Not sure if I should continue homeschooling...

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by KaC, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    I don't know if I'm just having an off week, but I'm doubting whether I should homeschool next year. I just don't really feel like I'm doing a good job of it, and my son is only in K! I know I could make things a lot more interesting and fun, if I only had the time and energy. I'm finding coping with the baby and preschooler alongside to be really tough.

    He's also really wishing for more social time. He want boys his age to hang out with, and I'm having a hard time finding some. His best friend that he has a blast with will be off to ps next year, which will be a blow to him. I know a couple other hs'ers with kids his age, but it's not been easy to get them together regularily. Am I worrying too much about him in this regard? He does get out to various rec centre activities, but a couple hours a week isn't resulting in real friendships.

    Academically, he's come some distance this year. At the beginning of the year, he knew the sounds of the letters, now he's reading simple readers, and sounding out more difficult words. Math, he's gone from being able to count to twenty to adding, subtracting, and skip counting pretty decently. His writing isn't great, but hey, he's a 5yr old boy with fine motor delay, so I don't think that's too unusual. The other subjects we've not really taught formally.

    We've kept up to and exceeded what the ps teaches, but on the other hand, there is so much room for improvement! We've been having more and more non-school days lately, because I just feel so overwhelmed with the basics. I have tremendous guilt at how much time he's been spending in front of screens (even if I have insisted on learning games half the time), just so I can get the space to get things done around here. Wouldn't 'busywork' in ps be better than what I'm providing, and will I be able to do better next year as the baby gets older, or will it just be worse as he'll nap less?

    My 3yr old is also feeling quite left out. I do my best to give her an activity as well to 'do school' with, but it always turns into one wanting to be doing what the other one is.

    Will I be able to handle it with the longer school day needed in Gr.1? I'm so unsure. I read on people's blogs about all the amazing things they teach their children in a year, with amazing unit studies that look to me like they'd require hiring a personal event planner to pull off! I'm feeling underqualified!

    Anyways, sorry about the rant. I truly believe that in the right circumstances, hs'ing is a wonderful choice. I'm just not sure those circumstances exist around here.
  3. peanutsweet

    peanutsweet New Member

    Nov 18, 2009
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    I think you are comparing you and your kids with too many others and their kids. You should only compare you and your kids with you and your kids.
    Are you keeping a journal? It doesn't have to be complicated. Just write down basic things about 5 mins a day is all it takes. Every 3 or 4 months go back through the journal. On those days that you feel discouraged and it seems like you are accomplishing nothing, read through it, it is a great reminder to see where you started and how far you have come and the projects you did.
    Are you using any kind of formal curriculum? Some people do great making up their own lesson plans. Others do better with plans that are pre-bought already laid out. Workbook styles, or videos, activities that the kids can do with minimal help.
    My kids are 9 and 10 and they are still always fighting wanting to do what the other is doing, or whatever. That is just siblings and really has nothing to do with school persay.
    My girls took naps until they were 6. No I did not ask. I told them they HAD to take one. It was either that, or I would have been insane! They almost always fell asleep quickly once they laid down, regardless of their cries about how not tired they were of course.
    Having a set schedule helped me alot when I had three in diapers. Plus the vow I made not to have anymore diapers after those :)
    I have found that if I do not keep something under my kids nose to do, they will find something to do that usually drives me nuts. So I keep em hoppin'!
  4. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    uh oh,sounds like someone is having burn-out! Every one of us has had these days(weeks,months) and they do get better! if he is keeping up with ps then you are ok. if he's in front of the tv so you can get stuff done, so? it won't kill him. he's in K, his social needs should mainly be met by family right now anyway. His social opportunities wil increase the older he gets and gets involved in more activities. I could get very insecure if I think too long about what other families are teaching. Every family is different. Please try not to compare yourself to someone else's idea of "well rounded". If you haven't been at this very long, take it from someone who knows, it could take a while to find your "groove". Our first and second year,we did very little school simply because I didn't know what I was doing. now in our third year, I finally feel like we have found our groove and it is going great. we are getting alot done and they are making amazing progress and our bad days are fewer and farther between. just remember that phrase made famous by Dory in Finding Nemo "just keep swimming,just keep swimming"
  5. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    I feel for you!! I will be in your position next year. My kids are 4, 3 and 1. I have started a low key JrK with my 4yr old b/c he desperately wants to read, loves work books, and I need a "warm up" year.

