Is everyone this organized?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I followed a link from the classical education site and followed a link on that and came ot this web site, its amazing how organized it is set up and makes me wonder how good am I doing (added word here) with my kids?
    Maybe I am just pmsing but I am feeling like this year has been way less me teaching and way more slacking.
    I would love to follow something like this sort of plan, I would love to write on up even, so organized and everything!
    I used to think I was organized.... but not anymore!
    I need to get back into the grind, and now I have something else to face....
    My dd12 was asked by grampa "Where do you want to go to School next year?" ( she is in 9th grade normal classes, but not Math, I have her in 8th, she is just turning 13 this month) She would be in highschool next year but I am not sure she would be ready for it. I have been working her on her own this year to see how she does, but I need to get those extra classes started that I have been planning.
    Who knew I would have a surgical proceedure in January and all that came with it ?
    I am feeling like lost in homeschool this year and enjoying it a lot, though wanting and wishing I had known so much more when I had begun.
    Does anyone else find after years of home teaching that they could have done so much more?
    :| :eek: :(
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  3. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Wow! That's an amazing plan. I thought that I was a pretty organised person - but no where near that!
    We start high school next year, which will be yr 7 for dd11 (will be 12 by then of course). I still haven't figured out how we will do it, so look forward to hearing how you all do it. We have fairly proscripctive regulations, which to a large extent determines what is studied.
    Teacher Mom, I always find that we cover more and do more when I have figured it all out. It gets easier with time. Don't beat yourself up. Your dd seems young to be in 8/9th grade - you must be doing something right.
  4. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I have not looked, I am very afraid......... will report back.
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    T'mom, it looks very nice and impressive. I write something very similar for what I need to turn in to the school district each year. But I'll tell you a secret. I barely glance at it the rest of the year!!! Please don't get all upset about what you are or are not doing! There's going to be super-teacher-moms out there that are super organizers. That's great for them! And there's going to some that are so disorganized that you wonder about them. I've got a very good friend who is one, and sometimes I wonder how she plans on teaching her son, but you know what? It's not my child, and not my place to say anything, unless asked! What works best for one HS'er won't work for another, so don't feel compelled to do what others are doing. Do what works best for you!

    That doesn't mean there's no room for improvement! Look over stuff, see how/if it applies to you and learn from it. But don't feel it's "better" than what YOU are doing now!
  6. Mamaof3

    Mamaof3 New Member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    Wow. My oldest is in 2nd grade. That's intimidating for me. I'll take it one step at a time. Maybe someday......
  7. gwenny99

    gwenny99 New Member

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Well, it does look really organized, but it is for high school, and many times parents need to have this info available if the child wants to go to college. (I'm a college prof, so I've seen this type of documentation before.)

    For the elementary grades, I do have everything written down for what we need to do (I break everything into sections based on our unit study) but it is not typed up nicely like this. I could convert it, but I spend so much time at the computer anyway, it just seems like needless typing. However, for high school, I will probably generate forms like this as documentation for college.
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    okay, Professor, cool! Do you ever feel as a professor that you over teach your younger children? Just curious because I had a friend who also is a college teacher and she seemed to teach on a higher level to them. It was cool.
    Also, I am wondering about all the books mentioned. Now my dd12 reads constantly. She resevers up to50 books at a time and could finish them in the two weeks we have inbetween visits to the library. but I have been bad with writing reports on them, though we discuss them verbally.
    As a professor would you say this much learning, not just the organisation of it, but the quantity... would be the correct amount for college and how does one person manage to teach all of it?
    thanks for any input!
  9. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Wow....looks very impressive. However, that maybe what my school district thinks about the junk I send them every year. lol.
  10. Frugalcountrymom

    Frugalcountrymom New Member

    Feb 13, 2007
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    Wow that looks really nice, the last time I wrote up something for the year I didn’t end up following it. :/ I tried to do that twice and just gave up. Now we just go with the flow and I follow the curriculum I already have and add stuff as I feel needed, though yes I need to get more organized.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  11. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    wow, looks nice but to much work for this ole lady
  12. WAHM-Brenda

    WAHM-Brenda New Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    You know, it's really easy to write something down and make it look really good. My question is: Are they actually doing it or just saying they are? I don't say this to knock them but to make us think. I'm certainly not this organized but I'm not going to sweat it.
  13. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    ya, I guess it kind of intimedated me at first is all, but then I thought of how I work to get ONE year planned ahead, how do I know that this person worked this out on thier own either? Maybe it came from a set lesson plan already in place someplace?
    At any rate, my kids are learning new stuff every day and are not lacking in much learning that is nessacary and even know a lot of computer stuff that adults don't even know.... I call thier computer time a class now because they actually are doign Multi Media stuff!
    Stuff is my word of the week hehe.
    Off to ice and rest a bit!
  14. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    I haven't gone tothe site but wanted to say, I am that disorganized homeschooler. My husband had douted my decision to homeschool. He didn't think I could do it since I can't remember what we did from last week. After 3 months, he's convinced that I can do it. He don't know how I do it but it gets done. I attemp to plan a monthly, weekly schedule. It still changes from day to day. I go with the flow with how everyone is feeling. I have 2 rooms off limits to DH. They are my clutter area. Under the stairs and the upstairs sewing room. Them areas are my homeschooliing supplies and crafts stuff. THough is all usally leaks out into the dining/living room area.
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Here's one page of what I send in. I'll send the other page as a seperate post.

