Need some affirmation - would be LOL if I wasn't so irritated!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by scottiegazelle, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    I was going to ask some reassurance that I am right here, but then I realized that I am 100% positive I am :lol: so now I just need to gripe.

    My dh is on the road a lot, and his been gone most of this week. He came home last night. Tuesday or Wednesday night, while on the phone with the kids, he promised that he would take them with him to Atlantic City to pick up his job box, and then would take them to the beach for a little bit. I was going, yeah! about 5 hours to get stuff done with just my 18 mos old around (and get some serious rest at naptime, LOL). All of a sudden, last night, I had a thought.

    "Is it okay for you to take the kids on the construction site?" I asked. I knew the project was almost done, but it *did* seem a little odd.

    "No." he said. Turns out, he was planning to leave my 7 yo, 5 yo, and 3 yo in the car in the parking lot while he took an elevator up 35 floors to grab his job box. In a perfect scenario, it should "only" take him 10 minutes.

    Three kids, alone in a car, for ten minutes, in ATLANTIC CITY?! (Not sure where it would be okay, but definitely not a major city!)

    He said it is a secured (fenced) lot, and he would ask the security to watch the car.

    DH seems to think I am crazy, over-paranoid, and psycho. I'm going, hello, are you NUTS?!?!

    So now, instead of taking an hour detour tonight, he is going to AC tomorrow without the kids (or with me, if I am just dying to get in a car with four kids for five hours which I am NOT). The kids will be majorly disappointed not to see their dad, I lose my "sleep in" day, and the time I was going to spend shopping without four kids, and I can tell dh has a "you brought it on yourself" attitude that makes me want to smack the stuffing out of him.

    <deep breath> I need to let it go and chill, but frankly, I am still really upset that he thinks that leaving the kids in the car like that would be anywhere REMOTELY near acceptable!
  3. Lee

    Lee New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Does he have someone that he knows there that could stay with the kids while he gets it? Like a co-worker? My dh has done this sort of thing before but we know all the guys on the job and they treat the kids like family.
  4. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    If he is friends with the security guard, and can leave his cell phone with the kids, I think its ok,.
  5. brodysmom1

    brodysmom1 New Member

    Jul 1, 2008
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    What happens if the security guard gets distracted by his job? I'm afraid I'm with you Scottie, unless he planned to have a trusted friend or coworker SIT IN THE CAR with them, I'd flip too. Remember the case a couple of years ago of the mom who walked 15 feet in a Walmart parking lot to put her cart in the cart corral? In that tiny period of time, her baby was taken from the car.

    You can't be too careful these days, and I'd rather be over protective (can you BE over protective of a 3 year old?) than sorry.
  6. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I'd be fine with it if a coworker or security guard stayed with them for 10 minutes. Especially if it meant they'd get to spend time with their daddy.
  7. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I remember the lady who got arrested for walking a few feet away to put money in the Salvation Army kettle. She left her baby in the car seat sleeping and ended up in handcuffs. I think I would be afraid the security guard might have to leave for an emergency and I would not take the chance. If there is someone you trust who absolutely would stay with the kids the whole time that would be different. I hope they aren't too upset if they don't get to go.
  8. mafi39

    mafi39 New Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    I know it would be great to have a rest day, but if they went and something happened, that rest day wouldn't be so restful. There are too many crazies out there imo, so I would have to say No Way! There will be other days for daddy to spend time with the kids and you will get your break.
  9. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    Hi all! Thanks for the support and comments! I've calmed down a bit more now, LOL.

    DH is the only employee for his company for PA, NJ, DE, etc. He basically works in the construction industry, so he is at different job sites on different days, although he has been at this site off and on again for several months. Still, I'd be willing to bet he doesn't even know the security guard's name. If it was someone he knew and actually interacted with, I could maybe - big maybe - swing it, although by virtue of the fact that he could be called away I'd still be iffy.

    That said, now that I have griped, I have to praise. DH took came home from Delaware via AC and grabbed his job box. He's planning to watch the kids tomorrow so I can run some errands. AND he has taken my oldest to her Girl Scout meeting tonight, and taken the other three with him, giving me some "down" time.

    Thanks for all the support! Nice to know I'm not totally nuts. :p
  10. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Enjoy your down time!

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