School disappointments

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by becky, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    There are a few things about Jeannie's school that I'd like to run by you ladies. I need to be sure I'm not just suffering from a case of sour grapes here. While the school has a very loving, welcoming feeling to it, methinks the middle school is way too laid back.:roll: Let me also say, to be fair, Jeannie is happy as a clam there.

    Jeannie recently told me her science teacher spits in the classroom trash can. He says he's doing it cause he's sick. Like that excuses it? I find this wrong on so many levels! If Jeannie were not so happy there, I'd have pulled her out the next day over this.

    Science for the last two weeks has been videos, no lessons. Graphic nature videos that make the kids queasy so much they don't want lunch. If the teacher is not feeling like putting together lessons so be it, but choose appropriate videos, kwim?

    The English teacher eats while she teaches,and I mean she has food in her mouth as she speaks. She calls the kids 'homie' and asks why they act 'special'.
    There's more, but I'll take that up later.

    I dislike all this. While these two teachers I mentioned are nice enough individuals, they aren't very professional imho. The English teacher has been especially pleasant with me....she just...eats while she teaches...

    What are your thoughts on this behavior?
  3. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I don't know what to tell you as far as having Jeannie there, but I think the teachers' behavior is just a sign of the times. It seems more and more professionals are not acting in a professional manner. I just had this discussions with my mom yesterday. She is a nurse and it seems all the young ones dress sloppily, text during work, have no sense of representing their employer, etc. I think this is happening across the board.

    You might want to inquire with other parents who have been there longer to see if this is something the principal discourages. Maybe he/she would appreciate knowing your concerns. Normally I would say to talk to the teacher first, but in this case there is not much you can do but come across like you are insulting them.
  4. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    As someone who loves multimedia for teaching concepts, I don't disagree with the sci teacher there- unless that is ALL he is doing. What are they learning about? Are they discussing the videos later to cement knowledge, make connections, answer questions?

    Spitting in the trashcan, though, is disgusting. He does sound like someone who isn't feeling well. I don't know what the state of education is for teachers taking time off to recover, but if he is forced to spit, then he needs to go home. My concern with that, AND with the food eating, is both seem to be spreading germs.

    I don't necessarily have an issue with the teacher trying to connect with the kids by using 'their' (stereotyped) language. From my own hs experience, some kids are much more motivated when they have that kind of connection with their teacher (not every kid appreciates a wise teacher to draw info from). It was never my style and not what I responded to at all, but it did seem like the at risk kids appreciated it back when I was in hs. Sadly, I also think it represents the sort of teen-centric culture our society is espousing lately, but that's entirely imho.

    It almost sounds like both are trying to make a point by being as disgusting and ineffective as possible (look what I'm forced to do!!). Maybe they really CAN'T take time off to be sick, and DON'T have a lunch period.. idk. If not, that's just sad and I feel for them both.

    At the end of the day, of course, those are just my opinions. I don't think I'd be comfortable with it, either.
  5. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I nearly made a beeline to meet with the teacher at first, but my husband said I'd just create trouble for Jeannie. I'd go to the principal, but again, it would all fall back on Jeannie. I hate that this dopey teacher created a situation like this, and there's nothing to do to make it right
  6. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    They do get lunch time, plus planning time each day. I also think the English teacher is trying to connect with them. On the other hand, I had very 'cool' teachers that never once called us slang terms or lowered their standards to reach us.
  7. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    You know if you are morally conflicted go with your gut. Kids can be happy as clams because they don't have the mentality to grasp the long term negative effects to their persons on being exposed to such behaviours. And sometimes teachers trying to befriend the kids go too far in this case it sounds like the teachers are slobs. Sorry not to be harsh but spitting in the garbage? If you are that sick take yourself home. And eating food while teaching is revolting also. Ugh...the mere thought of it is disturbing. If you are hearing all these stories from Jeannie then my guess is these things bothered her too?? In which case how happy is she really? She may have made friends and find the schooling easier or more relaxed but if the teachers she comes into contact with are not being role models which is part of their job in my mind then is it worth keeping her there?
  8. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Teachers get prep times and lunch times, yes, but as a former teacher, I'd question what those times really are. If I was assigned to lunchroom duty, I didn't get lunch. I also worked on two campuses, so my "prep" time was spent driving to the other school. I'm sure she's probably not driving, but she may have something equally distracting that keeps her from using her prep or lunch times for actual prepping or eating.

