I hate fibromyalgia!!!

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by kbabe1968, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Especially in the winter.

    I'm in so much pain right now it hurts to blink.

    I had to spend most of my day working up the courage to shower. Yes. Even showering hurts.

    Every hair follicle hurts. Every. Single. One.


    Pain meds do nothing.

    Eliminating dairy, gluten and caffeine do nothing.

    I can honestly say if I were not a Christian, I would have killed myself by now.

  3. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    I know just how you feel. I have Lupus added on top and I don't even want to be touched by anyone.

    It is harder in winter. I am prasing the Lord that we have had a much milder winter this year up til now.

    I will pray for you and send hugs, since I don't have to touch you to do that. Try to stay warm and continue to find your strength in God.
  4. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I don't have fibro. But my RA is flaring right now, because of the stinking weather. I hate it. I am a touchy person. But right now, I don't want to be touched by anybody. But I love the shower, it feels great. It is the heat, makes my bones feel better.
  5. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Handsome's fibromyalgia really flares up in the winter too. He works outdoors and with the cold wind, he comes home in a lot of pain.
    I am sorry you all are dealing with this. I do not have it but seeing Handsome deal with it, I know it can be unbearable.
  6. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    I am sorry your are in pain. Pray that you will start to feel better soon.
  7. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Huggs to you ladies. I have Fibro and I also hurt my lower back. My lower back has gotten better, when I first hurt it, I needed help getting out of bed and putting on my jeans, shoes and socks. It even hurt to tilt back to shower to rinse my hair.

  8. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Thanks ladies. :)

    I'm actually have my britches a little in a knot because right after I posted here, I posted on my FB the "I hate Fibro" line. 10 mins later an acquaintance posts and article written by someone who claims to help fibro people (mind you, she has not posted on my thread, and she herself does not have it). Anyway, it's all about how a good diet and exercise and water intake eliminate fibro, and how its psychosomatic condition and not a "real" disease, etc.

    My only response was for her to live 5 minutes in my skin. I guarantee she could not do it.

    Why do people have to think that they have an answer?

    I've done it ALL, and I still have pain. I even went raw vegan for MONTHS thinking it would help. To no avail. So to just tell me I need to eat well, drink water and exercise to fix my "problem" UGH.
  9. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Krista sorry I have Fibro and its no fun. Hot shower, heating pad works well. Moving is the best thing for ya I found out..
    But, I tell everyone you have to do what you have to do for your body and no one knows what your body can do but yourself.. ((((HUGS))))
  10. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Delete the post on FB, not worth your time. Huggs!
  11. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I hurt my back a little yesterday and it is bothering me still today. I can't imagine living with it hurting all the time. I will be praying for all of you who suffer daily with pain. Beth
  12. Naturallia

    Naturallia New Member

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Other people think I cannot really be in this much pain (RA) but as you probably understand, YES, we are really in that much pain and YES, we are just grinning and bearing it because the alternative isn't as great.
  13. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Your post about people giving advice is very true and not very pretty. I have not suffered like you, but my sister has fibromyalgia and lupus and I know she has had migraines in the past. I honestly (shamefully) used to minimize her suffering in my mind. The reason, I haven't been there and suffered like she has. We tend to relate to situations based on our own experiences. We tend to think that everyone has the same reactions and experiences as we do as therefore they can't possible suffer more than us.

    I have had to repent (for lack of a better word) and realize that my experiences and hers are different. I think she has always felt more physical pain than I have. Visits to the dentist were torture. Injuries that didn't bother me really bothered her. Her periods sometimes were so painful that she had to stay home from school; I only had mild to moderate cramps. So, I think now, although I will never understand what she feels, I can honestly say I was wrong in my thinking.

    This can be true in so many different areas of life. I react badly to some allergy medicine, nothing life threatening, but very disruptive. I can take the "non-drowsy" stuff and feel like a zombie after it takes effect. It is almost impossible for me to stay awake. This also happened when I took a "non-drowsy" motion sickness medicine one time.

    I have also suffered a lot mentally with OCD. This is something that I am sure a lot of people who have not gone through would not understand or sympathize with it. They might think, just get over it. It is not that easy.

    People are so varied and different we need to look outside ourselves and be understanding even when we truly don't understand.

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