Manners and Life Skill Lessons

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by GeekyMom, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. GeekyMom

    GeekyMom New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I was on a HS forum today and saw in someone's curriculm that they teach Manners and Life Skills. A :idea: went off.

    I know many of us teach these things everyday, but I've decided to incorporate it into my school curriculm.
    Yesterday my 13 yo went over to a friends house for a trip to the mall and a sleepover. She called me last night to see how long she could stay today and I asked to speak to her friends mom to get her schedule. After talking to the mom I'm left thinking...

    Having what I hope is a nice daughter is great, having an honor student is great,too, but having a parent tell me that my daughter "has the best manners, and my husband and I should be proud" was a real blessing to me.

    Anyhoo, I got to thinking about the constant chats I have with her over the years, and bearing in mind her younger sibblings also coming along encouraged me to write this list:


    Manners: Manners are how we speak and treat others. It measures how we are kind and thoughtful, or how we are rude and thoughtless.

    Life skills: Things that you know how to do to make yourself more independent and able to accomplish goals on your own.

    Ways to show good manners:

    1. Show respect for others and be thoughtful.
    2. To show kindness and consideration for others in need of it.
    3. Wait until the person is finished speaking before you speak.
    4. Having a nice personality and being pleasant.
    5. Saying greetings to individuals you know when you or see them. (Both friends and their parents),
    6. Using an indoor voice when inside the house or car or building.
    7. Thinking of other people’s feelings instead of just your own.
    8. Be an honest, trueful person. (If you did something wrong, admit it or confess it if need be).
    9. Treat others as you would have they treat you.
    10. To help/include someone instead of ignoring them, or teasing them.
    11. To do things that you know you should do without being asked.
    12. To show an interest in others in conversation and body language.
    13. To put your hand over your mouth when you cough and yawn.
    14. To open the door for ladies or hold the door for people coming behind you.
    15. To push the chair up from your table when you leave the table.
    16. To make sure the area you were in is clean and tidy after you use it. (Your kitchen table, bedroom, desk or restaurant table).
    17.Remembering to put things back to where you found them. (Toys and books, trays at home and away).
    18. To immediately put trash in the trash can and never throw any trash on the ground. (That is called littering.)
    19. To honor yourself as well as your parents, adults and God at all time.

    Life Skills:
    1. Do you know how to pray and how to thank God for his blessings.
    2. Do you know how to ask God for help and be willing to do your part?
    3. Do you know how to read and study your bible?
    5. Do you know that God created us all equal? Just because someone may be better at something than you does not make them better than you.
    6. Do you know you have gifts and abilities and to both find them and use them in good ways.
    7. Did you know you can fail, and not be a failure? Keep on trying and learning until you get it!
    8. Do you know that your mind is the most powerful thing you possess. Train it, use it, guard it.
    9. Do you know you have a choice at how you look at things. Always!
    9a. Do you know how to get home if you were lost?
    10. Do you know that people even talked about and didn't like Jesus. (So what if everyone doesn't like or accept you.)
    11. Do you know that a smile starts on the inside and can change how you feel?
    12. Do you know that NO ONE can make you feel bad about yourself without your own permission.
    13. Did you know that laughter is the best medicine and your imagination is the only "trip" you will really need?
    14. Do you know how to ask others for help if you need it? (teacher, parent, friend or sibling)
    15. Do you know how to get out of the house in case of a fire?
    16. Do you know how to stop, drop & roll?
    17. Do you know how to run if you feel you are ever in danger?
    18. Do you know how to say no to an adult?
    19. Do you know that bad people can look and act nice to trick you?
    20. Do you know NEVER to get into anyone’s car or go look for a lost puppy before checking with a parent?
    21. Do you know how to find a telephone number of an Aunt or neighbor?
    22. Do you know the washing machine from the dryer?
    23. Do you know how to sort clothes (darks from lights to be washed)?
    24. Do you know how to mail a letter and retrieve the mail?
    25. Do you know how to call 911 and calmly give them your name, address and state the emergency?
    26. Do you know your Mom and Dad’s telephone numbers by heart?
    27. Do you know how to iron your clothes?
    28. Do you know how to pump gas at the gas station?
    29. Do you know how to make a sandwich?
    30. Do you know how to set the table?
    31. Do you know how to take out the trash?
    32. Do you know that "If you shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will be among the stars." (So...Aim high)

    Please add if you like. :angel:
  3. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    What a great list! We do something similar but I call it hospitality and graciousness. (That's the life skills part.) ;-) As my kids get older I'll focus on other things.
  4. homeschoolinmum

    homeschoolinmum New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    That is a GREAT list. We have a list that we say everyday. It's more of a respect & love sort of thing. Things like obey Mom & Dad, be nice to each other, don't roll your eyes & slam doors when you're angry, count your blessings, etc. It grows as time goes on, and as they get older and learn new things. Or *I* learn new things that I need to nip in the bud, LOL...
  5. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    thanks for the wonderful list...
  6. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Thank you this is great.
  7. dalynnrmc

    dalynnrmc New Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Wow, this is great! Thanks for sharing!
  8. GeekyMom

    GeekyMom New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Thanks ladies!