    As for the science teacher - when I was teaching, I got *TWO* sick days per year, and substitutes were paid from my salary. Chances are, this teacher really is sick and his hands are tied. There were days when I would call the office and ask them to send someone to watch my class so I could go to the bathroom. They usually didn't send someone, but you do what you have to do! My class wasn't anywhere near a bathroom, so it's not like I could just sneak away or ask another teacher to keep an eye on my class (I taught band - separate building).

    I agree that what they're doing isn't professional, but unless it's downright offensive (like cursing), I'd probably blow it off. *shrugs*
  9. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    No, they get their lunch and planning time. Teachers at this school are cared for, that much I know.
  10. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I assume Jeannie was aghast at first, because, because her dad does not spit. She knows I cannot stand males that spit.
    What I did was to explain how wrong this stuff is, unprofessional. I won't go nuts and pull her out or anything, but she understands I'm unhappy with their poor manners.
  11. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I had an interesting conversation today!
    The receptionists at my eye doctor both have kids at this school, and one is a middle schooler. Without naming names, I brought this up to them. They named the teachers involved immediately. The science teacher they described as a big kid. The one lady said it's been like that all three years her kid had him. She also took exception to the English teacher's wardrobe, something I didn't get into here. She dresses way too informally- worse than I do on a super sloppy day. And, apparently, last year she had a problem with 'support', shall we say. When I saw her last year, I simply thought she was a homeschool mom getting her kid from specials. I had no idea she was a teacher!
  12. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I am having some of the same issues with Emily's middle school. I am so happy that she enjoys it there and has new friends, but there are parts of it all that I can't stand! The language that she has to hear at PE is terrible. The teacher never seems to hear it. The kids are nice for the most part, but a few can't leave her alone about her naturally curly hair. One teacher seems to lose homework and then claim you never turned it in. One teacher tells Em's class that the class before them made her very angry so they are going to pay for it if they do anything at all to irritate her. One teacher waited two weeks to post grades online where parents are supposed to check everyday. It just goes on and on, but like I said before, Emily likes it there. Yesterday a girl claimed Emily had taken her jacket. This was very upsetting to her and very odd to me. About two weeks ago another girl claimed a student took her jacket and when the accused girl said she bought that jacket at the store the teacher or somebody there at the school said they would buy another one to settle the whole thing. Now this other girl said Em had her jacket and I am wondering if she thinks she will get a new one too. By the way, Emily has had this jacket for a long time and Katie, our older daughter, bought it for her. I told Emily today that if anyone mentioned it to her to look them straight in the eyes and say, "I do Not steal! My sister bought that jacket for me." Sorry, I got carried away after reading your post.
  13. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    And like me, you probably wonder how to handle it all.
    I'd love to talk to the immature science teacher and the English teacher. However, I don't want to make waves for Jeannie.
    We had a similar 'lost paper' thing with the science teacher. An envelope comes home each Tuesday, with things to be signed and returned, plus other stuff. He sometimes doesn't empty the envelope, but he'll tell whichever child they didn't bring something back. So sloppy!

    And I'm like you- the girl is happy, so what can you do?:roll: I won't pull her out over dopey teachers. I do plan to talk to the principal at re-enrollment, though.
  14. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    We have also had issues, and the language Garrett is bringing home kills me.

