Sex ed

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by momofafew, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    While this is not in the schools yet, this is not the first time I have seen a similar push in recent times. I do not want my children to be a part of this movement to teach children this in the schools. Also, once it is being taught in the schools, with no parents present, or even with parents present who blindly figure that the schools know what they are doing regardless of what their instincts say, then it will just continue to be acceptable and get worse and worse for future generations. I am worried. 85% of Americans are currently in the public schools. This means 85% plus will start getting this education. Even though it has not been passed at this point, the UN suggested something similar recently too.
  3. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    wow, this is really scary! I wonder how many parents are aware of close they are to losing their children to the "system"
  4. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    very shocking! My oldest does not even know all about it.....
  5. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    This is not new to me. Our neighboring school district implemented something similar but it was much, MUCH, much worse. We currently have 40% of elementary students in our district with STD's because they are being taught to "experiment" with both opposite gender and same gender is all kinds of ways. It makes me stick to my stomach what they are teaching to such young children but you what else makes me sick? It's all the parents that I talk to that deny it's happening and say "my child would tell me if that was happening." They are so blind.
  6. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    What is wrong with these people? Why do they think it is appropriate for younger and younger children to be interested in the opposite sex, or dress as if they are? I just don't get it. At the bottom of the page there was a link about Disney's new clothing line. Its target audience is little girls. These clothes look inappropriately sexy to me, for a little girl. What is wrong with our society. Are there that many parents that think it should be okay for little girls, barely even menstruating, to be having sex or doing sex play?
  7. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    PS. in our area has starting to head in that direction, and recently passed a court ruling that said they do not have to inform parents if they will address sexuality, sexual orientation etc. They start introducing in-depth topics in KG. Some teachers scale it back, but some push the limits. You have to know the values of a particular teacher and school principal. That has really influenced our decision to home school.
  8. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    What the h*ll!? I mean, really? Kids are 'sexual beings'????!!! Since when? Because I was under the impression that there are countless laws that say otherwise.

    Think about it... if our collective mindset shifts in this direction, then we're heading towards legal pedophilia. Because, after all, if kids are sexual beings then who is anyone to deny their right to have sex with whomever they want. And Lord knows it's easy enough for a pedophile to convince a child to agree.
  9. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I had a hard time getting my husband to agree to let me homeschool, but when his friend's son came home with a bookmark promoting gay relationships in the first grade he changed his mind. The boy had been told way to much about sexual relations in order for them to explain what being gay is. Of course the parents were not informed ahead of time or afterwards. They only got to hear the twisted and confused version from their six year olds.
  10. myfourmonkeys

    myfourmonkeys New Member

    Jun 17, 2009
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    That is disgusting! Wow! It's assault on the family, faith and society. What's next?
  11. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    My sister lives in Germany right now while her dh is in the army and she just told me that the schools in Germany are pushing incest. Yes that is what I said. Incest. They claim that the children need to feel loved and need to have a better relationship with their parents and grandparents and siblings and aunts and uncles etc. It is supposedly also being pushed so children will be able to know about their bodies and how they work and won't be shy to talk to their family about their sexual life. I was (and am) so sickened by it I became nauseated when she told me. What is this world coming to?
  12. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    This reminded me of Angelina Jolie. She unabashedly admitted to sleeping with her half-brother because she wanted her first time to be with someone she loved and trusted.

    Children who have sexual relationships with adults have serious issues. Even if the sex is "consensual." (meaning some sleezy grown-up talked them into it) How can anyone deny the evidence that nothing good comes from pedophilia. And even less good comes from incest.

    And then consider the implications.... far reaching. When brother/sister sleep together and *whoops*, 10yo sister ends up pregnant, not only are you then left to deal with a baby having a baby, you're dealing with a baby having a baby who will likely have birth defects.
  13. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    When I read Minitha comment, my first start was the story in the Bible about Sodmen and Gamora...

    sickness and wickeness is speading fast in this world...
  14. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    I want to still support PlannedParenthood but I don't think it's the same as when I was a teen, or maybe I was just blind. If my children were in school, I'd opt them not to see any of this material and be totally outrange if it was taught w/o my permission. I have a Christian based s-e-x book for my children and it says that it's pleasurable between a married couple and it's a private act and I intend to keep teaching it that way. I just hope my teachings out weigh the 'norm' of teaching of this.
  15. Elisabeth

    Elisabeth New Member

    Dec 18, 2009
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    We taught it from the beginning as normally as possible- when the children saw dogs or other animals mating we just told them they were mating, the process, what came of it, etc. Then by the time they wanted to know where babies come from, we explained the sperm and egg bit, and then when they finally reached the "But how does the sperm get to the egg?" question, it's pretty easy to say "people mating" and have them understand without a lot of oddness. We just treated the whole thing like an ongoing science lesson and it eases a lot of hassle and keeps the lines open for questions.

    We've also told the children that other children often have bizarre and wrong information about procreation and to ASK US if anyone tells them something weird or they want to know more about any facet, and they do.

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