Homeschooling on Bed Rest

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by zombientraining, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. zombientraining

    zombientraining New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    This is sort of a tough situation I'm in right now. The Dr. put me on bed rest for high blood pressure, and they're testing me for pre-eclampsia now.

    So I'm confined to a bed, trying to homeschool.
    Yesterday, we only got to classes done because DS was at his desk in the kitchen, and I was in bed, and he was just spacing out, not concentrating.
    So today, I put a small laptop desk in my room, so he can have the constant supervision he seems to need in order to concentrate. But I feel really disorganized and off schedule!

    I realize I should be cutting myself some slack, especially since my state doesn't even have attendance requirements. I just don't feel like we shouldn't do school at all because I'm on bed rest.

    Have any of you ever had to deal with a situation similar to this?
    How do I cope with feeling guilty about not doing all the subjects each day we normally do?

    I was planning on taking a few weeks off from school when the baby was born next month. I'm just not really prepared to start just yet, as there are still about 2 1/2 weeks til my due date.

    On a very positive note, the homeschool group I joined found out about my bed rest, and took it upon themselves to help me by bringing dinners to my family, and I even got an offer to take DS to his co-op class next week. God bless these kind people who really don't even know my family!
    I told DH that we would join them at their church after my bed rest was over. Although I am not a very religious person, I do believe that Jesus taught love and compassion for others, and that is what is being shown to me through the actions of this people.
  3. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    First of all... relax.. right now your main focus needs to be getting that baby here safely.

    Your sons education isn't going to be destroyed if you take a detour, or even a vacation right now. If you feel you must do things with him, find some educational videos.. I don't know how old he is but if you can't get out to get some there is always PBS, Nick Jr, Playhouse Disney, and also great things like Animal Planet, National Geographic channel, etc. Then read lots of books together... anything and everything.. fiction, nonfiction, doesn't matter, just read. Find some games he can play on the computer there are TONS of them online (assuming you have a laptop).
  4. zombientraining

    zombientraining New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Thanks! I know I need to relax! But it's so hard. My state is pretty lax with homeschooling laws, so the only person I'm truly accountable to is really myself.
    I guess I just don't want to let myself or my son down.

    I will just BREATHE, and relax!

    This is my first year homeschooling, and DS is 10. I just don't want to feel like I'm failing him.
  5. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Hey, pre-eclampsia can be a very serious thing to worry about. If you take the time off he's not going to loose everything that he's learned. :) If you feel truely bad about it, I would tell DH to hike up to Wal Mart and get some cheapy (their between $5-$10) activity books. They have them for pre-school and up. I believe they are in the toy section/kids books section. They have them for a couple different subjects. Get comfy on the bed/couch/chair and do them together. Build a pillow fort around you (if you sleep with three pillows like dh and I do, this is totally doable. lol) and do them. That way get gets closeness with mom, supervision while he does the work, he might learn something new or review, and you wont feel like your failing him b/c h IS doing school work. I second the educational movies, and I will add Educational Songs (SchoolHouse Rock), and online videos like the Magic Schoolbus found here:

    Good luck on the schooling, and the pregnancy! You're super close!!!! I've got 9 weeks left myself! Don't forget pictures when baby comes! :)

    P.S. Dh is terrified of Zombies, and I showed him your name on here and he was like ,"WHHHHHYYYYYYYYY!!" lol :D
  6. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I had some illness at the end of my pregnancy last year (though I wasn't on 'bed rest', I could barely get out of bed). I do know how you feel as far as wanting to continue. But, as Sommer said, your first priority right now is you and that baby. So, yeah, cut yourself MAJOR slack.

    We ended up taking off nearly two months between my illness and then having the baby. We didn't everything done that I had planned for last year. But you know what? They haven't had any problems this year. I'd prioritize Math and LA, then let the chips fall as they may. Worry about the foundations and let go of the information (meaning math and LA tend to build, so make those priorities, but SS and Science, etc are more just information that can be learned at any point in any order).
  7. zombientraining

    zombientraining New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Thanks everyone!
    I find out on Friday if I actually have pre-eclampsia or just high blood pressure.

