homeschooling in idaho

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by cailet, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. cailet

    cailet New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Hi everyone,

    I used to homeschool my now 19 year old. But he decided he wanted public school and his dad insisted on him going. Long story short at age 15 he got into trouble with the law and went to live with his dad's mom and hasn't contacted us since. He fought with his younger siblings and ended up physically hurting them which is why he could not live with us anymore.

    My daughter is now 13 yrs old and in public school and loves it to no end except for the fact her school does not have choir class.

    My youngest is 11 and we've been trying to homeschool him since October when his teacher at public school told me there was nothing she could do with him and he spent most of the day in the office instead of in the classroom. It was a 5/6 grade class with 5 fifth graders and 10 sixth graders. It is a pretty small school. My 11 yos. is High functioning autistic and has ADD which I know can make quite a challenge for the teacher but for her to just give up on him even though he had an IEP frustrated me beyond belief. So we pulled him from school. I've been burned out on homeschooling with my oldest and the constant battle he gave me that pulling my youngest was a frightening decision.

    But we did it. And so far it's ok. We did a virtual school at home that used Calvert curriculum. But dear son gets too bored with it and it is so structured that it is hard to tweak it to fit him. We are looking at other possibilities for next year. Even though he really wants public school but when asked his reasons for public school is the socializing not the learning. So I am looking into different curriculum. Secular in nature is the only request hubby has which I agree with. OUr belief is to expose the children to religion but it is their decision about it not ours. So secular is necessary. The kids do church youth group and we do attend church. But my son is the type to question everything and wants facts. I hope this makes sense.

    Anyways, I have rambled long enough. We live in an itty bitty town of 212 people and raise goats, geese, ducks, turkeys, rabbits and hopefully soon some cows for beef. The kids are learning all aspects of animal raising even down to the processing. And are involved in 4h. We moved here last year from a huge town of 61,000 people and we are loving it. Just wanted to say Hi! and if anyone has any suggestions for curriculum that I can look into for a 6th grader for next year I would appreciate it.

  3. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    We are currently doing 6th grade with dd. This is what I am using:

    Saxon Algebra I (dd is a couple years ahead in Math)
    Mystery of History Vol. II & III (we finished off one and then started the next)
    IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons
    Apologia Exploring Creation Anatomy and Physiology
    The Language Mechanic
    A variety of novels & Reading Detective
    Spelling Power
    Several of the Kay Arthur books for Bible
    Tell Me More French
  4. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Saxon Math is good - there's a placement test.
    Easy Grammar is good. It's only grammar, no spelling, writing, reading.
    Some people like Spelling Power, but others like Spectrum books instead. Still others like Sequential Spelling.
    I've heard IEW is good, but I've never used it myself. I've used some Writing Strands, which my students enjoyed.
    I've also heard Mystery of History is good, but I haven't used it myself.

    I wish I could help with other recommendations, but I've used mostly Christian curriculum.

    I wish you all the best.

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