impromtu math and other labs today.

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by vantage, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    When looking over the last couple of days worth of HS lessons and checking for errors and preparing for today's lessons, I decided to ditch the workbooks today altogether.

    We have been dealing with colds around here, so sleep has been inadequate, and tiredness led to more mistakes than usual last Th-F. Just to be on the safe side, and to give a break for one more day while colds are recovered from, I decided to have a math lab, reading lab etc day. All lessons will be activity based reviews. We have been pushing things along, and it seems wise to take some of the extra time back for review where mistakes have come up more than once.

    For math we are reinforcing odd and even using cusenaire rods.
    1. Student was given a sheet of paper numbered 1-10 with spaces next to number. They took each rod color and put them beside each number. Determinations of value were made using white cubes when needed. Then the red(2) rods were used to determine odd or even, and the correct word was written in the space next to each number. I wrote the instructions on the sheet for later reference and filed in portfolio.
    2. I labled the cups of a muffin tin a-l then lettered a paper. Made two blanks beside each number. At top of paper I wrote #= on one set of blanks, and odd/even over the other column. I then put a random 2 or 3 rods in each tin. Student had to figure the value and odd or even status of each sum. They were given whites, an orange (10), and reds (2) for this.

    We will also visit the odd/even internet exercises and games that were posted on this site, thanks for those. :)

    For reading we will work on dolche site word activities. Thanks again for the posted links to Sight word activities.

    Social studies and science will get the two birds with one stone treatment with a globe, dark room flashlights, and ping pong balls. Navigation, Euro to Am. travel, rotation of earth, moon phases etc.

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