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Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by LoveMyMan, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. LoveMyMan

    LoveMyMan New Member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    Yup, it'll be a baby ;) Funny, I usually answer folks that way when they ask if we "know what it is", LOL :)

    We haven't found out w/ the other children. Unless the technician slips up during an ultrasound we won't know what this baby's gender is, either. We like the surprise. How many really great surprises are still out there for us these days? KWIM? :)

    The girls picked the nickname "Raisin". This has really been the first pregnancy that the older ones have really been involved in to this extent. My oldest was still pretty little when I was expecting my 3rd. She was 3 y and 8 months when Joy was born. Hannah (5.5) and Sarah Grace (4) have a whole new kind of interest w/ this baby. Makes it even more fun :)
  2. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    When I had my dd my boys were almost 6 and 3 1/2. They adored her! When my 3 1/2 yo saw her for the first time, he reached out his little hand, carefully pulled the blanket back so he could see her face, and said, "Hello there little Missy. How ya doin'? I love you!" It was just so precious! Missy stuck as one of her nicknames from that moment on!

    While I'm on this subject of names, I might as well share how we finalized on Joy as her middle name. Our oldest was about 5 1/2 when we were discussing names for the baby. We knew what we wanted for a first name for a girl, but were still throwing around ideas for a girl's middle name. So we asked him which one he liked, and said the middle names we were thinking about. He really did think it through for awhile. Then he said, "I like Joy, cuz it sounds like praising God!" That did it, we knew that had to be the middle name if we had a girl! :D

    So both those little stories are in her baby book. I think it's special that both her brothers had a part in her life like that!!! :love:
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Rachael was just short of her second birthday when Faythe was born. My midwife had a "lift the flap" book, that showed a woman in all three terms. You could lift the flap on her tummy to see what the baby looked like inside. It was very well done! Then, one night when I was rocking Rachael, Faythe gave a gigantic kick! Rachael's eyes popped wide open! I told her that was the baby saying hello to its big sister!

    With Phillip, Rachael wanted another sister. She had two older half-brothers, and brothers tease all the time, etc. She was 5 1/2. So he was born, we called and told her at Grandma's house that she had a brother, and then later that evening, Carl came and drove both girls to the hospital. She wouldn't speak to him the whole trip!!! She had been praying for a sister! Mom explained that sometimes God doesn't give us what we ask for, because He knows what we NEED, and he felt she needed a brother. Well, she got to the hospital, saw him for the first time. I asked her if she wanted to hold him. She sat down and he went to sleep in her arms. My mom came and asked, "Can Grandma hold the baby now?" "No!" She wouldn't give him up for ANYTHING!!! And they still have a "special" bond. He and Faythe, on the other hand, go at each other constantly, lol!

    I'm like you, Jacci! I don't want to know beforehand, either!
  4. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    With my first, my dh wanted to know, so I said okay. With the 2nd there were some complications, so they wanted to do an ultrasound. Usually I can't tell much of what's what by looking on those monitors, but when it got to the area it was very obvious, and I was surprised I was even able to tell! With the third, I DID want to know, because I REALLY wanted a girl! If it was a boy, I wanted to be prepared for that, so by the time the baby was born, I could adjust my thinking, remember how precious every child is, know I honestly wanted whatever God had provided for me, and then I'd be ready for him! But it WAS a girl, and I was very happy!
  5. LoveMyMan

    LoveMyMan New Member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    Sweet stories, guys :) Kids are so great.

    Except, right now Raisin is kicking my tail. I'm waiting for that "magical" 12 week finish line. The calendar says I should be feeling better, but Raisin has different ideas ;) Hopefully, it won't last as long as Joy's sicky stage. My tummy wasn't stable with her until I was 5 months, ugh. But, you do what you can do and let the rest slide for a while. I managed to make boxed shells & cheese for the girls for lunch, but couldn't manage to wash the pan out without gagging. LOL. Isn't that pitiful? It's still sitting out there in the sink and now it's past 8 pm. For some reason I can't handle the cheese mixing with the water. Okay - I'd better change the subject...LOL.

