s/o Halloween/ministering God's word.

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by RainRainGoAway, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. RainRainGoAway

    RainRainGoAway New Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    My family celebrates Halloween. Meaning we dress up, eat some gross looking food and collect candy. DH and I go through the candy and take a few things that "aren't good for them" :lol: and give the kids the rest...in moderation.

    I have a HSing friend that lives in our complex. They are Christian and absolutely do not believe in celebrating Halloween on any level. Well their children and mine play together, well mostly. But their oldest (6) preached to me about how God doesn't like it that we celebrate Halloween and it isn't good and we need to stop that.

    I understand that he was expressing what he has been taught. I stated that we do not worship the Devil and in fact Worship the same God as him. We just like playing dress up and eating candy (which is exactly what it is to our kids). His mom didn't try to stop him. I think that this is where the problem arose for me. She didn't try to explain to him that people have different views and we need to share the love of Jesus.

    I have NO problems with Christians or other spiritual people, not believing in a certain holiday. What I don't agree with is children (even adults) going on and on to someone about how they are "do it wrong" because of a different view.

    Maybe I was too sensitive?
  3. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    No, it was rude of the mom to not intervene.

    I can understand a 6yo "preaching," but mom really should have been mindful of the fact that he was being very disrespectful to another adult. I'm inclined to think that her silence is very telling; that she likely agrees with the child.
  4. RainRainGoAway

    RainRainGoAway New Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Yes, i do think the mother agrees with the child. I used the word friend lightly. We aren't close, but our boys play together and we see each other often around the apartment complex.

    She also believes that microchipping is the mark of the beast ( I was talking about when I lost my dog that she was microchipped and A got very offended and started telling me about Rev. 13:16-17

    (i hope i don't offend anyone)
  5. Blizzard

    Blizzard Member

    Apr 11, 2008
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    It was quite rude. We don't celebrate Halloween, Santa, or the Easter Bunny, but I've always taught my kids to be sensitive to those that do choose to celebrate, especially Santa. I'd be horrified if my kids went up to an adult and told them they shouldn't be doing something like that!

    Although there have been times when I've wanted to say something to some adults that work in gas stations and other stores while wearing outlandishly disgusting or scary costumes. Totally inappropriate to scare little children, imo. Save it for a party or something....
  6. Samantha

    Samantha New Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    I don't think you were too sensitive either. We also dress up and go trick or treating, Kayd is certain that Halloween is part of his birthday. Last year my sister had a friend who was pretty blatant about people who do halloween worshipping the devil and my sister who doesn't even do the holiday at all was pretty upset at how offensive her particular stance was with no room at all for personal decisions on the matter.

    The situation you encountered was definitely tough and I do think that it was rude esp of the mother to not step in and remind her child of the appropriate and respectful way to talk with adults.
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Sigh.... We don't celebrate Halloween, that is the choice of OUR FAMILY. We have Christian friends who do, and Christian friends who don't. Personally, I think the mother should have explained that, while it's OK to tell someone what we believe and why we believe it, it's NOT OK to "condemn" them for it (which is pretty much what he did!).
    My children are taught to respect others' beliefs. We don't take books about dragons into Grandma's house (because she has strong anti-dragon beliefs). Even though we don't teach our kids about Santa, my dss gave me a picture of his precious little girl on Santa's lap, and it went up with all our other Christmas pictures.

    My cousin, btw, does in-home daycare. She also decorates BIG TIME for the holidays, including Halloween. She was watching some hs'ed kids one day a week. They come in, see her house decorated like a grave yard, and asked (with greeat big eyes), "Do YOU worhip the devil...?" Well, hopefully it was a learning experience for the kids!
  8. RainRainGoAway

    RainRainGoAway New Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Yeah, we don't do scary at all. Last year they were Darth Vader and a butterfly. We don't go to the houses that are decorated super scary. We do explain to them that it isn't real. We also don't talk to them about the Devil. We teach them that it is a fun holiday to play dress up. Nothing more.

    Easter and Christmas are like that for us as well. We teach the lessons of Jesus, his birth and resurection (year 'round) but we don't tie those to the "Easter Bunny" or "Santa". Those two are just fun fictional characters, they have nothing to do with our God.
  9. RainRainGoAway

    RainRainGoAway New Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    I read this in another post and that is what made me post this thread. :)

    I too agree that children should be taught to state their beliefs...and to be solid in their belief! I do not think that it is OK to condemn someone else for their different beliefs, as you stated.
  10. RainRainGoAway

    RainRainGoAway New Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    I think some people just don't have a filter and their minds are ingrained with the "my way or the highway" saying.:roll:
  11. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Though I grew up Christian, I'm not any longer. But even growing up we always had Santa, Easter Bunny and my favorite.... Halloween!

