I need my hand held

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by momofafew, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    wow, how are you feeling mom? ROot canals can be a bear.
  2. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    My tooth extraction is tomorrow and then my Cat scan was supposed to be already so I need to call andfollow up on that.
  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    cat scans are easy, the hard part is staying still!
    I can tell you I have a normal brain, the scan said so! lol

    As for your tooth, I willpray its easy and clean with no infections.
    how on earth did you get all these ducks in one week?
  4. Countrygal

    Countrygal New Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    With all of this going on right now, PLEASE don't even attempt any school until you are recovered! You will need your strength and your patience! That is the wonder of homeschooling - we have TIME!!!

    Let me relate a story....
    My mother was ill when my oldest daughter was about 14. She got out of the hospital and my daughter went to stay with her for a month. We took a sabbatical(sp?) on school. My mother ended up having a stroke after two weeks. My daughter was there, was able to call 911 and handled the situation wonderfully! My mother never came home from the hospital. She went home to the Lord within a week.

    My daughter has so many fond memories of that time! The time spent alone with "grandma", getting to know her, to play with her, to help her. The family praised her and gave her all kinds of verbal affirmation. It was FAR more valuable than anything she could have received in a month from any kind of schooling.

    What I'm trying to show is, once again, that home schooling is about more than book learning. Yes, it is about the 3 R's and college prep, but everything in it's place. Homeschooling gives you the advantage to take care of your family and YOURSELF when you need to!! It gives you a chance to teach your children by example that there are things that are more important in this world than work and money. (family and friends and people)

    This is a time you need to care for yourself. If you don't care for yourself first, you can't be there for your family. So be sure to take plenty of time to recover from all you have on your plate before you begin schooling! The schooling will come.... And don't forget to count the time you spend reading, playing educational games or watching educational TV or computer.... :D;)

  5. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    My daughters are both autistic, and homeschooling has been really good for both of them - and for us, too! I also would suggest taking it easy for a while, but also that you start some kind of routine. I have a whiteboard calendar on my kitchen wall and at the beginning of each month I write what we are going to be doing on different days. And we have a list for each day of our regular routine ("get dressed, brush teeth, brush hair, eat breakfast, clean (a different room/area of the house each day), put away laundry, eat lunch, do homeschool", etc. It really helps my AS girls to know generally what is going to happen every day, so they don't get anxious. We can be flexible within our "outline", and as they get older, they have definitely become more comfortable with variations in the schedule. But they still find it very comforting.
  6. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    marilyn, you read my mind! i was going to say have a written routine for the day, so he at least knows kind of what to expect, so maybe, eat breakfast, clean seat up, brush teeth, comb hair, read for an hour, or then straighten room, eat lunch, play video game or watch tv quietly for an hour, while mommy has some quiet time, then go out side and shoot 50 hoops, then ride bike around drive for 3 minutes, come in, fill in a simple math fact sheet, work on an educational game on computer for 30 min, help with house clean up, supper, bath, read, bed??? who knows what kind of schedule you need, but routine needs to be established early, so that he doesnt get out of a schedule, and plus, when kids on the spectrum have a dependable routine, they do behave better!! good luck, im sure it will go well, just take it slow!
  7. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    WOW!! That is CRAZY!!! It seems that they were hiding the fact that they were disciplining your son. Something is obviously wrong. You are doing the right thing by getting him out of there. I would just take it easy and let your son rest while you get better. Then start out nice and easy. I like the idea of planning a start date and marking the days off on the calendar. Being that the holidays are so near maybe you can wait until after the new year and then slowly begin to school your son?

  8. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    It started with 1 root canal I needed before I got pregnant. But my dh kept cancelling my appointments until I was pregnant and could not get it done. Then it caused my other tooth to crack, the one next to it. But the 2nd tooth cracked much worse and needed to be extracted. But I was waiting to give birth to have either taken care of. Then the birth happened and I had horrible complications. I, literally, almost died. Now my blood work keeps showing more and more abnormalities, but they cannot seem to find the source of it. But I still needed my teeth fixed. Ouch!
  9. Countrygal

    Countrygal New Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    What a horrible season of your life! :( My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
  10. WIMom

    WIMom New Member

    Aug 9, 2007
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    My thoughts and prayers are with you!
  11. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    HUGs, I hate tooth stuff have been putting off a crown because they break my teeth and hav eto put pins in it. I understand the wanting to wait but heres a thought..the abnormalities could be tooth related. Did they suggest that?
    There are so many things that can go wrong with you when your teeth start being so bad, and when you are prego it is rougher on yuor body. I had rootcanal right after havng ds12 one reason he was a bottle fed baby cause I had to be on antibiotics etc, and he was my miracle beyond blue baby, they could not figure why this happened either and he was and is a 'normal' kid, no problems that we can see to today!
    Healthy and everything! THank the Lord,
    I will be praying for you with the whole ordeal though cause its not fun to deal with infant and bad tooth problems.
    Wow, I never thought I would meet someone who I coudl support because of that one! lol!
    The things we go through and wonder why God why, and then He shows you someone who is going through it that you can pray for!
    I am on it! Praying through for y ou!

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