    So, we aren't really planning on starting school for a few more weeks. That's good. We'd be running a little experiment in "unschooling" otherwise :) If y'all think about it, maybe remember me when you pray. I'm pretty good most days, never 100%, but I'd really appreciate prayer that the sickness wouldn't last as long as it did last time. We're making it. Eating take out a lot, but we're making it :)


  6. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    jacci I will pray for you, I had morning sickness ( ya right as if its only in the morning right!) couldnt smell coffee cooking in am or anything wiht first child... second it was meat of any kind or anything sauted.
    Third was just plain anything with a scent. I generally went on trimesster, took a short break then took the third the same way. but with dd it was all the way through! Take out is nice if YOU don't have to go pick it up and smell the stuff cooking! haha!
  7. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Yeah, with my second I was sick the whole time, right up to the time I had him! Whew, was I glad when THAT was over! PLUS, he weighed 10 lbs., 2 oz., so it was good to hold him on the outside instead of the inside! :lol:
  8. HsMomof4

    HsMomof4 New Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    Jacci, Welcome to the forums. I live in CO with my dh of 13.5 years and our 4 dc. We use Sonlight curriculum for the older girls. The little ones are doing a loose version of Letter of the Week and will soon be moving on to Usborne Ten Terrific Weeks. We've been hsing from the beginning. The girls are in 4th and 3rd grades.
  9. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    oh wow Deena, two of mine were 9.6, and 9.4 the third was I think 9.8 to start but he was my miracle beyond blue baby andlost a coupel lbs before coming home! God is good and He is one total testimony!
  10. phoenyxstarr

    phoenyxstarr New Member

    Aug 5, 2006
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    I have 2 dd's, 9 yrs & 14 months. I can't really remember my pregnancy with my first girl, it's been sooo long now. My dr's with the baby said that even my body had forgotten what it was like to be pregnant, so my second pregnancy was my 'first' pregnancy. Or at least my body thought so. With the baby, I rarely had morning sickness, but my hubby sure did. Just about every morning we'd wake up & he'd say something along the lines of "Boy, I can't wait till you have that baby, I'm getting tired of this morning sickness." I just laughed at him every time.

    With this one, (I'm 22 weeks now) I had morning sickness so bad during the first 3 months that I couldn't eat. The nutrionist at the WIC office decided to lecture me about how much I weighed & wasn't eating. I sooo wanted to tell her that I try eating but it just doesn't work out very well. But I was nice & polite, kept my mouth shut, I knew she was just 'trying' to help me. I still haven't gained weight like I should, but my dr's office isn't worried about it, or if they are they haven't said anything to me about it. So I figure I'll keep eating like I have been, which is 2-3 meals plus 2-3 snacks every day. I know it sounds like alot, but I'm always starving, or so it seems.

    BTW, I've already had a sonogram. The woman told me it's another girl, but going by my feelings & my husband's, I say it's a boy. Plus my s-i-l looked at my sonogram pics & she saw a little boy. My husband's been bragging since I told him I was pregnant that he's having a son. Yeah, like he's the one carrying this baby. But we all know how men can be when it comes to babies...

    Well it's almost time to get dd up for breakfast,
    I'll check back in at lunchtime,
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    What's the heartbeat, Nicole? Fast or slow? I'm thinking a faster heartbeat is the boy's......? Though when I asked the midwife, she told me that it's absolutely true...about 50% of the time, lol!

    Morning sickness, praise God, was never an issue with me. The gestational diabetes was with Phillip, but other than that.... Had a less-than-perfect delivery with Rachael (UNDERSTATEMENT!), but God blessed me with ignorance. I simply didn't know all the things that could have possibly gone wrong as a result of it! She was in NICU for a few days, but even that wasn't life-threatening (other than it could have been if she wasn't there, KWIM?) and I was OK with her being there. With Faythe, it was a race to see if the baby, doctor, or midwife was going to get there first. I mean, ONE HOUR, once I arrived. I had had a nice conversation with my nurse and was quite comfortable with her delivering my baby. But the midwife DID make it at the last minute (she had been caught in construction traffic!). With Phillip, I figured (after Faythe) that my body had this down now. WRONG!!! Took FOREVER! AND I'M DONE NOW!!! No more diapers for me, until the g'babies start coming!
  12. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    "They" always said that each baby comes faster. Not with mine! Each one took longer than the last, and I wasn't too happy about that!