    I have discovered that my 3 year old is happy if he has his own work books (colouring books from the dollar store). But my 1 year old is getting much more active. I can see how it would be difficult trying to stay on top of a full curriculum with them all at this age.

    My advice: Try to get away for a few hours and remember why you are hs'ing. Let go of guilt, and take each day as it comes. Keep working on the weak points, but don't let it overwhelm you.

    As for specifics, we'll have to let some veteran hs'ers help you out! I'll be watching too. I'm sure I'll need the same advice when I get into the thick of things next year!
  6. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    It sounds like your son has made great progress this year! Is this your first year homeschooling? If so, give yourself some time. It can take time to get into the groove. My first year homeschooling I felt so lost even though my son made good progress. I ended up switching to unschooling for the last half of the school year because my son did so well and I was a bit overwhelmed with everything - I had a baby soon to be born and a preschooler.

    It will get easier. I don't know what your state regulations are, but since your son has made so much progress maybe you can do less school the rest of this school year. When my second child was 4 I started him in school part-time with his brother. That really helped. Having two in school with one baby was so much easier than one in school with two younger kids.

    Shh..don't tell anyone, but my toddler gets lots of screen time. She often watches Baby Einstein or Signing Time videos while my boys are in school. She loves them, learns from them, and plays while they are on.
  7. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Boy do I know how you feel. I have a ds 6, dd who just turned 4 and a just turned 1 yo. We also have a business that I have to help run. So yes schooling, social events etc it all is a lot for me.

    I would love to spend my whole day working with the kids, teaching them, playing etc. Making up lesson plans and doing art and all those fun things that I see other people doing on their blogs and what not. I would love it. But I had to come to a point where I realized that isn't me, I don't have time, and it isn't going to happen. Once I met that point my stress level dropped, my kids enjoyed school better, and quite honestly their schooling was better prepared.

    Not only in schooling but in all faucets of life we put to much stress on what others are doing. It doesn't matter. What does is what works for your dc, and what works this year might or might not matter next year.

    Things that I changes was that I am just doing the basics, reading writing math. with ds 6. I bought CLE math. Which has a laid out lesson plan, all I have to do is open it up and read the script. Ds can do about half of it on his own without me watching or helping. I have other workbooks for reading review, phonic review that ds does on his own as well with minimal teaching from me. He is excelling his reading is growing by leaps and bounds. My dd has a workbook that she does on her own as well. She doesn't do everything right, but tries and most importantly feels like a big kid and learns a few things. I spend 15-20 mins doing 100 ez lessons with her for reading and we are done with everything in less than an hour. I spend most of that hour standing beside the kitchen table holding the baby and trying to keep him from being a distraction ( snacks, nursing, toys etc) Ds also reads to me every night for his reading practice. Which takes a few minutes but not much

    Now that is said while we are living life schooling happens. We listen to skip counting songs, and other "educational" cd's while cleaning the living room. While we run errands for the business we do flash cards and other things like that. We spend as much time outside as we ( say we but mostly it is "Kids get outside you are driving me crazy) possibly can ( which is the best science lesson I think a young kid can have) and we discuss things like current events, past events the history of the US. etc. I let them have pretty much free reign over the art supplies- I call it learning the arts hands on. But you could also call it" I am a crazy person for letting you use the glue and markers on your own. " LOL but they follow the rules of it has to stay on the table and all is good.
  8. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    March should be an acronym for "Many Are Reconsidering Children Homeschooling" ;)

    This time of year we all get a little burnt out--just like our public school counterparts. We slow down this time of year and focus on core subjects (which to me are reading and math). My kids are older so they enjoy watching documentaries for history and science. We keep at what we have been studying through books on the subject matter as well. A couple weeks or so of relaxing always brings about the burst of energy to get through the rest of the school year. And by fall we are itching to dig into our new material...well, ds is itching cuz he's allergic to school, but he's the minority. :lol:

    We are here for you! Your kids and you are just finding your groove. Once you get it, it will be smooth sailing...for the most part. :)
  9. OpenMinded

    OpenMinded Member

    Jul 19, 2009
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    If your son is going into 1st grade, I would really recommend Cub Scouts for socialization. It has been really great for my son. As for the 3 yr. old, could you add her in some "school" time. I had my son (was 2 1/2 at the beginning of this school year) do "school work" with us some. He would color pages. I bought some of the Abeka nursery books and he colored them. He enjoyed being in the kitchen with us and he got satisfied that Mommy did school with him too.
    I often let my 3 yr old do things such as sort the cans in the pantry to keep him busy and entertained. I think the best thing to do with littles is to help them feel included.
    Even in 1st grade it doesn't take a long time to do the school work. Maybe a couple of hours tops. I would aim for doing school work during nap time. Even if your 3 year old doesn't sleep, you can place them in their room and turn on a movie or tell them to play quietly and close the door.
    As for public school busy work, it is just that. It isn't always very educational either. They were known to turn on the TV a lot at the school my kids went you may get more screen time and more screen time that you have no say over.
    Hope you find what works for you.
  10. TwilightMom

    TwilightMom New Member

    Mar 2, 2010
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    I'm sorry you are having a rough time.
    Have you had a chance to read The Socialization Trap by Rick Boyer? If not, that book might really be something you'd enjoy reading.

    My dc are ages 10 months, 3, 6 and 8. It can be challenging to homeschool with a baby in the mix.Here is an article that has greatly helped me to remember what my focus is/should be.
    It's not impossible though. But you have to find a system that works for your family and have realistic expectations though and focus on the important things. All my dc (unless one or both of my younger dc is napping) are in the school room and schooling together. Baby playing on the floor with me, my girls working through workboxes and my 3 year old working on his own workboxes. We spend 2 hours tops in the school room together. We do academic things but that is a small part of our day. My 3 year old goes in and out, sometimes leaves the room to play cars in the room right across from us, where he can still see us and is still in the mix. Other times he asks to watch a movie. I also make it a point (since he and I are early risers) to spend a bit of time just he and I each morning to read to him a few books. He really loves that. And he helps me cook breakfast. And he and I sit and eat together.

    This is our 6th year. And honestly I have not worried much about having my dc around other kids or involved in things. Things that come up naturally we take advantage of, so if 4-H has something my older girls might like, we might check it out. But most times my dc prefer time with family and each other. I cannot truly express the deep friendships all my dc have with each other, but it is heartwarming. There are times they enjoy when we get together with a couple of the kids at the park who are children of my dh's coworker. But that is not something we do on a regular basis. Reading that book I mentioned helped me a lot to let go of things I had worry over. But also my focus is on my kids being great friends and I do put that above outside relationships.

    As for schoolish things. Do you have state requirements for a 5 year old? If not, I'd take this year to just enjoy family time, read him books, do some nature study, focus on him interacting with younger siblings, helping in the kitchen. If you want to read out loud but feel you need a guide to follow to do so, Sonlight has Core B which is great and you can take time and read it over two years. I used that for a few years because even something so basic as reading to my kids I needed that helping hand for. If you can do some phonics and math great. If not, pick up again next year.
    It's okay to take time to adjust to new family members in the mix. Make taking care a baby almost a unit study.

    I think another poster said not to worry about comparing. That is so true. Don't worry about how homeschooling looks for someone else, or what another child in PS is doing. All that matters is what you are doing in your family.
    Also you taught your ds to walk and talk. Take confidence in that.
    I am a firm believer in homeschool being the best place for my dc. I could not imagine missing so many magical moments.

    I wish you the very best of luck. Look in the mirror and tell yourself "I've got this". ;)
  11. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    Thanks for the tips! I have been doing a weekly journal, so yes, I'll go back and read it. I really do need to quit comparing my family to others - everyone has different circumstances. It's these dang blogs I read! lol Glad to hear that your kids each want to do what the other is doing. It's frustrating, but at least it's normal!

