Below I will post some information about Marijuana and how kids are using it today. I figure that other parents would want to know what goes on among the people in the neighborhood and to be able to watch for signs at home. I found this on another website and it is not written entirely from a perspective I agree with but I am too lazy to re-write it and will give this disclaimer instead, the views below are not necessarily those....... begin quote So here goes....Normally I am fairly pro medical MJ in general....But I have had a couple of questions lately from concerned parents regarding "magic brownies" ...aka MEDIBLES... and shatter/wax/bho phenomenon... 1. Magic treats... Prior to the invention of the internet there was a lot of bad info on making medibles that kept them lower in potency. Also the concentrations of thc and cbd were lower in the starting materials...... Now with the internet anyone can find out how to properly decarboxylate(sic) their MJ(now higher in THC....some upwards of 24%)... Combine that and stupid teenagers who think they are indestructable and you end up with kids "GREENING OUT"... It isn't a pleasant experience....Heart palpations are omach cramps...vomiting....and fading in and out of conciousness....and some pretty scary half sleeping nightmares(thrashing, screaming, etc)... Most parents would take their kids to the ER if they saw a major greenout.... Upside as long as their heart is sound, and they aren't mentally unstable....most of the time after a few hours they are fine...they Sleep alot...but I would suggest taking to ER to get their stomach pumped as a lesson to NEVER eat them again...or at least for a LONG LONG TIME.... Now some kids are taking it further and eating oil after decarbing it.....this is a sure bet for a green out, as a globe on the end of a toothpic is what most cancer patients start out with....I have seen video's of teenagers eating 30-40X's this much(not same quality of oil mind u)...Some even mix with a bit of alcohol to swish in thier mouth to speed up the effects... *****Doing this usually stains their tongue GREEN/brown***************DEAD GIVEAWAY... 2) WAX, SHATTER, HONEY OIL, BHO, SAP, DABBING The internet is making these SUPER popular... They are names for the various consistancies, slang, and types of MJ extract. They are extracted using any solvent...most common are Butane...Isopropyl alcohol...acetone...everclear. The slang for producing Butane Honey oil is BLASTING... Essentially they take a tube(glass, PVC, stainless steel) fill it with MJ, or MJ trim and "blast" butane thru the plant material and into a dish, usually Pyrex(watch out for missing baking pans)....they then cook off the butane and smoke the residual oils that are left behind...... DANGERS 1)Residual butane...most teenagers do not have access to a vacuum pump, oven/pressure vessel to properly purge the extract....I have seen videos of kids smoking soupy "BHO" that was chalk full of 'tane(more slang).... 2)Blasting....This can be very seem to think because some kid on the internet DIDN'T blow up his kitchen that they won't also....This is so wrong... Butane POOLS...that range fan won't do enough to pull the tane out....probably not sparkproof/brushless either..So BOOM.. Even outdoors it is dangerous....dumb kids smoking cigarettes....static electricity from polyester pants....3000' FIREBALL = BURNS.. People are blowing up houses, and garages on a daily basis now as this is catching on. 3)Tollerance/Cost With prices ranging anywhere from $30-100/gram it can get the beginning they might only need a couple grams a month.....but within a few months I have seen hardcore wax heads smoking up to 1/2-1GRAM a day.... HOW THEY SMOKE IT. They market what amounts to an e-ciggarette for this type of product....they can also look like a small usb stick....or a pen with a glass globe on he end. Some people also use a small bong with a Titanium "Nail" for a bowl and heat up the nail till it is cherry red and then "DAB" a small amount of extract on the hot nail and suck up the vapors.... 9times out of 10, you could take a puff on a pen and 1 minute later nobody would guess you were real smell.....very of the reasons kids like them... Also 1-2 puffs and most lightweights are higher than a least at first. So that is my public service announcement on the dangers of the internet and MJ and teenagers. end quote