    Yeah, my first delivery was "less-than-perfect (UNDERSTATEMENT)" also! It ripped me up all over inside and out---Ouch! Thank goodness he was fine though! With my last one, my wonderful nurse had to rush out to help with another delivery. The nurse that took her place decided she knew more than I did about where I was in the process, and refused to give me an epidural when I asked. She thought I was being a baby and fussing too much. She finally brought the anesth. in to give me a "walking epidural", just to appease me. Right after he gave it to me I went into transition, and the nurse yealled, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled back, "I'M HAVING A BABY! AND I'M PUSHING!" "Wait, I haven't called the doctor!" I was so mad at her! As the other nurse ran out to call the doctor, my wonderful nurse came back, Praise the Lord! She was so calm and sweet and helpful! I thought she would be delivering the baby, which was fine with me! But the doctor got there about 30 minutes (or less) before she was born. He didn't even get his scrubs all the way on!

    After that I wished I could work in the labor and delivery ward, to try to alleviate the stress. When nurses take over like that nurse did, the stress level goes up, when it should be an exciting time!
  13. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Deena, with me I have to spend 3 days in hosptial regardless, first one, water broke then I did not dialate so had to ahve c sec, no complications there but baby and I turned brown looking! hah, In photos of Dan he looks like he is mexican baby with black eyes and brown skin and dark blackbrown hair! course my kids now are known as WHITEer than paper Lol, fair skinned untill summer when they tan really well!
    Then dd would not come out, she waited trhee days of inducement... my step dad died on her due date and I had started labor but actually prayed it away so I could console my mom who was there with me while he was in Canada. ( he was an alcholic and died while trying to dry out one more time) The last one, Came fast! I had labor down by then... was gonna do it natural, I have a whole story about Johnny btw but I wont go into it at the moment cause its many pages long, if anyone wants to read it I can send it to them via email!
    Anyway I had half an epidural, but wanted to feel the birth this time, epidural was how I finally delivered dd, it has a medical reason but it causes you to be ready to deliver on some people, I am one of them!
    about 8 hours of labor, and no dialation, then the second half of an epidural becaue I was tired of waiting for all this, dr told hubby to take walk it would not take effect for 20 mins> he went to get some water. Dr went to deliver an emergency c sec someplace down the hall and I said Oh I need to PUSH! , nurse practicioner was there , and a mid wife who was fill in for dr, Johnny came too fast, but he has been fast ever sence!
    He ran before he walked! NO JOKE!
    was the great escape artist too! hahha!
    Needless to say he is a mama's boy cause I had to be right there the whole time or he was gone! lol we even had to remove the latch on the front door after locking it!
    pretty funny!
    At anyrate, my kids, 3 days in hosptial, long story shortened believe it or not!
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    All three of mine were induced, so I never went into labor on my own. Well, with the first my water broke, but then the contractions wouldn't start....cord around the neck, baby's heart rate went WAY down...they ripped (literally for me!) the baby out and resusitated (sp?) him. 2nd was so big, and showed no signs of coming. I was getting sick because I couldn't sleep and it was painful on my they finally induced 3 days after due date. With the third they induced cuz I barely got the 2nd one out without a c-section because of his size, so they didn't want this one to get so big, so they induced early. She was still in the 8 pound range, so it was good!

    Okay, why are we sharing these baby stories?! Sorry everyone!...................;)
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    UM-HUM!!! My water broke with Rachael, but it "trickled" instead of "gushed". Being my first, I didn't know and just assumed it was a normal discharge. It was quite awhile before I began to suspect, and even then my contractions didn't really start! Because of the time lapse, she had miconium, and I developed a temp of 104. She spent four days in NICU, and I spent three of those days with IV's myself. (You should try nursing while maneuvering both sets of IV's!) Then they decided to send her home, but a home nurse was to show me how to inject an IV into her hep well (in her little foot). The gal came out, the hep well started to come out and that's when I decided enough was enough and lost it (crying, not yelling!). We had to take her back to the hospital, the couldn't get another IV in her, and finally decided to give her shots twice a day instead for seven days. A home nurse did this for us! Whew!!! The others were simple compared to that!!! Even needing to induce Phillip, because the midwife told me I could control when and how much. The nurse came in at one point, and told me that if the doctor had been in charge, I would have been on like 6x the amount of pitossin by that time, and in HARD labor! I love midwife deliveries!!!

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