My heart is breaking for those little ones, every single student in that school will have to face some of the worst things one can imagine for a long time to come.
it is so unimaginable that someone would kill five to ten yr olds. My heart just aches for the families.
I heard just an hour ago on our news. SO terrible and aweful. I am praying for the surviving children and the parents of the diceased. I just can't imagine kissing your child before they went to school and that being the last time you would see them in this world. Heartbreaking. :*(
CNN is reporting this morning that he was homeschooled. Ugh. Yes, all homeschoolers are unsocialized lunatics... of course! Sheesh!
Oh really? I didn't see that. Just great. It's all media-baloney. The dig until the find a buzzword and headline that as an explanation for the person's actions. A few years ago there was a story of a couple with several kids (adopted, I think), that they kept in cages and didn't feed. The parents told people they 'homeschooled'. Obviously, they were not. So what did the media lead with? HOMESCHOOLED KIDS KEPT IN CAGES. Obviously, this shooter had mental health issues. Maybe the mother did pull the boy out because he wasn't getting the help he needed. The boy growing up to mass murder is not a result of homeschooling. Ugh....
60 Minutes on CBS tonight said he was a genius with Asperger's. I have one of those (officially diagnosed), but he's no killer and isn't anything like they described this boy being in school. He went to school until 10th when she pulled him out. He carried a briefcase rather than a backpack. He didn't speak to anyone and would get visibly nervous when made to speak in class. My son isn't like that. He's the most gentle person in the world, hyper-vigilant about rules (even making up his own), and never stops talking. Yeah, he's socially akward, and his conversations are about the Strait of Gibralter or something, but he never stops talking.