    If it is pre-e, I'm pretty sure the dr will just go ahead and schedule an induction, since I'm only 2 1/2 weeks early.
    If it's just HBP, I probably won't be induced, but it is a short time till she's due anyway!

    Hopefully I can take it easy and not feel too guilty!

    Thanks everyone!
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I am in total agreement with the others. Your number one priority right now is yourself and the baby! Life happens. One of the most important thing you can teach your son is that sometimes families need to pull together. Nothing is so important that it won't wait until after the baby is here (or you're OK to be up and about!). Do you have family/friend who can help?
  9. zombientraining

    zombientraining New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    DH is a huge help with chores and othe things, even though he's at work all day, he's doing his best afterwards.
    My mom is helping out somewhat, even though she also works.

    And help is coming from the most unexpected place, which is the homeschool group I just joined.
    They set up a care calendar for me, and a bunch of people have already signed up to bring me meals!
    I have to get DH to buy some thank you cards later....
  10. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Better yet, have your DS work on making some! Trust me, that's a HUGE life lesson!!! It's also art, writing practice, grammar, etiquette, etc.
  11. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I agreee take your time, relax and do video lessons and such, have your dh set up a easy to do toy that can be cleaned up after, I forget your age(s).
  12. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    I agree with everyone else. There are ways for you to take time off without completely ignoring his learning. Do you have any educational channels on TV (science, history, health, discovery...?). Do you have those types of DVDs (like Planet Earth)? Do you have books that he could read and give you an oral report on? You could even read together. Your school doesn't have to be "school". It doesn't have to be instructional. You also don't HAVE to finish in May. Work through the summer a little bit each day to get done what needs to be done. :)
  13. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    Honestly I was there last year when I was pregnant, I wasn't on bed rest but I couldn't hardly do I went to the library (maybe you can get someone to do this for you) and borrowed lots of educational DVD's and let DS watch those. I gave him coloring sheets that I printed online that related to the DVD's, we read lots of books, and I let him play educational computer games. He learned a lot during that time, it just wasn't what was planned in our curriculum!

    Seriously though, focus on you and your baby! Get that baby born safely and healthy and get yourself up to par before you stress about school! Your son's education will not be destroyed by taking a break or focusing on other things right now. If you don't have heafty state requirements to meet, then just relax and enjoy things. Like a PP suggested let your DS make thank you cards, it'll give him penmanship practice, it's art, and it's also community service :) If you have cable TV turn on Discovery Channel, History channel, TLC (sometimes), Science channel and just let him watch good tv programs, if you don't have cable tv let him watch PBS, most of what's on there is educational anyway!
  14. zombientraining

    zombientraining New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    That's a great idea!
  15. mumtoo3

    mumtoo3 New Member

    Jun 11, 2008
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    I can totally understand, I had pre eclampsia with all of mine, then ds2 arrived 6 weeks early! I had all the sit down 'work' for dd1 sorted and it all got thrown out when I was rushed in hospital.

    Try to relax, I made myself do the stairs once a day, dh would set me up with a jug of juice, and the kids thought it was fun to wait on Mummy :) The last few months I have found letter factory, fun with phonics, magic school bus dvds have saved me, its amazing how much the kids learn from them :) have your husband make up a packed lunch for any meals he wont be around for, so you have no cooking or anything to do. audiobooks are another great help, and loads and loads of cuddles :)

  16. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I agree as well...cut yourself some major slack. I know someone who had to take care of her grandma during illness and her kids were around your son's age. They missed so much school. As much as she tried, the demands of taking care of a sick relative all day was causing her to give her kids work but not really teaching. They were distracted and not really putting in the effort. But guess what? They made up for it and each are very smart and ahead. These are kids that are reading War and Peace as personal they are normal kids who love sports, video games and try to get out of math. lol. But they are ahead and doing fantastic. The mom struggled with guilt and worried nonstop during the time she was not an effective teacher. Well, she taught them a life lesson they will never forget.

    It will be okay. The MOST important thing is your and your baby's health right now. Give you and your son a bit of a break.

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