Second thoughts

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Melinda, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. Melinda

    Melinda New Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Alexis will be officially starting kindergarten in sept and even though she is way past that K level and I believe we teach our children from birth
    Lately I have been having all these second thoughts about home schooling instead of sending her to public or private school
    I know that I am the best teacher she could ever have and I know all my concerns but then I sit back wondering am I doing the right thing? Will she be happy? Will she still go to college? Will she get the education she needs?

    I know I am starting to stress due to it getting close to the wire and school starting soon

    Please help me reassure my self my choice to home school is not just my over protective mom side trying to protect her from the world and my true reason is because its whets best for her

    I am also a little afraid I can not do this

    (Sorry to ramble)
  3. Mom2ampm

    Mom2ampm New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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  4. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Kindergarten should be a fun time, NOT a stressful time! I think you can certainly do it if you want to! You've raised your child this far, and done a great job! Nothing has really changed just because she's officially Kindergarten age, you're still a great mom, and can add these interesting and fun activities for her and do well! There are things available for not too much that would be great for her, I'm sure.

    I read the above article. It was not too bad, but came down a little heavy on expense and organization. I don't have lots of money, and my first year I found a very good Christian ready-made curriculum, and it wasn't that expensive at all (Christian Liberty Press)! Plus, it was and still is WAY cheaper than the school my kids would be going to! But she's right that the more you do it, the more creative you become, because you know what to expect, basically, and where to find things for cheaper, or do alternate activities that don't cost as much. I am not a very organized person, but I've been homeschooling for over 8 years now, and my kids are doing very well---ahead of their peers in all subjects. Also the time: It doesn't take very long per day for K, so her statement of taking lots of time would be meant for children in higher grades!

    Please ask any more questions you may have, the ladies (and a few gentlemen now and then) here are great!

    I wish you well in your decision!
  5. Mom2ampm

    Mom2ampm New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I agree with Deena. Kindergarten could really be free. You can get so many printables online and read lots of books. Kindergarten was meant to be an introduction to school. If you want more you can always choose a curriculum and go from there. My ds will be considered K this year. I'm using a math workbook, phonics workbook/cd, resource books for Science and SS. I chose these books because it makes my life a little easier to have everything all there for me ready to use. But, I still print lots of things off the computer as well.

    The article I found just popped up after doing a search. I found it right after I read your post. It's just a way to get familiar with what you will really be doing when you homeschool. Everyone does it differently though.

    BTW, if you are not satisfied with homeschooling you can always go in a different direction. Just because you decide now to do something it doesn't mean you're there for life. KWIM? Oh, and now so many schools welcome homeschooled students that I wouldn't worry too much about the college issue at this point.

    Good luck!!
  6. MelissainMi

    MelissainMi New Member

    Jun 1, 2006
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    If I can do it I think anyone can. Im a single mom to 1(Madison, age 5 will be 6 in September) and we are doing kindergarten work in the fall..and now but its mostly review stuff. I wasnt sure I could do this, even comtemplated taking a new position at work(day shift) but realize that I WANT to do this, I feel this is Gods calling for me..even if its only for 1 year, I will know that I tried to do my best for her. As for cost, I did purchase a Learn at Home-K curc. off ebay for under 8.00 its a complete year in one book for all subjects but I am going to supplement the math with Saxon hopefully if $$ allows and add some SSRW into the phonics(my sister has this so Im borrowing some of it). I also print alot of stuff from online..My collection is gettinb quite big, I need to hit somewhere free to print soon LOL.

    I decided that with some cutting excercise's I found, I am going to cut them onto magnets and make them more "playable" instead of just 1 time use.

    Im very excited about HS, I look for stuff everywere, Im constantly scouring Goodwill and Salvation Army for books, magazines etc that we might study. Im going to a unit on the Ocean and water creatures..Hit goodwill last week, found 5 magazines and some books for under 2.00. Our library is having their used booksale this weekend..I'll be there sunday trying to get a bunch of magazines for her to cut up and create with the pictures. I scrapbook so I have tons of paper on hand and fun stuff. (((HUGS))) you can email me at any time..since we both have kindy students!
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I have that book!
    And I have the grade 1 as well!
    I have entirely tooooo much stuff!
    I created a classroom out of our master bedroom! hahahaha!

    But I have thre monsters. twin voys who will be 6 next month and going into the first grade. And a 3.5 year old girl who is learning to read.