    Naps, yes. I've started reinstating them for my 3 yr old, and my 5 (almost 6yr old) now has a dedicated 'reading time' in his room for 30mins, so I can screw my head back on straight!
  12. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    So THIS is what burn-out feels like! heheh. In retrospect, it's been a heck of a start to the new year, with all family members going through bouts of illness. So yeah, I guess burnout had to hit sometime. And teaching a 5yr old who is under-rested because of a cough that's been inturrupting his sleep for the last 6 weeks is very trying. I'm very relieved to hear that it can take time to find a groove. It is our first year, so I'll cut myself some slack.

    I'll swim on :)
  13. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    I think I do need to sit down an write up a list of why I chose this road! I know I had some darn good reasons, but they do fade in times of insanity.

    The active 1yr old thing is challenging! Boy, the stuff he gets into when I'm busy teaching! The little monster made his way into the bathroom last week and dumped the entire contents of the garbage can into the toilet. For every 1hr teaching, it's 2hours of damage control!
  14. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    It is my 1st yr, and it's been really good to read that others have found it takes time to get into the swing of things. I guess I just figured if K was bad, gr 1 would be a disaster! I have covered all the requirements for this year, so I think I'm just going to stick to reading and math for the rest of the year, alongside some field trips to keep us all cheerful.

    I'm glad to hear it was easier for you having two in school. I was considering doing the same as my daughter will be 4 in the fall, and she is bright and has a good attention plan. And worst, she feels so left out. But I wasn't sure if it would make things harder or easier. Right now, I have her in preschool 2 mornings a week. Feels wierd taking her to school and keeping my older one home, but homeschooling wasn't my original plan this year and I figured she'd enjoy the experience. Plus, she's a black child adopted into our white family, and we live in a very white community, but another adoptive mom and I decided to stick our daughters in preschool together so they could see another child of colour It's actually been a load of trouble, because the running around always has me waking up the baby from a nap, and she ends up feeling left out if we go out and do anything fun!

    I sure don't mind hearing that your little one gets plunked in front of the tube! lol! Guilt diminishing!
  15. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    Thanks for your reply! It's really nice to get a glimpse into your life - one that is similarily hectic to mine! The way you school sounds quite similar to how I do it, although I've got to admit that consistancy has gone by the wayside recently. But the kicking the kids outdoors, messy art time, "car-schooling", ect. is a picture of my home as well.

    I guess there really is something in coming to terms with where you're at in life and what you can accomplish, and just accepting it. The basics is pretty much all I can cover - adding anything else would put me over the edge. I guess it's not the end of the world that we don't do unit studies complete with traditional food, costumes, music, and whatnot of a variety of countries and timeperiods. Learning could certainly be more of a rich experience around here, but a person can only do what they can do!

    Thanks for the perspective!
  16. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    Loving the acronym! I guess this may be a seasonal defect, and I should look forward to some brighter days ahead!
  17. KaC

    KaC New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    I'll take a look into cub scouts. Good idea!

    I'm going to have to use a bit more creativity with my 3yr old I think. My son is so easily distracted when she's around, and all the arguing over wanting to do the others work just isn't making for much productivity. I do prep some activities for her, and then (I'm embarrased to admit this), I get quite frustrated with her when the first reponse to my efforts is to complain. I think seperating them and just having no guilt about allowing her a tv show might make things run more smoothly around here. She will still nap, but only in the afternoon and my son learns best in the morning, so I need to work with that.

    Surprised to hear that they used a TV to entertain the kiddos at the ps your kids went to!
  18. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Ouch! Sounds like our two 1yr olds would be good friends! Mine dumped a potty seat into the toilet yesterday and used it to splash water everywhere. Good fun!
  19. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Everyone has days they ask themselves if they have made a mistake. There are days my girls are very frustrated that they don't get to be around other kids all day and then other days they hear the neighbor kids complain about the mean kids on the playground and they are grateful they don't have to deal with that. The grass looks greener until you get there. Neither system is perfect. We just have to decide which is the best fit for our kids.

    When I feel overwhelmed with the house I call an official house work day and teach my kids the skills they will need to keep a house clean. When we are all stir crazy from being home too much we run to the park or a museum and enjoy. Don't be afraid to take a day off of the normal schedule when things get crazy. A day of fun projects, art, or music appreciation is just as educational as workbook pages.

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