School's promotion of LGBSA leads to hot mess

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by Actressdancer, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    What do you all think of the SCHOOL's role in all of this? I realize that there are TONS of people involved and the mess was created by all of them, but the school's role is what interested me. (You do have to read the whole thing to get any semblance of the complete picture)

    (I also know nothing about this organization or how reputable it is)
  3. gizzy

    gizzy New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    I'm reading it...but so far I see no way that connects this to HomeSchool at all.

    I'm not even sure what to think about this. I dont support Homosexuality in anyway, as its not in my natural values and goes against my religion to boot, but I dont support the BASHING of homosexuals or any group.

    If God said its a sin, then I believe him but I also just let HIM deal with it in his own way, on his own time. If he's going to punish people for being homosexual, then he wont need my help at all.

    I'm more than half way through, but I dont see the connection to Homeschool...

    I'm not gonna finish the rest, its just confusing me...:?
  4. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    We often post school news in 'homeschooling in the news'. Perhaps I should have put it in the "other conversations" area, but I was going with the usual tendency to put this type of article here.

    It has nothing to do with homeschooling. It was just interesting to me. I'm still trying to work out the ethics of the school. I can't pinpoint if they are at fault or if they were just trying to promote an accepting learning environment. That's why I asked what I did.
  5. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Oh my word. It's connected to homeschooling in that this child should have been homeschooled rather than allowed to participate in such an objectionable play. I don't understand her special needs, but surely, she could have participated in drama in some other setting for her therapy. There are many opportunities around us for kids to get involved in drama; the school is only one of them.
  6. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Oh wait...that sounds like I'm blaming the parents. I'm not. Decisions are much tougher to make when you don't have the advantage of looking back on them.
  7. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Yeah, I kind of struggled with that aspect, too. Trying to figure out the whole drama thing as necessary rather than protecting her from the potential for a mess. She could have done community theatre, right? Or church drama?

    But like you said, Decisions are much tougher to make when you don't have the advantage of looking back on them.
  8. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    First, I see PS news posted here all the time, I think it's appropriate. It speaks to the reasons many of us do homeschool.

    Now back on topic....This whole thing bothers me. First, any play, no matter the subject, for high school students should not contain profanity. Are the students allowed to drop the F bomb in the halls?

    Second, The school should stay away from plays about religion and politics and hot topics. It was, honestly, quite stupid of school officials to think a hot topic such as homosexuality was an okay topic for a high school play.

    Third, had the play bashed any other religion other than Christianity, I feel strongly it would not have been allowed.

    And yet another reason to homeschool from

    Not the schools job to teach kids morals and values. We can't pray or read Scripture in school, but they can teach them to question the values their family teaches them? (insert sarcasm) Nice. :roll:

    Christians are being told to accept homosexuality. What would happen if they told some other religion that forbids them to eat pork to eat pork? Try it, it's good, it's the other white meat?

    Yes, some Christians take the homosexuality thing too far (like the 'God Hates Fags' group-My God is about love, not hate.) But just thinking homosexuality is a sin doesn't make me about hate or mean that I hate homosexuals. I think premarital straight sex is a sin as well. I think murder is a sin. I think lying is a sin. I think stealing is a sin. Lots of things are sins, why oh why is the homosexual sin mean I'm about hate?? If I hated everyone that sinned I'd be awful lonely.

    We ALL sin. Even the saved. So why do some Christians focus so hard on this one sin?
  9. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    You took me back to my highschool days SimplySonita! lol. When I had just graduated my friend and I went to a play done by our local community theater group. The play had been rejected by the Drama leaders of the High school since it had an "Adult theme" even though a good message was meant. The play was called "BANG BANG you're dead". It's also a movie, but the play is very thought provoking with very few props and a strong message about the dangers of school violence and gun abuse. My point is I guess, that this play was rejected by high school drama leaders, much like this lay should have been rejected as well. Such things are NOT okay for a highschool drama troop. However a community drama group filled with many aged actors is a good start.