    Curriculum for Faythe: 2006-07

    Social Studies/History/Geography
    -The Early Church and Middle Ages (29AD-1456AD)
    -World Geography

    -the human body
    -tools and technology
    -sound and light

    Language Arts
    -creative/journal writing
    -reading comprehension
    -classical literature

    -Math facts:
    -addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
    -identify volume
    -compare and measure mass
    -identify place value
    -multiply multi-digit number by a single-digit number
    -divide by single-digit divisors
    -tell time to the minute
    -count money
    -make change

    Foreign Language

    -nature sketching
    -art appreciation

    - survey
    -missionary studies

    -classical appreciation

    Physical Education

    * This is a working outline only, and is subject to change.
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    And here's page 2:

    Curriculum List for Faythe


    -Anderson, Bridget. Come Learn With Me How Bodies Work: Animal Physiology.
    Lickle, 2002.
    -Carratello, Patricia. My Body. Teacher Created Materials, Inc. 1980.
    -Mortimer, Susan and Betty Smith. Considering God’s Creation: A creative Biblical
    approach to natural science. Eagle’s Wings, 2004.
    -Zike, Dinah and Susan Simpson. Great Science Adventures: The World of Light and
    Sound . Common Sense Press, 2002.
    --------. Great Science Adventures: The World of Tools and Technology. Common
    Sense Press, 2001.

    Language Arts

    -Adams-Gordon, Beverly L. Spelling Power. Castlemoyle Books, 1999.
    -Graham, Gayle. Tricks of the Trade: A student’s individualized spelling notebook.
    Common Sense Press, 1995.
    -Hackney, Clinton S. Handwriting. Zaner-Bloser, 1999.
    -Hale, Glorya. Read-aloud poems for young people: An introduction to the magic and
    excitement of poetry. Tess Press, 1997.
    -Hyde, Mary F. English for the thoughtful child, Vol. I. Greenleaf Press, 2003.

    Social Studies/History

    -Hillyer, V. M. A Child’s History of the World. Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd., 2000.
    -Hobar, Linda. The Mystery of History: Volume II. Bright Ideas Press, 2004.
    -The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. Kingfisher, 1999.
    -The Usborne Book of World History. Usborne, 1985.


    -New Adventure Bible: New International Version. Zondervan Publishing House, 1998.
    -Benge, Janet & Geoff. Christian Heros: Then and Now Series. YWAM Publishing.


    -de Gregory, Danielle. French: Elementary. Frank Schaffer Publications.
    -First French: Speaking French for the real beginner. Usborne, 1993.


    -Hake, Stephen and John Saxon. Math 54. Saxon Publishers, 1994.


    -King, Penny and Clare Roundhill. Artists’ Workshop series. Crabtree Publishing.
    -Savage-Hunter, K., K. Solga and R.C. Speicher. Art Fun! F&W Publications, 1997.
    -Audio Series: “Classic Kids”
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We are required to send in what we plan on teaching (my curriculum) and a list of materials we plan on using (my curriculum list). We are required to do one for each chld. It's not much different from what was on that site. But I don't feel compelled to stick by it, if something doesn't work out, and I use a lot of stuff that isn't on the list. I couldn't begin to use each book I've used for history!

    I also don't have to submit attendance or hours or anything like that. If I had to keep track of all that stuff, it would drive me crazy! Partly because I feel that we school to some degree EVERY day! I mean, can I count going to church as School Time? After all, it's part of their Bible.....
  18. bugsmommy

    bugsmommy New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    .....oh wow...all I have to send in is a letter once a year stating my intention to be a private school! Dept of ed sends it back stamped "approved".....I think that is because the schools here are such bad shape that they dont have time or resources to bug the hsers! (whew!;) )
  19. TXthreestep

    TXthreestep New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
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    Yep, I'm that organized. Makes me crazy if I'm not. I am flexible, but organized.
  20. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I'm NOT that organized! But, like Shawna, we just have to turn in a Letter of Intent to Homeschool. I drive to the education dept for our district (takes 5 min.), fill out my kids names and approx. grades, sign the form and hand it to the lady. She copies it, gives me the copy for proof and files the original. Then we're done. I am organized enough to handle that once a year! :)
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Believe me, if it wasn't required of me, I wouldn't be doing it! I think that's one of the reasons I'm often thinking of materials for NEXT year before some others of you do. By June I have a good idea of what's to be on the list, I've got it pretty much done by the end of July, but I don't turn it in until mid-August. It must be on their desk by the first day the PS starts, and they have a certain time in which to reply, I think two weeks. So I'm told that if you send it in June, they've got plenty of time on their hands and scrutinize it very closely. But if they're flooded with them the week before school starts, they've really not got the time to pay attention and just pushes them through.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007

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