Need your ideas for teaching Genesis

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by 2littleboys, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    From Jan thru Mar, I'll be teaching a class of 5-6 year olds covering the entire book of Genesis. I have appx 40 minutes per class, and there are 15-20 kids in the class. Traditionally, this class shows up, colors a picture, hears a Bible story, does a worksheet (matching, fill in the blank, very simple paper craft), sings a few songs, and dismisses. I want this class to be as fun and memorable as VBS, though. I've completely changed the look of the room (the kids don't know that yet). I've taken out the desks. There are 3 tables in the room to stand and do crafts, and there's a large rug on the floor with multi-colored squares so that each child has their own space to sit during the story portion of the class. I'm looking for fun crafts that would be motor skill appropriate and cost next to nothing to make, and I'm looking for games or songs to further keep their interest and bring home the message of the lessons. My overall goal for the class is to have them view the book of Genesis as just one epic story rather than a series of unrelated events (which is how most of the world sees the book anyway). Here's the schedule I'm using:


    The first class is already planned. They'll be making a construction paper book of the days of creation, and they'll draw on each page whatever was created that day.
  3. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    By the way, if anyone wants my Jeopardy game, I'll be happy to email it to you. I print it up on magnetic business cards and use a magnet board to display it. I also use 1 thru 5 rather than hundreds so that the kids can easily see and comprehend their scores. They work in 2-3 teams rather than as 3 individuals.
  4. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  5. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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  6. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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  7. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Thank you! My first class went great this morning. :) I taught the lesson using Abeka visuals, they made a little book and drew the days of creation, they did a large creation floor puzzle, they made unique creatures (like God made us all unique) using their fingerprints from an ink pad, and they did a picture of creation where they had to find all the mistakes (like Adam dressed in a t-shirt and jeans or camels without ears). Everyone had a lot of fun.

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