Sex Ed for Kindergarten?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by Meg2006, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I just read on my Facebook page (i subscribe to Fox News) and aparently Helena, Montana public schools are considering this. I cannot find the link on Fox News site right now, but I AM looking for it. Here are the main points:

    Video Summary: The Helena Public School system is proposing a program that would start teaching sex education in kindergarten and explain oral sex to fifth graders.

    "This includes teaching FIRST GRADERS that you can be attracted to a person of the same gender."

    "And by age 10, students are taught about different types of intercours."

    "Teaching 4th and 5th graders about anal penetration, and teaching 1st graders that they may be hmosexual is NOT age appropriate!" Says the spokesman against this decision the public school is attenpting to make.

    "Triggering the very behaviors they are 'trying' to prevent"

    "Sexuality is not just talking about Sex. It's talking about our bodies, our feelings, gender and expression. This is not teaching 1st graders to be gay, it's teaching them that everyone is different in their own way, and knowing that they can be apart of a BIGGER community. AND QUITE FRANKLY I'VE TAUGHT 100'S OF 5TH GRADE CLASSES, AND WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT KIDS HAVE A VERY SOPHISTICATED SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE. I always answer their questions precisely, like, 'What is oral Sex?' which comes up alot." Spoken from the advocate for this new decision the public school is making.


    Sorry, but...EXCUSE ME?!! Thank you God, THANK YOU GOD, we have the ability to homeschool b/c If I knew my kindergartener was learning about sex, if my 1st grader were learning that it's ok to be Gay, and learning about oral sex, I would no be a happy camper, and I might just explode!!! I'M EXPLODING AS WE SPEAK!!!!!!!! My first reaction here, is that it's wrong...and also that it's a sin for Goodnes sakes!!! WHat happened to innocense for a child!!!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil: (the above WERE direct quotes, just so you know.)

    Here is the link Via facebook, I cannot find the video on Fox homepage right now...still looking:!/video/video.php?v=662875140850
  3. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    This is another important reason to homeschool. While I am all for early sex education, I don't want a teacher or school board deciding what or how my child is taught about sex.
  4. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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  5. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Heard this one on the Fox News on tv. I am appalled and horrified!!!
  6. heartsathome

    heartsathome New Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    I watched something on FN that said children 3 & up can get free condoms just by asking. Absurd!
  7. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I can't believe this! I really can't. And as Angry as I am, it also makes me very sad. These children's inosence is ruined! I will talk to my children about sexual education when the time is right for them, and I will teach them what I think they need to learn. One commenter on the facebook story said that they "didn't need a school system to teach me about sex. I learned what I wanted to know from my parents, and from books!" Ok, Learn it from your parents. It shouldn't be the school systems job teaching things like this AT ALL!!!
  8. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Some parents won't do it. Some parents don't give accurate info either.

    I think the school system should teach sex ed, but I think it should be mainly scientific/medical knowledge. But not in K. Good touch, bad touch in K, fine. But talking about homosexuality and sexual positions in elementary school? uh, heck no!!

    And, if it's like around here-parents must sign for there child to take any class like sex ed or good touch, bad touch. If my kids were int hat school, I think I'd have to opt out, but even if you do opt out, the other kids will tell your kid what they missed out on the playground....

  9. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    This is already implemented in my school district and neighboring districts as well. This is just one of the many many reason I hs. Currently 40% of the students in our elementary school have STD's in their mouths because they are performing oral sex on each other. This includes K-6 graders. The other sad thing is the school is not "allowed" to inform the parents that their child has an STD because it is considered part of their school health record which is confidential.

    Edit: Parents around here do not have an option to opt-out. Sad.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2010
  10. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    In Missouri, schools are under no obligation to inform parents that their daughter is pregnant. And the schools are allowed to take the students OVER STATE LINES to get an abortion... again, without informing the parents. Parents don't even have the benefit of knowing after the fact, so as to be able to prevent/deal with the medical complications that usually arise.

    Schools can't give out a Tylenol, but they can be 100% complicant in a complicated surgery.
  11. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Quite frankly, this is very scary. If I worked fulltime somewhere besides where I do now (which is at home thankfully), I would have no option but to send my children to public school and hope for the best. I think some children hear their parents talk about abstinance, but trust their teachers when thye say it's ok, and listen to their peers when they say, "Let's practice." no matter what age they are, they are prone to peer pressure. It's sad that the world is coming to this. :(
  12. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I agree. Sex should be taught at an early age but I prefer it be left to me.