    My kids wait all year long for the Halloween stores to open around the area! They love a good scare and so do hubby and I.. and well we have a very fond connection with candy as well lol.

    I'm sure the mother was basking in pride with how smart and dedicated to their beliefs her son was being. Unfortunately it was rude and disrespectful, and she obviously lacks good morals and manners for allowing her son to tell an adult what to do.

    I'm sure I will offend some with my opinion, but I think too many homeschool for religious reasons only to keep their kids in the dark and only allow them to see their own beliefs. I whole heartedly think it's wrong to tell your kids that your way is the only right way to live. I want my kids to think for themselves, even when it comes to spiritial beliefs.
  12. RainRainGoAway

    RainRainGoAway New Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    I'm pretty sure this is why my 'friend' is a homeschooler.
    We homeschool mostly for the fact that my son is ADHD and I want him to learn in a way that best fits him! We are Christian and will teach him about God. but we don't keep him in the dark. We let him watch Spiderman, Spongebob; play video games on the Wii and Xbox. At the same time we teach him morals and how to be respectful to everyone big and small.
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    No offense taken, but I do disagree. Yes, there are those like you describe. But most Christian homeschoolers are not isolationists. Also, I believe that it IS ok to teach the kids that there is "right" way, but that others have the right to not choose that and we need to respect that choice. Also, I believe kids need to think for themselves; they cannot be told WHAT to believe without being taught the reasons and logic behind those beliefs.
  14. my3legacies

    my3legacies Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    We used to have friends that are totally against Halloween. We love Halloween and decorate just as much as Xmas. We are a Christian family who attend church weekly. It's just a fun holiday to us. Dressing up and free candy. Most kids like playing dress up. My ex friends would not allow her kids at my house during October. When I asked her kids why they don't celebrate Halloween, her kids reply "I don't know. My dad says we don't". But she would allow her kids to play dress up throughout the year. I think if you are going to not allow your kids to do something, especially something that most other kids do, you should explain why you don't do that. And also teach them that just because others choose to celebrate, does not make them bad people. My ex friend just wants her kids to do what she says and not to question her. Her kids are very secluded. They only play with other kids at church, or with my kids. They don't watch tv, except on rare occasions, either.
  15. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    I think that not telling ALL sides is dangerous.. Such as the stance on evolution.. I believe that a child needs to know all sides of the argument and be allowed to make their own decisions on what is right and not.. We went to a museum that had dinosaur bones with the homeschool group a few years back and one of the moms wouldn't go because she didn't want her child hearing about the "million year" thing as well as any form of evolution.. And her children were in high school.. I also think that if we aren't careful we teach our children to be judgemental by not showing both sides... I am a christian and I do homeschool for religous beliefs among MANY others.. But it's not to hide my kids from the world. I seriously think that is a grand mistake among christians.. They need to be solid in their beliefs but also need to understand where others are coming from with theirs..
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    SERIOUSLY?!?! What are her kids going to think when they get out in the "real world"? My kids would have just rolled their eyes and said, "Yeah, Mom! We know! 6000 to 10,000 years!!!"
  17. RainRainGoAway

    RainRainGoAway New Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    I agree, that even Christians need to teach their children what they believe but then give the whole story.

    I can't imagine sheltering my children so much that they wouldn't know what to do out in the "real world"
  18. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Honestly, I think I'd have had to come back with some of my own verses about loving others and not judging...of course I would have done it in a kind, respectful, teaching manner, but I'd have done it.

    As for the microchip, dogs don't buy and sell so...although I do think the technology of there for microchips to be the mark of the beast of the future....my dog is microchipped though cause I love him and don't want to lose him. :)
  19. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I suppose that it is possible that the mother did have a talk with her son, but not at that moment. It sounds like you explained your position well. Did the boy continue to "preach" at you after you explained your position?
  20. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Some things may be difficult for a child to articulate. I know my kids can't always explain the reasons why we do or don't do something even when I have explained it to them many times.

    LOL, the tv thing is a good thing :)
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    One of our two dogs has a chip, because we got her from the animal shelter. It's automatic; we have no say in it. The second one might have it, am not sure. Doesn't bother me at all either way.

    I know a while back they were talking about giving newborns a chip. Now THAT'S a different story!

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