    P.S. Off subject, but when my friend and I went to see this play my now husband was the lead actor :love: He was so handsome, and his performance so moving that I fell in love with him right there! We met u after the show and went to the restaurant right across the street and were married 4 months later! lol. Just a tid bit I couldn't help sharing. :oops:
  10. Marty

    Marty New Member

    Aug 10, 2009
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    I noticed the article was dated in 2007. Is there any news on what has happened to the young lady since then?
  11. gizzy

    gizzy New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    I didn't mean it wasn't important. I just EXPECTED for them to say something about homeschooling. Sorry, I rarely come out of the Main HS forum, it was an interesting (but confusing) read.

    It made me think of the Tolerance curriculum they put into California public schools, from K-12, I believe, I think it starts in the early years with a book called " Tango Makes Three" about some Gay penguins or something.

    I think Tolerance is a wonderful thing to teach, but prek and Kindergarten is very (almost too) young to be taught about any kind of sex. Hetero- or Homo-sexuality.

    I think that before the age of 10, it should be strictly the parents prerogative what subjects they want their children to learn and even at 10 (up 14) its the parents prerogative HOW to teach certain, sensitive and personal things. I say up to 14 because thats about the age where kids are absolutely into just about everything and they WILL answer their own questions if a parent doesn't.
  12. BrandyBJ

    BrandyBJ New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    If I hated everyone that sinned I'd be awful lonely.

    Hmmm....guess we'd all walk around hating ourselves......that might explain alot!!
  13. Mom2scouts

    Mom2scouts New Member

    May 15, 2010
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    "Now back on topic....This whole thing bothers me. First, any play, no matter the subject, for high school students should not contain profanity. Are the students allowed to drop the F bomb in the halls?" ~ quote by SimplySonita

    I agree with your post, SimplySonita. I have a son in public high school and my first thought when reading this was "She hasn't been in a public high school for awhile." Yes, they drop the F bomb in the halls on a regular basis. Our high school also has a gay-straight alliance and that day where pro-homosexual activists encourage students to stay silent the entire day of school. (I'm sure trying to not say anything all day makes for a really productive day of school, don't you?)
  14. pecangrove

    pecangrove New Member

    Jan 13, 2007
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    It seems to me that particular school is on a pro-homosexual crusade, not just encouraging the "be tolerant of everyone even if you don't agree" attitude.
    I believe everyone should be treated with respect, but when it comes to morals I DO NOT need a school, political administration, or any other person telling my children what they should think is right or wrong. Schools are in place to teach the three R's, the rest of what a child learns is called PARENTing.
    Had I been her parents I wouldn't have allowed to her to be in that play regardless. The whole subject matter, language, etc is just WAY too mature for a high school drama club.
    Once she had started the play practice and they saw what was happening, why didn't they remove her from it then? None of this makes sense to me...
  15. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Well we did too back in the early 90's but not around a teacher. We also smoked in the locker room and bathrooms and some people had sex on campus during school hours. But these aren't things that are allowed.

    I asked my teenage neighbor today-and cussing still is not allowed in our district. Yes it goes on. Lots of stuff goes on in high school, but not in front of teachers LOL

    So are you saying it's allowed at your son's school? They can drop the F-bomb in the halls in front of teachers and expect no detention or ISS??
  16. Mom2scouts

    Mom2scouts New Member

    May 15, 2010
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    It's not officially "allowed", but I know there are teachers who allow it in class without any punishment.
  17. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I found the double-standard of my second high school very disturbing. We were harshly punished for ANYTHING that even RESEMBLED cussing (we couldn't say "Gosh Darn it," for instance), yet we had to read books like The Catcher in the Rye.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    In my dh's school it is "not allowed". But if he were to write a student up for it, there's a good chance nothing would be done about it. This year he had a new administrator, who walked into his class and watched him trying to deal with behavior on his own. The principal told him to write the kids up. DH explained that in the past, they'd just be sent back to class, and writing them up actually would cause more problems because the kids would then KNOW the administration really didn't care. This principal made it clear that it would NOT happen with him. So DH tried it, and the principal was good...until his superiors came down on him for the number of kids being suspended. Then he "had" to back off.
  19. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    I know you can't judge a person when you aren't in their shoes but honestly, allowing her daughter to be in the play almost seemed like she was "asking for it." It seems like she should have known her daughter would be a target and acted accordingly. Not that it means either she or her daughter "deserved" what happened. But yeah. Good sense seems to dictate that she shouldn't have allowed her to be in the play, especially given her role as an anti-whatever it is she was.

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