recycling "center" in your house?

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by OrHmschlMom, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. OrHmschlMom

    OrHmschlMom Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Does anyone have a recycling center in your house/garage/outside? I'm looking for ideas on how I can set up an area for my recycling. Right now it all ends up in a mess in my garage :roll: If you have pictures and/or ideas, I would love to see them and/or read them. Thanks! :D
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We have one trashcan in the kitchen that is for (clean) paper trash. Things like empty boxes or school paper. Any "messy" paper trash (ie: covered in food) goes in the regular trash. We also got a recycling bin out in the garage, but it's constantly overflowing onto the garage floor because my husband is very lazy about taking it to the recycling bin (we have to pay for curbside recycling, and that isn't in our budget!). We also have a small covered plastic container that we put compost in, which goes out to my compost bin outside (which will eventually help feed my garden!)
  4. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    We have recycling bins for curbside pick-up, but I prefer to purchase recycling bags (like garbage bags - just blue in color). I just throw all recycling materials into the blue trash bag. We don't have to sort our recycling. Recycling is mandatory and free here and is part of weekly curbside pick-up. I do have a separate bin for food/yard waste, but mostly use it for yard waste.
  5. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    We don't have recycling here, because our apartment complex won't pay for it. However, when I was growing up my dad recycled everything our center would take. Here's what he did. We had a little corner in our kitchen that couldn't be used for anything, so it held our trash cans. They were all smallish (smaller than a standard kitchen trash can) except for the garbage can (all food waste, or yucky stuff).

    There was a can for:
    plastic bags (took back to the store for recycling and a grocery credit)
    paper grocery bags (we saved these for our use)
    glass containers
    recyclable plastics (our center only took #2 and #3)
    cans (food or soda, we later sorted those between the recyclable ones and the ones that daddy took to the scrap yard for $$)
    paper trash (school papers, cardboard boxes)

    Then in the garage we had a shelf where we would stack newspapers, and magazines in separate stacks. When these were large enough we'd take them to the paper deposits at our library.

    Where we were if we did recycling it had to be presorted from glass, plastics, and cans which is why we sorted it in the house. Then on recycling pick up day daddy and I would dump the house cans into the designated blue bins and put it at the curb for pick up. Anything that we didn't get picked up daddy took to a drop off point himself.
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    We throw our leftover fruits and veggies in the compost bin. All cans and bottles go in a trashcan and Handsome takes them in when the can is full. Our trash company picks up recyclables but I just assume have the extra money in our pocket.
  7. OrHmschlMom

    OrHmschlMom Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    recycling bags (like garbage bags - just blue in color). I just throw all recycling materials into the blue trash bag.

    Embassy, where do you buy these blue trash bags? I've never heard of these.
  8. OrHmschlMom

    OrHmschlMom Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    thanks everyone for the feed back, I've gotten some good ideas now.
  9. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    We use laundry bags. :/ You know the laundry sorters that they have on racks? We put our special recycling bags in the bins (they HAVE to be blue for some reason), and then we put that in our freezer room. After they get full we tie them off and out them in the recycling bin (It's blue also and if it's in anything else they wont pick it up. Our recycling service here is so picky).
  10. farouk

    farouk New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Well, kind of, both under the sink, and then in the garage.

    Depends how much there is, to some extent, too.

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