Sharing Circle

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by cailet, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. cailet

    cailet New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Wow! My local homeschool group has finally decided to do something instead of being invisible in the community. They have started what they call a sharing circle. The kids get to meet at the library multipurpose room and take turns sharing about a project or something they are working on. My 11 yo actually participated today and loved it, although he was a little bit nervous. Today the topic was careers for the older kids and just show and tell for the younger ones. They have to stand up and use a microphone to share. It is awsome. As you can tell I am pretty excited about this. I have been trying for the last 2 1/2 yrs to get involved with the local group and it just wasn't happening. My 11 yo decided to do a career and did a little report about log truck driving. He had pictures from when he was 3 - 4 yo and rode with his dad in a log truck. He did a great job and everything. :) :D :D :D

    They plan to meet every friday for 2 hours. Next week is more of a social game art projects and crafts day. And they are starting a book circle as part of it. The first book is " Black ships before troy:story of the Iliad" by Rosemary Sutcliffe. They arranged with the local bookstore to order the books and get a 20% discount off the list price!.. This took over 2 yrs to get things going so i'm going to support them as much as possible. It is actually a joint venture with the local group and the school district's Alternative ED. (parent partnership program) but that's ok.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    That really sounds cool! One thing I miss from the co-op that folded was the opportunity for the kids to get up and talk in front of a group like that. We did "reports" twice a year, and Recitation (with grandparents, etc. invited) once a year.
  4. cailet

    cailet New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    What's even better is the cost! Free! except for the cost of the book for the book circle but so far so good!
  5. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    That sounds great! Yeah Jackie, I miss the kids being able to do reports also. I thought that was very good for them!
  6. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Cailet, we have a book club at our co-op. The mom that has that class usually gets her books at the library. They come in a plastic tub - there are about 20 in the box and numbered. She keeps track of who has what book. I'm not sure how long she is allowed to keep them, but I think it's 2 months. She returns them when they are done. Doesn't cost us a thing.
  7. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    How do you do the reports now?
    I am required to give my kids instruction in and opportunity for public speaking, but haven't quite figured out how to achieve this yet. Also required to do drama productions/skills - hard with only 2 kids.
    I don't have time to take them to the local hs group, and not sure they do this stuff anyway. Becuase I also work, we need to use all of our available time for lessons, and group things are always heavy time investments. So, any suggestions girls?
  8. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    We've done little skits and plays, mostly Bible ones, and videoed them. It was with just two of my kids sometimes, and all three sometimes. That's certainly drama/production. They made all the signs and discussed how to do the skit, they got or made the props and practiced, then performed. So it can be done with just two! We also videoed them presenting a science project or history story. They do that in front of the family and since it's taped, they know we will be sharing it with extended family and some friends, so we consider that public speaking! We work on speed and intonation and things like that so they learn how to speak in front. They also do scripture readings and little talks in front at church off and on.

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