Oh dear....science experiment

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Deena, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    My dd did a volcano science experiment this morning. DS13 helped her, and they had a great time. I was working on another project, and ds13 had done something like this before, so I knew it would be okay. And it was.....well, except for one thing. To do the volcano they used baking soda, dish soap, food coloring, and vinegar. What did they build the volcano in and do the experiment in? A Pampered Chef 9x13 rectangle stone baker! :eek: When I came to see how they were doing they had already made 3 or 4 eruptions, and even taken pictures. But then I saw what they did it in, and tried to stay calm. I told them they better take the stuff out of the pan, cuz it's not supposed to have that kind of stuff in it!

    So, now, my question to you is, can this pan ever recover from this stuff? Anyone have any ideas?
  3. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I think I would have fainted if I walked in on that. I'm sorry I can't help out here. I have a stone baker too but I'm not sure how it will react those products.
  4. HeidiPA

    HeidiPA New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    Was it a well-seasoned baker? If so, I think it can withstand the "stuff".
    If it was a newer one, and still kinda "rough"~ I'm not so sure!
  5. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Deena, I am sorry because I am laughing so hard!:lol:

    I can't help out since I do not have any stone bakers.

    I wish I could have seen your face!:lol:
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Rachael would never use one of my bakers without checking first. Faythe and Phillip, now.... I think it will be OK. The only thing "bad" is the soap, and even that I think you're not suppose to use because it will build up over time and flavor stuff. Like Heidi said, I would guess that a well-seasoned one would "survive" better!
  7. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Okay...this is coming from a former PC rep....

    FIRST ...scrub with lemon juice & baking soda.

    THEN...if you have a dishwasher....run thru a cycle WITHOUT any soap in it. Pull out BEFORE the drying cycle.

    THEN...reseason by coating with olive oil or canola oil or the like and baking in an oven at 350 for about 20-30 minutes.

    Remove and wipe down with a paper towel to cleanout any excess oil BUT do not wash.


    Let me know how it works.
  8. Aurie

    Aurie New Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh too. I know it will come back to get me for doing that, but I couldn't help myself. It looks like you got a good tip to recover the pan. Good luck!
  9. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    If it doesn't survive you could use it as a demonstration of the destructive powers of volcanoes, LOL
  10. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I love volcano experiments! I have so much fun with them. I did the same concept in my AWANA class a few years ago and called it "Being filled with the Holy Spirit". Ok, yes, I just wanted to be the most favorite teacher of all time! I was! That and bringing in neopolitan ice cream and calling it the "three in one".....just put me over the top!

    Oh...anyway...I am so sorry but I couldn't help but laugh! That is a story you will look upon fondly about a decade from now. Your kids will be retelling that for years!
  11. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Deena, Did you ever see the insurance commercial that had teenagers doing outrageous stunts?
    The tag line was, "Need BOREDOM insurance"?

    My DH and I used to roll with laughter on that one, because YES, we will need it. Only now it is "Homeschool Science lb insurance!"

  12. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Yeah, you all, actually it WAS funny! :D

    I didn't relish the thought of paying for a new stone! BUT, they HAD done it themselves, the explosions had been great, and they were excited about science! How could I get mad about that?!

    However, I DID ask them NOT to use the Pampered Chef stones to do experiments on or with anymore! :)

    Jackie, my kids DO know about the stones! They would never wash them with soap! But somehow this was different, they were excited, and they didn't think of the consequences! ;)

    Thanks for your support everyone! And Krista---Bless you!!! I will try those things tomorrow!
  13. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I do not have PC stoneware, however I have seen and used the stuff at my sister's house. My experience with chemistry, and ceramics assures me that your stone will recover.

    All of the ingredients the stoneware was exposed to are water soluble, and will wash away with water. Additionally the weak acid in the vinegar would have been almost immediately nuetralized by the baking soda. Dish detergent was there to add to the bubbling effect when gas formed from the above reaction.

    Your biggest concern is the fact that the detergent might have removed hardened grease that was in the pores of the ceramic dish, i.e. the seasoning.

    Rinse, rinse some more and re-season.

