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Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Vicky, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    I just want to say hello. I have lots of questions and maybe I can get some answers. 8)

    We have two kids and are homeschooling both. This is my second year for both, but my third year for my 4th grader. Its going ok but sometimes I want to pull my hair out. I have one child that is in the 4th grade and is a little slow at a few things. The other one is in the 7th grade and is very bright. Does anyone have any ideas on teaching two children at the same time? I will take any ideas. :D

    Our son has lots of medical problems. He has a muscle problem where his muscle cells have two many cores. He gets tired very easly. He also has ADD and Dyslexia. But we are learning how to deal with these problems. Somedays we get everything done, but other days we may only get 1/4 of it done. Does anyone else have the same problem? Please give me some advise, on what to on those days I just can't get him to do anything? :)

    Our daughter is not like that at all. You give her the material you want done and she does it with out any problems. She is so easy to homeschool. :D
  3. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Hi, Vicky! My kids are spaced out a bit, too (K and 3rd grade). There are quite a few things we do together, like history and science. I use Mystery of HIstory and Considering God's Creation (science). There are many moms on here with more experience than I have who I'm sure will be helping you out.

    For now, just know that there are tons of things available for multiple children.....and getting 1/4 done in a day is something that all of us do from time to time--or more often. Being in tune with each of our kids' needs allows us the ability to see when they need a break and when we can "do school" like mad! On those rough days, I usually pick out books to read to the kids that are somewhat related to things we have been learning. It is nice to relax and still be learning....or just relaxing!
  4. abcTammy

    abcTammy New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Welcome Vicky!
    This is a great place to ask those questions, vent and find ideas. You might teach history and science together as those are easy with different ages. Your son might benefit from shorter lessons. I use the Charlotte Mason method of keeping the lessons short for mine. I try for 20-30 minutes per subject allowing breaks between. The focus of starting with math or LA helps get the must dos out of the way. Once those are done we are free to tackle the other subjects or enjoy free time.
    Does you son have a better time of the day? Or does he have a better place to learn. Some boys need to fidget or use thier free hand to wiggle something. My ds has a squishy and does some of lessons standing up or on the floor. When you find something that works go with it. Hang in there and welcome again :)
  5. TinaTx

    TinaTx New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I usually have too much to say :p :lol: so I'll just try to keep it to a two page minimum composition :lol:

    I wasn't able to tell from your post if it was your 4th grader or 7th grader that had ADD..I assumed it was the 4th grader since you said he was little slower,right? :wink:

    I teach 3 at one time...I have a Pre K, almost 2nd grader and one that does 3rd, 4th and 5th grade work..(So can't even guess what grade he is in..he is all over the map on I'll say 4th grade for the sake of talk).....

    Anyway, the general rule is : Teach the younger ones first, while the older one is doing math. Math at the 7th grade level should take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hr...So that give you plenty of time to work with the 4th grader on what is needed first. Also these kids aren't going to wait for you to get organized, and read your lesson manual. You have to come prepared, or that are so outta of there.

    Usually what you do first is the harder subjects like maybe language arts or math. ADD kids need lots of breaks..I have a Wiggly Willy, and he stands at the table and does his work since he can't sit still. Since he needs lot of breaks, I start early in the day..But when he takes breaks, they don't need to do anything sitting down like watching Tv or playing computer or playstation. NOPE! You need to run off that energy..

    So I make a pact with mine.. If he does X number of chores, he has X number of minutes to do something fun. Since he is young, I send him outside..Run that energy off, and he gets to let off steam.. That is my second grader. However, I send my 2nd grader and 4th grader both outside for break... They come in empty dishwasher, sit a few minutes, then we start back up.. Thats how I get my housework done.. :p :lol:

    Also, kids that are ADD just because they can't focus for long times does not mean that are not smart. They are brave, risk takers and need challenges. They want adventure. These are not the kids that we can say* you HAVE to do this*.. They view that as a challenge and are ready to take you on! But they really like choices. So figure what your bottom line is. If your bottom line is that you want math and history both done, then does it really matter where its done or which subject is first. They like let him choose.

    Unlike your first child which sounds similar to my first child, who thrives on structure and routine, and is very easy to homeschool because he likes structure and the same place to do his work, this child chaffs at boundaries and lot of regulations.