    When it is not a school, it is the playroom with all their big toys and the kids TV, as they do not have a TV in their room.
  8. MelissainMi

    MelissainMi New Member

    Jun 1, 2006
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    Did you like that book? I also have grade 1 too, I found it at a church sale a few weeks ago and bought it for like .50cents or so..super cheap and it looks almost new.
  9. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I am so surprised not to see Becky didn't post yet, she is feeling the same way. But you know you really can do it. You will be a good teacher. We are here for you to help you along the way. I let my dd, age 5 go at her own pace, if she was bored with the k stuff, I gave her some challenging stuff from first grade, there are some good sites to use, ( I found it easier to print from the online sites than to go throught he workbooks, since I had two to make coppies for).
  10. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    The book:...

    We have not yet implimented the book into a proper "School day". However, thumbing through it, I know that it is what I was looking for.

    I know that "You get what you pay for" and it is a $30 book. I know that there are more comprehensive programs out there for hundreds of dollars. But I cannot invest that kind of money, right now. I figure that first grade is relatively easy to teach, because I am sure that on this level, I do not question my abilities to teach the subjects. Therefore, I was mostly looking for something that would show me WHAT to teach a first grader and WHEN to teach it.

    One of the biggest reasons for getting this book was to have some form of "Pace Car" type of schedule. I need to be taught HOW to program a day or a week. I am a newbie, and lack the confidence that comes with experience. I knew I would want some curriculum for the first year of homeschooling. I also knew that I really just needed a "Guide", not a $300 program, you know?

    So, I plan to supplement the book itself with the library, the newspaper, reader books and so on. They say that with a library card, a stack of paper and a wel sharpened pencil, you could practically homeschool for free... I like that. I just needed some structure, to get me started. you know?

    I liked it so well, I got the Kindergarten version for my daughter! And I am in the market for another 1st grade book, because of the worksheets. I actually tried the "Scan the pages on the computer and print copies" thing... toooo expensive! Cheaper to buy the book, even if at full price1 hahahaha!

    Write me anytime!
  11. mom2ponygirl

    mom2ponygirl New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    I remember feeling like that! My daughter also was not going to learn anything academically in Kindergarten. We're now finishing year 2 and it has been great. My daughter has a bunch of great friends (I really worried about that one since she is an only) and has soared academically. It is normal to feel doubts. You are doing something off the beaten path so of course it feels a little scary. You'll have a blast.

    Check out Creative Homeschooling for Smart Families by Lisa Rivero - tons of great resources for curriculum and comparisons/explanations of different homeschooling styles such as classical, unschooling, eclectic, unit studies, etc. Very nice for ideas on what's going to work for your particular family and child.

    Good luck
  12. She

    She New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Take a deep breath. It is normal to have that "ummmm am I doing the right thing?" feeling. It comes and goes and I'm sure after they have graduated homeschool high school that we will wonder "gee did I do the right thing?" ROFL

    I think people are led to homeschool for different reasons and so each of us has to look at our personal reasons and decide, is it worth it?

    My oldest is 7 and we've been homeschooling.... well before I knew I was homeschooling him. I went "official" with curriculum when he was 4.5 and it has been the best choice. But...yet I still have people ask me "how long are you going/planning to homeschool"? ROFL Well...I tend to take it step by step. I can honestly say that I am not stressing out about his junior high and high school years yet. :wink: It's more fun that way. ROFL

    The other question I get is "Are you going to homeschool your youngest?" Who is now about 3.5. Well....yeh probably! I mean geez why would I have the freedom of homeschooling and throw one to the ps wolves. ROFL That would really mess up all my free time and vacations whenever we want them. is just because they don't get it. Most of the US has been programmed/conditioned to think that we send our kids off to school.

    Tina and I do a Smoothing the Way program in our local area and we help those newbies get through that first year. It is so much fun to see them at the end of year REALIZE that they just did a year and the kids aren't "stupid". They do tend to realize some "lessons learned" along the way but, make changes for the next year and that is how we all grow.

    Big Hug!
  13. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    You do "Smoothing the Way in WHAT part of Texas??? I am near Houston...
  14. Melinda

    Melinda New Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    I just want to say thank you all for your support and kind words I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else other then my husband and best friend that I was doing the right thing for my children and our family it’s a hard yet easy decision to be made if that makes since I have known since before we had our first we were going the home schooling route but the close I became to the start the more worried I became

    Again thank you all so very much!
  15. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Best wishes to you Melinda!

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