May I vent?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Naturallia, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. Naturallia

    Naturallia New Member

    Sep 24, 2011
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    If you don't want to hear a vent, skip this. :love:

    My son is developmentally disabled and goes to a state school for mentally delayed children.

    Today, they sent home his poo wrapped in his pants and put inside a plastic bag tied to his backpack. :confused: I'm hoping it was an oversight... I'm hoping whoever changed his diaper meant to dump the contents of the pants out into the bin. He's never come home with any dirty diapers before. This was a first.

    I was grossed out. It reeked to high heaven and I wondered how anybody could not notice that smell by the time he came home. I've never been 100% satisfied that this school is the best for him. His classmates has CP, down syndrome, spina bifida, and prader willi syndrome and my own son has markers for angelman syndrome. All the kids in that school have something seriously wrong that they would not thrive in an IEP setting in a public school.

    They have lots of events for the parents to come and be involved. They have an open door policy which means I can surprise visit them anytime. The few times I've surprised them, he's usually either strapped to a chair (which is to help him focus at the task at hand rather than running around) or running all over the hallways. He is always happy to go to school. His face lights up when we pull up to the school. (I wish I had that chair for home! ;) It really does help him to not be so rowdy)

    He is nonverbal. He wouldn't be able to tell me if something happens to him. I just have to send him on faith that it's best for him. My husband has demanded an explanation by ten tomorrow morning. My husband is pretty sure there's a reasonable explanation and is happy with the school's services.

    I cannot imagine homeschooling him. My daughter, sure. My son? Uh... how do I homeschool a high needs child without exploding at him out of frustration? I just don't see it happening. When he is finally at the mental level of a 7 year old, I will do HWT with him after school since writing/reading isn't on the state school's curriculum. Same with Bible and very basic science. Not part of the curriculum, so I'll supplement as he grows older and more advanced.

    I just feel helpess. This is MY CHILD. I should be the one in control.
  3. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Vent away! I am sorry to hear about this incident. I hope you get an explanation tomorrow.
  4. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I have no answers for homeschooling your child, however, as to why the pants were sent home with poo in them I can answer. Any School (preschool, daycare, public school, special needs school, etc) that is licensed by the state in any form or fashion is prohibited by law to wash out soiled clothing. It's a sanitation issue. The rule is that you remove the soiled clothing from the child and put it AS IS into a plastic bag, which it tied up and kept in a bin until the child goes home, then it is sent home with the child.

    A diaper can be tossed out soiled and all, but clothing can't so it must be put in a bag and sent home. That was the rule in the two preschools I worked at, as well as the early intervention program that I worked at (ages 2-8).

    I know it's gross, but unfortunately it's the law and they were only doing as required.
  5. Naturallia

    Naturallia New Member

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Almost word for word what their explanation was. Yep, it is gross. But I feel better knowing it was just a law they were following and not some kind of passive aggressive thing going on. It also helped that I was able to vent. :)
  6. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    Glad you feel better! I'm sorry that they didn't explain that to you before such a thing happened. When I worked in the early intervention school we clearly explained to the parents the "potty policy", as well as any other policies we had that may be upsetting but had to be followed based on law.

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