    I acutally got into it with 4 of his teachers just about 3 weeks ago, they have a homework website, but they never update it.. ever! Then they have the nerve to complain that the kids don't get things done, well most of the kids have or maybe not most since the flood hit and they lost pretty much anything that was in their lockers (including Garrett's $200 glasses that he needs to see their fancy white boards because of the super light color of his eyes), anyway the kids are supposed to have "agenda" books to write their homework in, not many have them anymore I am pretty sure, and those that do are still kids and aren't always going to write down their assignments. They insisted that they do update it.. I said "No, you don't, I check it faithfully every day, and it has yet to be updated". They are finally updating it, but not every day like they should.

    Garrett is also picked on and bullied a lot, he was getting bullied on the bus and tried to defend himself and because he had touched the other kid he was the one the principal considered the bully in the case.

    Having him there is like a relief that has horrible nightmares involved in it. It's definately a no win situation for me since I never know when he is going to get in trouble for some other stupid thing and I am on needles every time the phone rings for fear they are complaining about him again.

    Ok stepping off my soapbox now. But yes Becky, I agree there is most definately a lack of professionalism in the schools these days.
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Rachael is taking her class on-line. And, as you say, things arn't done in a timely fashion. She has fits with the way the teacher insists on writing...."MOM!!! This is a SENIOR HONORS ENGLISH class!!! Why the heck does she try to teach us to write like middle school kids!!!" Rachael turns something in that isn't like the lady wants. She allows her to resubmit it (YEAH!!!). But then Rachael wants to see how that goes, before doing anything else, fearing that if she still isn't doing it "right", she'll have to redo them all. She was suppose to watch something on -line. She was told how important it was, since the teacher would be explaining important things in it. The "live" session was on Tuesday, and it contained info she needed by Friday. As of Thursday noon, the link still hadn't been posted. Sigh.... Well, she's really liking her three college classes!
  16. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    This school calls the homework site a crutch. They want the kids to take ownership of getting their assignments everyday. What I wish they'd consider is me, the parent, trying to keep an eye on what's supposed to be done. The hw site has been off-line forever, so if Jeannie forgets an assignment, well...

    Tell Garrett to try hard and keep his hands to himself. The bullies are well aware of how the discipline works, and if they can get Garrett to react..they've got him in trouble, kwim?
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Not always! Carl had a fight the other day. One girl is a real pain-in-the-tahootie. She was picking on another girl during lunch. The 2nd girl actually LEFT THE ROOM to get away. The first girl followed her into the hall a bit later, started in again (thinking girl 2 would cower in fear), and the second girl decked her royal!. Girl one told the principal that "I was minding my own business!!!" Fortunately, the principal knew her and her tricks. AND they happened to catch it on video. So this "poor, innocent child" was suspended for five days. Not sure what happened to the girl who hit her, but I do know the school was on her side. What are the chances of her trying to pull that again with the same kid? Not good, I'd guess! Personally, I think it'd be worth being suspended a few days if it meant putting the little b*&$% in her place!
  18. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    That's the key- you have to catch them, or be 'on' to their behavior. Most bullies are smart enough to cover themselves, though..unfortunately.

    I'm sure I posted about the time a boy in Kevin's high school grabbed his breast( Kevin's breast!), and caressed it like he were a girl.:shock: It wasn't until I threatened to turn it into a homosexual overture that the principal would do anything to the kid. Had that kid grabbed an actual girl that way, his *ss would have been grass instantly.
  19. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    You bet it would have!!! On a lighter note, a good friend was telling me that her 1yo son somehow caught them in the buff the other day. I guess he walked up behind Daddy, reached between his legs, and grabbed him! LOL!!! And my friend got the biggest kick out of seeing it coming. They've decided it's time NOW to be a little more discreet, lol!
  20. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Amen to bullies knowing how to work the system. When ds was in 6th grade at ps, three boys jumped him in the locker room after spraying him in the eyes with Axe deordorant. Ds came out swinging and HE was the one who got suspended for violence. His PE teacher later told me she was glad he fought back. :roll: What good did that do him???....ok...calming down.
  21. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    'Kevin is responsible for his REACTION to an ACTION.' That was the bull I always was told.

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