Rock Bottom

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Brenda, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I'm about to hit rock bottom and fast...

    I recieved the doctor's report from the quack I had to go see a couple weeks ago. In it, he basically tells me a liar and that there is absolutley nothing wrong with my back (forget what the medical investigations say) - my problems are psychological!

    So as of March 24, I have no more benefits and so I have to learn to lean heavily on God for my strength. This is a teachable moment - I only wish I knew what He was trying to teach me.

    I'm sorry that I can't be more positive right now - it is extreemly hard to do right now...

  3. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Aren't you able to get a second opinion?
  4. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I haven't seen you around lately... :( ...I was wondering what was going on.....praying here for you....I'm sure you have checked into every avenue to get the help you need....I can't imagine having tests and them taking that guy's word when they have physical evidence to the contrary :x ....
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well, I'm not sure how Christ-like I was today when he called me. I played stupid for a while (he didn't realize I had a copy of the report). I asked him what I had to do to get an unbiased opinion. He asked me what I meant so I rephrased my question in terms he would understand. I said "who do I have to go to see that you won't be paying to hear what you want to hear?" He wasn't sure what to say to that.

    He was rather alarmed that I had a copy of the report (and that I was able to read it - given that it was in french)!

    He also said there is nothing worng with me that this is aging and so I asked him when he got his degree to practice medicine that I would like to celebrate his accomplishement with him (talk about someone squirming their way out of that conversation really fast - I think he knew where I was going with that one).

    He questioned me about the length of time that I was actually in the doctor's office (basically calling me a liar) saying that usually the doctor is very thorough. I asked him if he had ever been assessed by him, he said no. I told him that unless he had personally been assessed by this man himself, he was in no place to say what this man's assessments are like (and he dropped the conversation). I also said "Let me tell you about the nursing profession, I've learned to be specific about the timing of events that take place. We have to be in order to document things. My license is on the line if I'm not!"

    Can I get a second opinion? Yes. I am going to my family doctor first thing in the morning (my appointment isn't until next week) and will lay it all out on the table for him. He's waiting for the report before he can proceed. BUT in the meantime, I still won't have any benefits from them - I have to appeal the decision and that could take months... I have an excellent doctor - he doesn't go looking for a fight, but he won't back down from one when the other party is clearly at fault.

    As for the tests and the contrary reports from the quack, all I can say is that money speaks volumes! When you pay someone enough money, that person will say whatever you want them to say - that's more obvious now than ever before.

    Sorry for not being more calm and collected, but it has been a very trying day for us and I'm doing all I can to hold it together.

  6. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Great grief, Brenda don't apologize. Nothing is more degrading or irritating than being spoken down to by some chump male doctor.
  7. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Brenda, I agree with Becky there is no apologize needed. These doctors half the time I don't know where they got there degree had to be out of cracker jack box or something. My husband went through knee surgery yesterday. Everything went wonderful now it's just the recover part. Any way before they would do surgery on him he needed to see a family doctor for a physical and to have one just in case something happen. Any way he went on Good Friday had all the work up and everything and they said everything looked wonderful and he could go ahead with the surgery. We were getting ready to go out when the nurse came running out of the office and said the doctor would love to see your husband again for a follow up in two weeks. I said a follow up for what did he find something, she said no it's just what he likes to do.
    I said well we don't go to the doctor just to go, there has to be a reason and she said well he likes to follow up with his patient. I keep saying follow up on what. We could never get it out of her or him. Then my husband said oh he has a house payment do and needs the money you should of seen there looks on there face. Any way I neve figure that one out. And Brenda I would go for another opionin because sometime they don't know what they are talking about and if the first doctor did work you over like they should of I would go. Some people I feel are book smart and some people are common sense smart and thats how I feel doctors alot doctors are. Alot of them now days I wonder about. When my grandma was alive and going strong I use to go to her for alot of our illness and I would write down what she told me to do. Boy, they worked too.
    And it didn't cost you anything. For example my little one was always sick with colds when she was little on med.'s all the time. I finally got so tired of it. That's when I started with my grandma. I took my little one there one time and was taling to Grandma about it and she said I will tell you what I use to do to my kids you can try or not. I use to vapor chest rub on there chest, forehead, under there nose and on the bottom of there feet then put socks on. It helped every time. I went home tryed it and boy in two days she was running around doing wonderful. We had a doctor appointment the next day I told the doctor about it and he told me, really you know the old people they come up with some ideas, I said yes they do it works and there wonderful. So, Brenda what I am trying to say don't give up and go on to find a doctor who will help you or someone.
    Hang in and we are thinking of you. and keeping you in our prayers. :lol:
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Oh Brenda,
    I'm praying for you. Use your time wisely and continue to follow through. I think so many people simply give up due to extra stress on top of their medical problem.
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    GO GET 'EM!!! (How'd you get a copy of the report, BTW? Good thing you did!!!)
  10. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I got the report from one of the clerks in his office - he asked me which one and I told him. When I get ahead financially, I will be asking for the entire copy of my entire file (and they have to supply it to me - it will cost 25 cents per page, but I don't care). In it, every last thing that was ever said about me or done with my file will be exposed.

    I was in to the doctor's office this morning. He can't do much until the report is translated into english. He asked me to get it translated. If worker's compensation does it, it will take two to three weeks. There are a couple of my co-workers at the hospital whose first language is french and they will transfer it for us int he meantime (I could do it, but I'm not a legal translater). Dr McLaughlin said "French is no good to me" :shock: Couldn't help but laugh. He does know what they're saying and is going to send me off to a neuro-surgeon here as well as a urologist to rule out bladder structure problems (the problem still exists with the incontinence).

    I grew up in a larger city and there you have to fight for what you want. When we moved to a rural setting that's one thing that hasn't gone away. I won't back down from something like this (or the school who I'm into another battle with :roll: I'm a little more cival today (well, except to the school) than I was yesterday, but it's still very much one day at a time.

    I really do appreciate your words of encouragement and your support through prayers. I'm on my knees and the only way to look is up (although right now I feel like I'm looking to the Friendly Giant "Look up Waaaaaaay Up".


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