This aired last night. The teaser sounded so negative, I was glad I got to see it.
Thanks for posting this! I don't think I've ever seen media use a woman without a bun and a dozen kids to portray homeschooling. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it just isn't an accurate depiction of modern homeschooling. Pat on back to all of our homeschool pioneering matriarchs! Look what you started!
How nice. So we ARE in the mainstream more than people imagine. And our kids are Smarter (hee hee). Thanks for posting. It's always nice to see a positive article. It seems like we are always having to be on the defensive. That newspiece made me feel like I had someone out there on my side!
A surprising look at homeschooling on the news. I am glad they didn't try to slant it in a negative way. Even if everyone doesn't want to HS, they should not automatically assume it is awful. You would think more people would be thankful for the HSer's because we take some of the load off the other educators in the world.
Wow! I am a little late on this one but Thank You for sharing!!! Not only is it great for people who don't understand it is a great reminder and pick me up for those who do!