    Funny, those things must cost like gold. I was at my sisters and she wanted me to cook some cookies from a mix or a tube ( I don't recall) while she ran to the store. Her husband was in the kitchen at this point. I looked in the oven and the storage around it and did not see the normal cookie sheet. I found the stone that she had made cookies on the last visit and he about had a heart attack, and insisted I did not use it. I then found another pan and that was off limits also for some reason. This happened about 2 or 3 more times. I then found an old beat up 9x13 cake pan, like a Mirro or Ecko, that the no stick was peeling off of and all. I turned it upside down, pammed it and cooked the cookies on the bottom of that. My sister thought I was crazy. I explained and she laughed and said, her husband did not want to have to replace any of that stuff.

    I thought to myself, That I will stick to my antique cast iron and stainless steel pans.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2007
  14. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I have cheap-o Target Glass Bakeware. I think it is named: Anchor.

    I love it because it is easy to clean and I can use a knife right inside the cake pan, of the cornbread pan, or the brownie pan or the potroast pan.. THAT is the best part; not having to worry about using metal ware in them.
  15. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Crap on a stick!
    I totally have to tell you what I did at 8 years of age to my poor Grandmother!

    My mother was the youngest of 7, so when Iwas 8 my poor grandmother was O-L-D! She was old timey east Texas po folk.

    She LOOOOOVED her black pan.
    It was one of those cast iron things that was SEASONEd for YEARS....

    Well, I had no clue...

    One day, she fell aslep watching Hee Haw and I thought it would be smashing to clean the kitchen for granny.... Which included washing the dishes.... which included her cast iron skillet.....

    Well, turns out that "Comet" and those iron scrubber thingies were the only things to finally get that black pan shinny!!!

    You think I am kidding?

    I never saw my granny cry, till then. But she did not make me go get a switch... whew!

    She passed away in her 70's when I was 16, but I never forgot that. It taught me that even when we are trying our best to help someone else, it is what the jesture does for them, how does it affect WHO they really are, that matters most, not just the thought.....

    Anyway, just had to tell you that.
  16. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I worked at a Krystal when I was a kid. It was my first job. I had never eaten at one before working at one, and have been back few times since. LOL

    Anyway, it was back in the day when they cooked breakfast to order. There was this older woman who cooked most of the breakfast there. She had a couple of pans she did the eggs in. If you washed one of them, you were dead. She wiped them out, and then scrubbed them with salt, rinsed, dried and heated them on the flame, then greased the pans, but did not wash them so to speak with soap and water.

    If you washed those pans, the difference was very apparent in the speed at which the drivethru and counter moved the next day.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Washed them with salt! Really! I'll have to remember that! I have several cast iron skillets, and two Dutch Ovens. They're the only frying pans I will use. My DSS's girlfriend's mother came once when DSS graduated. The mother was going to wash my stone for me. I told her, no, I'd get it, and explained how you can't use soap on it. It was like cast iron that way. She said, "That's what my husband tells me, but I can't stand it not being clean, so I just use soap when he's not looking!" I decided it was time to bite my tongue, but I sure wasn't about to let her get hold of my stones!!!
  18. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Deena, that is so funny. I had a hard time not laughing so hard. I think it's cute.
    I would do what Krista, said that is what I had to do with my stone one once when my dh decide he would be nice and do dishes and guess what he washed? So, it will be fine if you do what Krista said to do.
  19. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Haha, love the stories, those are great!

    I actually got my stones free, or almost free by having the PC parties and earning enough to do that. I think I bought one stone for my sister's party because some people didn't show up that had said they would, and she needed to get more sales. So, I "bit the bullet" and ordered one.

    Oh, my kids and husband use knives in the stones and they're fine. I finally just said not to press too hard. My family is very good at being careful with them, but THEY are much more important than the stones, so I'm not going to treat my stones as TOO precious! ;) If this one was ruined, I would've just had to set up another PC party. We haven't had one for awhile around here anyway! :)

    Thanks guys for all your help and laughter and stories!
  20. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    wow! you used dishsoap? I never did that, and vinegar will make the color stay.... pretty much for a ferw washings, dont worry though , because its al food safe stuff Deena. I was being talked into buying a Pampered chef stonewear retrangle shaped pan, LOL funnny you had to mention it, why is it not supposed to have stuff you would use in baking in it?
    I am curious ehe, maybe I dont want to shell out all that money for a pain I cant use normally?
    :confused: :? :eek:
  21. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Oh, you can use it normally, it's just that you don't wash it with dishsoap because the stone material is porous, so absorbs the soap, which mean your food you bake in it afterwards could taste soapy. (that's a general explanation!) However it's a wonderful pan! They bake things more evenly and I love them! (just not as much as I love my dh and kids!) ;) :lol:

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