I need puppy help NOW!!!!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by MonkeyMamma, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    I am going through the same thing with my 4 mo old Chiweenies. I have never had much luck house training little dogs. If you dont mind my asking, what is the name of this enzyme cleaner you are using? I would like to try it. Thanks. and sorry I couldn't offer advice!
  2. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I didn't know this topic would bring up such opposing veiwpoints on training! I appreciate each and every comment made to help me! :)

    I have read on several responses to keep them in seperate crates but when I do that they cry for each other. It is horrible and they don't stop. The minute you open one cage that one runs to the other pup and snuggles with it. They do this at the vet and groomers as well. They want to be together so what do I do?

    Also I do mostly have each girl responsible for their own pup, however mdd14 goes to public high school all day. That leaves dd7 and I to take care of both dogs.

    I think I figured out which dog it is that is regressing. It is Belle, dd14's dog. I have kept a close watch on them the last two days. Dd7 does an excellent job with her dog. I am actually retraining my dd14 on how to properly care for and supervise her dog. I am hoping this will help.
  3. lonegirl

    lonegirl New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    If it is only one of the dogs I strongly recommend bringing her in for a check up and u/a to rule out bladder infection. A quick course of antibiotics may be all she needs....often the first sign of a uti is inappropriate urination.
  4. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Training two pups at once is like having twins. Your tendency is to always group them together, but they are individuals with very different training needs. Ideally, keep them in crates in separate rooms; however, if this is not possible, I'd suggest tossing a blanket over each crate. Make sure that there is no emotion involved in putting them in the crate or taking them out. They need to learn the command to "kennel up" as we say in our home. (that is the first command I teach) Make sure that when you approach the crate to take the pup out you you don't talk to them at all. Wait until they are calm to open the crate door. Now, for pups with separation anxiety, I will unlatch the door and hold it shut with my hand so that the MOMENT the pup stops whining and jumping the door opens (and a leash gets put on). They soon learn that being calm is the key to joining the group. Whatever I'm teaching, I use a matter-of-fact, no-emotion way about it. Getting them excited at play time is spaz time enough. ;)
  5. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Oh Brooke this is gonna kill me to seperate them! If it must be done then it must be done. It is in fact Bella and not Ginger peeing on everything I am sure. We say "go to your crate" for my older dog. The pups don't know that yet but they will sit when told. I must say that today has been much better and nobody has peed on anything. Dd14 has been home from school since noon and will be here for the next two weeks to help. We have stayed on them and watched them like hawks, taken them out and given them the command to "go potty", and have been using the crate more. Seperating them will be the hard part for me. I hate to listen to them cry for each other. For now they have to stay together because I don't have two crates anymore. The other one I had I borrowed.
  6. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    ....and sometimes with potty training do whatever works. :lol: If you only want to tackle the potty training, then you could crate them together if Bella is not having accidents. If you want to to tackle the separation anxiety, then they need to be separated. I had to laugh a minute ago thinking about the two most frustrating things we seem to go through as moms is potty training kids and dogs. Wonder why I never thought to try the crate with the kids.....;).....
  7. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Oh Brooke sometimes I want to crate my kids! lol!

    So far yesterday and today no accidents have occured. We are trying so hard.
  8. MamaKittyCat

    MamaKittyCat New Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    That is great, MonkeyMamma! Sounds like you are making good progress!!
  9. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Thanks! Thanks to everyone for advice. I am trying and I know I have to retrain AND be the pack leader. So far so good!

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