I'm kinda the opposite. In college I rarely read those expensive books. All these classes expected you to read so much all the time! I listened, rarely missed a class, took great notes, and did fine. I did read everything for literature classes though - couldn't skip that one. I hated projects. I didn't like the big papers either. I enjoyed the classroom discussions the best.
When my Mum was in Nursing School she took a tape recorder with her to class, and turned it on to record the lectures. While the lectures were going on she would do other homework. When she got home she would listen to the lectures and take some notes, but she never really had to look at the notes again. She aced nursing school, and she's been a nurse for....oh dear...30-35 years.
Oh gosh, tape recorders bring back a whole lot of bad memories! lol When I was pregnant with DS1, I was so ill that it was always a test of how long I could sit in class before I had to run to the bathroom. Then I had a calculus class on the side of the building where they were re-surfacing the roof with tar. I swear it took most of the semester to finish the roof, and the smell made me gag and turn green. Well, needless to say, tape recorders don't lend themselves well to math and the teacher didn't follow the textbook. I don't know the first thing about calculus now .
I believe that the kids should not spend over 1 hour doing homework. Also, they should know how to do the homework by themselves. If they do not know how to do it, then there is a teaching issue that should be examined.