    Although, I will admit talking about sex is not easy for me. Trying to get over My 12 year old knows about sex finally..LOL...can I just let her teach the rest of them? LOL.
  13. Mom2scouts

    Mom2scouts New Member

    May 15, 2010
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    I read this and was horrified. I have no problem answering questions in an age appropriate way when they come up, but I DO NOT want the school teaching it. When sexual subjects come up in our conversations, I can explain them to my children while also explaining my values. The schools make it seem that anything goes!
  14. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    why can't kids just be kids anymore. Everyone wants them to grow up so fast.
    First they took away there time to be kids by starting Pre-K then it went to PreK-3 now this so sad.
  15. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    They were teaching same-sex attraction in K around the time I decided to HS. It wasn't the primary reason we decided to homeschool, but it was one of 'em.

    My kids still think that you're not supposed to kiss til you're married. /sigh I need to sit down and talk to my oldest abt upcoming body changes, but I still think 9 is a bit too young for sex.
  16. gizzy

    gizzy New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    This is...a bit sick...Personally, sex was (and is) something of a "taboo" subject in my household and we dont really talk about it. Period. I dont even have the relationship where I can talk to my parents about something like sex. I love my parents dearly, but I dont really feel comfortable with them in a variety of ways because of the way they raised me. I dont feel comfortable talking to them about any thing really of importance about MYSELF. I cant even fix my mouth to tell them I want to live abroad in China after school, let alone have a conversation with them about sex...

    Which is one of the reasons that I plan to raise my children to know and understand the scientific/medical part of sex from the time they are old enough to even THINK about a baby. Really. I want to begin reading non-graphic "where did I come from" type books with them at 3 or younger. We'll study Reproduction right along with digestion and the bloodstream between 5-7 if I have MY way...I want them to know about puberty BEFORE it hits them. I dont want it to be a big deal for them at all...

    But I DONT want them knowing about oral sex until they are old enough to THINK IT UP themselves and hopefully we will have the sort of bond and relationship that if THEY want to talk about it, they know how to approach me. I dont want my kids ignorant or repressed, but I dont want them KNOWING certain things either. By the way, hopefully my kids will feel that you shouldn't kiss before Marriage also!
  17. Kathy

    Kathy New Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    I want my kids to have their innocence for awhile longer no matter if the world laughs at us. I'm sad for kids these days.

    I was appalled by what a 9 year old boy at my job (childcare center in a gym) told me. He said when he grew up he didn't want to have kids because he didn't want to deal with child support. Also, if he did get a girl pregnant, he'd run for weeks & months, & years.
  18. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    Children need to be children and not have to think or know about all the adult stuff for awhile. I want my kids to innocent as long as possible. My 10yo knows about sex but that is a long story as to why he learned about it at at 8. It was all talked about in medical terms along with our values and what we expect from him (abstinance until marriage). He we very mature about the whole thing and I was not as shaky and nervous as I thought I would be.

    As for my other kids, they will know about it probably around the age of 12, but that is not set in stone. As for othber types of sex...that will be introduced on a need to know basis or if they ask about it.
  19. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    I am starting to believe that the schools are going overboard on the whole sex ed thing. What happen to the G-rated good/bad touch, personal space, talking about bodily changes and as you get older you talk about the basics male/female reproduction and then STDs once in high school. It is the parents job to teach their children but since there are so many whose parents don't have two hoots or don't wanna discuss it with their children they schools think they must do more than the simple basics. I don't think we every talked about oral sex or homosexually in a class room setting. That is what you talked about with your friends because well back then you and they 'knew' it all and not the teachers. I think our school was pretty good I only knew a handful of teenage mothers my four years there and one of them was my cousin.
  20. DanielsMom

    DanielsMom New Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Wow. I don't think the schools should teach kids about the different ways to have sex...EVER. STD's and safe sex, sure, eventually. Not all parents will teach it and someone has to. But certainly not in elementary.
  21. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Oh, Kathy, that is so sad! I feel so bad for children like that, who have the idea of what a real family is, and the togetherness, is slightly skewed by no fault of their own. Sadly, I think this thing the school is trying to do will definately not decrease sexual activity like they are "hoping" for it to.

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