5 and 18 month old. I definitely suggest taking advantage of naps. I also dont try to do more than an hour to an hour and a half at this age. Dont feel like you have to do 6 hours. At your oldests age I wouldnt be doing more than 2 hours, maybe 2.5. There are learning oportunities in loads of activities that dont require you to have formal school. Set up some centers for the 5 year old. Dot to dots, mazes, coloring books, stamps, scissors and fabric scraps and so on make great time fillers. Also, playdoh is a staple in our house. We keep art supplies accessable at all times. The only rule is to clean up after you are finished! Also consider baby wearing if you are not already doing that. It will really help once baby is born to be able to carry him/her and still have your hands. You can even nurse hands free in a wrap!

    Hope that helps! It can definitely be done. Lots of military wives do it while their husbands are deployed. Just go in with a lose plan and remember that its ok when not everything works out just right!
  8. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    2 years ago I had a 10 yr old, 6 yr old, 2 yr old and a newborn. I survived. It was hard and I have never been so tired in my life, but we made it. Focus in the 3 r's with your kids and take advantage of any little bit of time you can come up with. I would read with my kids while the baby nursed. Any science/ history you miss right now, you will end up learning again in other years. It is doable.
  9. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Pecangrove had very good advice.

    Do what you can together with the k and 2nd graders and save the more difficult stuff for the little ones nap time. Having a bag or box of toys and activities for the toddler to play with ONLY during school hours is crucial! I would suggests rotating items out weekly or daily so it isn't always the same thing. You can totally do this!
  10. tuzor

    tuzor New Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    These are all great suggestions. I am in a similar situation. My children are 5, 2 and 8 weeks old. My morning routine we all do together so perhaps if you are introducing somehting new do it all together then seperate the older ones while keeping the younger ones busy. Many times I am holding my youngest as I am working with my 5yo. It works. Remember even though you are extremely busy and it is difficult your children are still getting more one on one time with you than in a classroom setting. Check into any Mother's Day Out programs for your younger ones and on those days you can get more accomplished with the older ones while the baby sleeps. Its tough, I don't get much sleep but when my son tells other people that his mommy is his teacher and that he does not want to go his other school that is all the affirmation I need. Good luck and congrats on the new addition.
  11. reformedmama

    reformedmama New Member

    Jan 27, 2010
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    Every one has offered great advice! I was never in your exact situation ( when I started HSing my DD was 5 my DS was 4 and other DS was 2 shortly before my DH deployed for 4 months) We did alot of fun stuff that the older 2 could do together and during naps. Every thing you do can be considered learning, let them help in the kitchen, let them help with chores, anything can be considered learning :D I love HSing for this very reason! You can do it!!
  12. GamGam

    GamGam New Member

    Feb 25, 2010
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    Thanks for the all of the advice and encouragement. I am in the midst of hormones and self-doubt. I am sure that as my husband and I continue to pray about this upcoming year, we will find the balance needed to make it productive and successful for our little growing family.
  13. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    I have a 9yo, 7yo, 6yo, nearly 5yo and a 1yo so I know how difficult it can be. None of my kids have ever been to ps, but I had several people tell me to put them in for the first year after the baby was born. I chose not to because I knew that is not what the Lord wanted me to do.

    I do all the homeschooling without the help of my dh. Well, he helps occasionally, and I mean I think he has helped a dozen times in the last 4 years. It isn't because he won't help, it's because I want school to be done before he gets home so we have family time in the evenings. He helps where needed though.

    I have to say that the first 6 months after having the baby everything was loosly done...meaning I knew what had to be completed during each month, but we really didn't have a schedule. We usually didn't get started with school until after lunch time, and then we only did what we could during the babies naps. Even though it was hard, I look back now and realize we really did acomplish everything, but not in the usual way we do things, and I am so glad I kept them home with me.

    Now that the baby is a year old it is much easier. We start school in the mornings (mostly going over what needs done that day) while she plays with her toys in the living room and then we take a break (recess) and I put the baby down for her nap, and she tends to take 2-3 hour naps, so we actually get quite a bit done during her naptime.

    It can be done, and it will be tiring, but well worth it. Of course follow your instincts and pray.
  14. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    check out Vicki Farris's book"A Mom Just Like You". That woman schools her 10 children while her husband (co-founder of HSLDA) travels!! Of course, her oldest kids help with the youngest,but still! I got tired just reading her book! she has alot of good suggestions for dealing with your situation. if nothing else,it may be a source of encouragement to you.
  15. mumtoo3

    mumtoo3 New Member

    Jun 11, 2008
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    i will be in the same position come july, 7yr, 4yr, 2yr and newborn :) please no one shoot me for this but education city is great, all experiences can be learning, once little ones go down at bedtime, we do maths or reading. we are also taking a break from begin of july till september, so we can all adjust, they will still do groups and workbooks but thats it.

    to be honest i dont know how we juggle the youngest at the moment, she just listens in, does drawing, and has her own table, space and box of books so she feels like the older ones sometimes she watches educational tele, or listens to music.

    we also have a small group of mums (4 of us) and we do a pod, so the 2-4 yr olds so phonics, stories, numbers etc with one mum, and another mum does something with the older ones and they do individual work as well.

    i also plan to put the baby in a sling so its with me but free hands, wonder how much paint the baby will end up wearing!
  16. unjugetito

    unjugetito New Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    Right now I have a 7yo, 6yo, 5yo, 2yo and a newborn. Yes it's exhausting some days but honestly i think it would be worse having to bring one to school. Waking up at a certain time to prepare child for school and having to schedule our day around ps schedule is harder than keeping them all home (i tried it last year when ds was 6) Especially with a newborn it's nice to be able to catch a few extra hours of sleep in the morning without your child missing the bus. We start school a little later, work in our pjs some days, and do alot of reading out loud. Also you would be suprised how much the older ones can help with around the house. My kids sort fold and put away their own clothes and even though their drawers might not look perfect, they are proud to help out and are practicing real life skills which at this age is easier to teach than getting a teenager to clean their room :) We have been using worbooks this year mainly for my peace of mind so i could keep track of how much we do and I must say it's surprising how much we have gotten done in short bursts. DH works night so i also have the challenge of sleeping hubby all day so i try to keep noise down to a minumum while dayy sleeps ;0 Good luck and i hope you find a solution that makes everyone happy.

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