    They are usually drawn to games, activities, sports, contests and field trips. Out of all of the learning styles, these kids are the most challenging to teach.....A lot of them get better as they get older in being able to maintain more focus.....They like games and action. Computer games with good graphics suit them well. Inventing a game to do language arts...Also choose your time to teach them writng...Can they do some of the work orally? Since a lot of them hate to write.. They do need to write, its just do they have to write EVERYTHING?..

    Does any of this help? Do you want/need more specific tips? :D

    Again, welcome and what state are you in?

  6. donnadavis

    donnadavis New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I am a retired teacher and now I homeschool. Please don't worry if you have day's you only get 1/4 of what you had planned done. There are day's I get less than that done! We just keep moving forward at our own speed. It looks to me like you have a lot to deal with. Health problems can throw a wrench in a lot of plans. Be kind to yourself on off days. Read to your little boy, if he wants to play board games that is great. I cannot tell you how many days when I taught in a public school I felt like I had just not done enough at the end of the day. I am totally over that. I now realize we have many years to get it right . My daughter has a doctorate in education and has occasion to be in many elementary schools in our area. A comment she made to me the other day really made me think. She was talking about how starved these little children seemed to talk to adults. Maybe because I love to talk but I think that is a wonderful way to teach. Cuddle up with your little boy and talk about growing up, places you have been any thing! He's learning you are teaching! Today the kids were playing in the front yard and I went to get them to present a great science lesson. They were watching a katydid climb the cedar tree. One hour later Bob the katydid had laid eggs while we watched and traveled on to the top on the tree. Great science lesson. Relax as much as possible and enjoy . Get done what you can Pat Yourself on the back for being a great mother and teacher !
  7. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Thank y'all so much :D . My son loves tree frogs and we have checked out a book, and are learning a lot of different kinds of frogs. He even let one hop on his head. We have counted 60 tree frogs on our house. His daddy is very happy we finally found something he was into. Even my daughter has gotten into frogs, she even will hold them.
    Thanks again. :D
  8. CZ4kids

    CZ4kids New Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    I used to homeschool all four of my kids, we did this for 4 yrs, it was way of life, not just an education thing. The thing about homeschooling that makes it so great for you (the teacher) is that you can be flexible. It doesnt take 8 hrs to teach a child a days worth of schooling. It takes about 2 hrs MAX... what i always did was rotate with each child, give the oldest her work first (she was the kind to do it on her own with no problem) then work alone with the second to oldest for about an hour (any more than that and she would implode), then work with the younger two together for about an hour (they were both pre-k). Then spend the rest of the day walking, hiking, playing outdoors, going to the store, reading a book, or whatever. We had a zoo in our town but the zoo was not so great (they mistreated their animals and it broke my heart to see the animals when I would take the kids). Now we live about 20 miles from civilization, plenty of cotton fields and cows and horses to see though :lol: I know I'm rambling. The thing is, you go on your schedule. If one of you is sick, call it a day and be ok with it. If one of you is feeling cooped up and needs air, go get air, leave the books inside for a day. Some homeschoolers done even use books, at one time we didnt for 18 months I think. The world is your classroom. There are so many opportunities for you and your kids to have which require no planning, except maybe a spontaneous decision to go to the nearest natural reserve or mountain or lake and explore, and bring a camera and paper and colored pencils for studying what you find out there. Have a blast this is the best time of your life! Love, Carolyn
  9. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I have to agree with CZ4kids the world in a learning tool. Go out and enjoy it.
    Do cooking with the children my children love it. That is teaching too. Because they have to read the recipe and to get everythig out to make it and measure every thing.
    They have fun. It is the best time of your life. But, you will have days that it seems overwhelming but come in here the ladies are wonderful and will help you through anything in every way they can. If you need a break take a break they do in school.
    Was talking to a niece the other day in Cailf. and she was telling me her 3 boys don't start school till 9 and home by 2 that's with lunch and everything in there. So, they don't do much teaching in a public school. She said they just push so much but don't teach alot. It's up to her to doing the teaching at nights.

    SO, hang in there it will get better and it's alot of fun.

    Kris TX :lol:

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