    Life Skills:

    33. Did you know that you can learn more from listening than from speaking.

    34. Did you know that life is a lesson, look around you and learn from other's experiences as well as mistakes.

    35. Did you know that peace and real happiness comes from within, not with money or things.

    36. Did you know that you can be happy being by yourself. (Your own company you can always depend upon, learn to enjoy it.)

    37. Did you know that some people are in your life for a season, and a reason. (Its ok to say good bye.)

    38. Did you know that it's good to stop and smell the roses. (Appreciate the good things in life, no matter how small they are).

    39. Did you know that "a stitch in time, saves nine." ( Fix things when you 1st need to, before it becomes a bigger task.)

    40. Did you know that you will be judged by who your friends are and who you hang out with. (Choose them with thought).

    41. Did you know that your friends and peers can influence you, rather you are aware of it or not. (Stay alert and think for yourself).

    42. Did you know that each boy and girl puts on their pants the same way. (Make no one your idol).

    43. Did you know that your hopes and dreams are precious. Don't let anyone take them away, nor should you give them away.

    44. Did you know that every decision you make either takes you in one direction, or another.

    45. Did you know that everyone makes mistakes, but try not to make really big one's in life.

    46. Did you know that "the first will be last and the last first." (So don't be discouraged when you are not the winner, popular or best at something).

    47. Did you know that the turtle beat the hare because the hare thought he was better than the turtle, but he slept away his victory.

    48. Did you know that often your blessings are disguised. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Open it up, read it with an open mind.

    49. Did you know if God can take care of the birds and creatures on earth, He can certaintly take care of you and your needs.

    50. Did you know when you are lost, sad or hurt, if you sing a song, or hum a cheerful tune, your heart will be merrier. (Try it!)

    51. Did you know that the more you know, the more you Grow!

    52. Did you know you can never learn enough, no matter how smart you are.

    53. Did you know that in your darkest moments, this is the way of life and at times ... a test. Learn how to, and remember to ENCOURAGE youself.

    54. Did you know that beauty fades, but a kind heart, good spirit and inner strength, is real lasting beauty beyond vanity's gate.

    55. Did you know that despite what you think might be your shortcomings, you can overcome them to reach your goal(s).

    56. Did you know that patience and hard work will get you through practically every difficulity. (Don't be a quitter).

    57. Did you know that the "SMILE" is a universal lanaguage, understood around the world. (Always have one on you.)

    58. Did you know that (as my grandmother used to say); "Every shut eye ain't sleep, and Every goodbye ain't gone." (Don't be so sure of things and how they may appear.)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2007
  9. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    more thanks...
  10. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    this list is awesome!!! I'm going to steal it.. is that bad manners? lol Thank you so much for sharing it!
  11. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Our health curriculum included manners and life skills. I think it was covered for two years, aside from everyday living.
    What I really loved about it was it stressed that boys should be gentlemen and open the doors for ladies and girls. They should stand when a lady enters the room, always allow a lady or elderly people to exit the room first, and pulling and pushing in seats for ladies. A lot of this has been forgotten. I do not have a son but if I did, I would want him to do these things.
    Then it covered common courtesy, like helping the elderly, carrying groceries and a lot that was listed above.
    It is so important for our children to learn manners. Especially in a world that seems to have forgotten what manners are.
    I think it is great that you are doing this.
    Perhaps it is because my father always respected women, but I can't stand when a man doesn't place a women before himself. Perhaps I am old fashion but I think it is important. When I go to the market and am about to grab a cart, sometimes men will rush in front of me to grab the cart first. I remember my dad would remove the cart and hand one to each of the ladies, then he would take one for himself. He would stand at the entrance and allow the ladies to enter first, then he would walk through.
    I don't know, I think this is so important but do not see it anymore.
  12. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Can I print it and use it? I Love this GM! You are awesome!

    This is such perfect timing as I was noticing my children do not know how to wait if I am on the phone or when I am speaking to someone else and I was begining to think I need to teach this to them as a class! My dh told me no, that I just have to teach it to them as a mom, lol.
    Either way I have to get it through to them that they are important but that it is rude to interupt me when I am talking to someone else.
    I will say I get great reviews from friends parents as well as other adults as to how polite they are and what great kids I have, but this one thing bugs the turkeys out of me!
  13. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Thank you for asking, I was just thinking of doing the same.
  14. GeekyMom

    GeekyMom New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Good morning,

    YES, you certainly can print it, post it, e-mail it, etc. (It's public domain).

    I sent it to my friends with children yesterday.:angel:

    P.S. TM, my kids occassionally still do the same thing when I'm on the phone. Hopefully being officially 'taught' this rule in class will help it sink in.
  15. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    As far as the phone thing, my kids were taught from young and my son at almost 20 still does it on occasion!!
  16. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I'm convinced that children are hardwired from birth to interrupt on the phone.
    Heck, my husband still does
  17. GeekyMom

    GeekyMom New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I was going through my old threads looking for something and I needed to read the "Do You Know" again for myself. :-D
  18. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    THANKS! I will be printing that out and referring to it with my kids. Thank you so much for caring enough to post it!

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