Simple Homeschooling??

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by maria, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. maria

    maria Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Is there such a thing? I am trying to simplify our life in many ways. However, I find that our home-schooling is all over the place. I pull things from so many different sources that I feel like we are doing so much yet not doing enough. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense. I am seriously thinking about an all inclusive curriculum for next year but I just don't know what. I just need things to be more simple so I don't feel like we're jumping all over the place. I do lots of preschool stuff with my 4 year old but that's not a big deal. However, with my 2nd grader, I feel like things just aren't organized enough and I'm afraid we're doing too much yet not covering what we need to. We are using Math Mammoth which I love. I am actually not doing any spelling to speak of now because Spelling Power just seemed too much for him. We do reading of course. I read to them and my 2nd grader reads what he wants on his own. We do Story of the World sporadically along with other history texts. He is learning cursive and typing but doesn't really do a lot of handwriting. I feel like our Science is all over the place. I purchased Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding and we quit it after awhile. Now I just pull stuff from here and there for Science. We have a fairly simple Grammar workbook and also one of those big 2nd Grade workbooks. We do art occasionally but not regularly. He does violin daily. I would love any recommendations on how we could simplify things. We are all getting burned out and since I'm trying to simplify all other areas of our lives, I would also like to simplify our home-schooling. Soooo, if anyone has any ideas for me I am open to suggestions! Oh, and I would love to incorporate geography too! Thanks.
  3. Meggo

    Meggo New Member

    Sep 30, 2011
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    We use a beka for everything except Spanish and it does make it easy to know what is coming next. There is good continuity day to day, and also in different subjects. Ex: the spelling words will be words will be some words from science, like hypothesis. We are looking for something different for next year though because it's difficult for me to do all the teaching for both kids, it can be quite the load, so I don't know if a beka would help you, but maybe just one curriculum would.
  4. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    an easy to follow and keep focused on is one of the ten workbook/text in one styles like clp or aop carries., should take you to thier sites to view it, other wise if clp does not work I am sure one of the folks who use their books will chime in soon.
    Aop has a horizon set of books for your ds' ages that you could use. I was just looking at them for my friend.
    they have spelling/reading/phonics/math/health/ etc
  5. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    I think what your doing is great!

    I would recommend finding a book that helps you decide what your kids need to know - or a website. Our PS has it's learning outcomes on a website. It can help to check in with an outside source to see if you are covering all the major areas.

    I like All About Spelling. If you're looking for a curriculum that won't overwhelm. There are no memorization lists, just spelling rules to learn.

    I do the same as you for science. We decide what we want to learn (or what I want them to learn) and we go to the library or look online for activities that we can do. That is probably enough until about when they hit intermediate.

    You have your own style of homeschool. Don't try to be someone you are not. In a year when your DD is older and able to color or play playdough while you teach, it will be way easier to be as organized as you want to be.

  6. maria

    maria Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Thank you all for your input. I will look into the suggestions. It seems like I am constantly figuring things out and then re-figuring again. I just need things to be a little easier next year. Having a little one under foot makes things a little harder. And thank you MKR for saying I'm doing ok. Sometimes I just really doubt myself!
  7. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Maria , I think that is kind of normal, we old home school mom's of 16 plus years are still changing things, deciding on things and then going back to what we had. My third dc , now a teen is getting the most mixed-up style of learning because my strict and ridged teaching from the beginning when I had three to deal with has gone out the window now that two are grown and one is left.
    So sometimes I really doubt myself too! lol
    But let me say YOU CAN DO IT!
  8. maria

    maria Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Thank you, TeacherMom. It's nice to hear from someone who has been doing this awhile!
  9. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    I love this forum for the encouragement we receive here. Sometimes all we really need is to 'vent' and hearing other peoples suggestions can help us figure out what we want or don't want! I've really been encouraged by the members here too!

    Have you hit that crazy crawling and getting into everything stage with DD? My youngest is just getting there! Oh man, it's crazy when they are emptying cupboards and pulling down books while we're teaching! :)
  10. OhioMom

    OhioMom New Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    I've never had a 'pattern' or schedule with anything, let alone HS. Our schedule changes every day. Today we changed up and did math at McDonalds...they have Wi-Fi now. Then we went to the library for science. Meanwhile last week, we spent one whole day on prisms etc...
  11. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Our boys are about the same age. I was pulling from everywhere too (still do) but I have tried to simplify what we do.

    I have one focused on science and one on reading classics and I want to focus on Bible. So we make those our 3 main things.

    I find unit studies work well for us, have you looked into unit studies? (we are interest led though so unit studies work for the kids and for state requirements)
  12. OpenMinded

    OpenMinded Member

    Jul 19, 2009
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    I think you are doing a great job for 2nd grade. I honestly believe in the younger years that the main objectives should be reading, writing, and math. Anything else is just gravy.
    I have done it both ways with eclectic mix and my scheduling and now with an all-in-one scheduled for me. I have to say with the all-in-one that I know we are covering our bases. We are moving forward steadily and there is an end goal in site for the year.
    I have 4 children. In order for homeschool to work for us, we keep a tight schedule. Otherwise, I am outnumbered, stressed, and second guessing. It was necessary for me to get something already set up for me.
    I am not sure what type of curriculum you would look for to simplify things. Are you just looking for a schedule and a checklist to make sure you are covering everything for 2nd grade? I like things that are scheduled for me, but have a mix of textbook/living books. Have you thought about something like My Father's World or Heart of Dakota? If you are looking for secular, Moving Beyond the Page is good as well. Or you could just get a planner and schedule the whole year out so that you have a checklist to cross off and feel like the year is progressing. The year we did our eclectic mix, I had planners for each of the children and scheduled their whole year out beforehand. We used Christian Liberty Press and it was nice. The kids did well with it and I had something to check off every day.
    For us, just having a schedule and routine simplifies homeschooling the most no matter what we are using for curricula.
  13. maria

    maria Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I am just now seeing these added responses. MKR, yes my little one is into everything and is always hanging on my legs and whining while I'm working with the boys. I used to use a carrier but it's hard on my back with her being so big now! It makes it hard to stay on any kind of schedule right now! Ohiomom, it's good to know I'm not alone. Our days are always different. I like it that way but also worry we aren't getting everything done that we should. Sonita, I haven't tried any unit studies. I'll have to look into that a bit. I need to get back to your blog. I always enjoy reading what you're doing.
  14. maria

    maria Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Openminded, I will have to look into those suggestions. I have never even heard of some mentioned. I really think I'd like to try a planned curriculum at least for my oldest.

    Thank you everyone for the replies!

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