Small Vent

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Birbitt, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    We have been looking for a bigger place for a while, the problem has been that we couldn't afford to pay more for it. Finally we found a place that is nearly 450 sq ft larger than we currently have! So, after seeing only a floorplan, we put in our application and a holding deposit. I came home and began packing...and that's were everything goes wrong! Not only is packing overwhelming, but on top of that we've had two deaths to deal with, packing disasters, tv service went out causing chaos since the kids' room is basically packed, we are possibly going to end up with a blind dog before the move, which means trying to acclimate it to two new surroundings in a short period, and the worst of it all is that we STILL do not have an official moving date! Oh, and our sitter for moving day cancelled so I have to keep all three kids, WHILE trying to move, and the three people we had lined up to help with the move have all cancelled as well, which means hubby and I get to do all the moving by ourselves!

    Ok, rants over...sorry. The stress is getting to me severely, I'm hardly sleeping at all, can barely eat, and my patience is non-existant which means my poor kiddos are getting set in front of the TV more than they should because I dont' want to yell at them. :(
  3. Jewinjuwa

    Jewinjuwa New Member

    Feb 5, 2012
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    That's rough. :( Hoping it improves quickly!
  4. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    Moving is hard without all the other complications! ((hugs)) and prayers to you and your family.
  5. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    (((HUGS)))) Hubby and I always moved ourself we never have ask anyone to help us.
    Moving is hard.. with children I have done it a few times..

    just have books and things for them to do while you are going in and out.
  6. Emjay

    Emjay New Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    That all really really sucks and I feel for you. Don't worry about too much tv it's only for a short time, not months or years like many families.

    On moving day try to unpack the tv, electric jug, stuff for hot drinks and some ready to eat snacks first and budget for takeaways that night. And pack an overnight back for each of the kids so you can easily find their pj's and toothbrushes, etc. You've got enough on your plate.
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Try to relax and go with it. (I know...very easily said, when I'm not the one in the situation!) I like Emjay's advice. If the new place is close enough, it's also fun to "camp out" before actually moving in. Sleeping bags on the floor, flashlights.... Kids love it!
  8. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    Ok, I feel a little better now...a little. I've gotten two rooms of the house fully packed, which makes me feel better. I am planning on take out the night of the move, since there's a pizza place right across the street I can send hubby over to pick up yummies and be done with that! The new place is very close, and so I figure it'll all work out, it was just all the stress is getting to me! Then the new place called and I had to go down and redo portions of the application because I was "too honest" (seriously, how crazy is that?). Got it all fixed and we should be good now...I hope! Now to finish packing and be ready for moving day which will if all goes according to plan be just 10 days from now!

    I called my college and asked them if I could start my next class a week later, just so I'm not starting a new class the same day I'm moving! She agreed that it was possible and she set it up right away. I still don't know what's going on with the dog, but if it's in God's plan we have THIS dog, then he will make it all work. I think this is just God's way of telling me "hey, daughter, I know what is best, and I will provide IN MY TIME" so I'm going to take ya'lls advice and just breathe and let it happen.
  9. Emjay

    Emjay New Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Good on ya hon. It's good that a few things have started slotting into place and hopefully that continues for ya.

    When I have a bad patch I try to remind myself that it'll help me appreciate the good ones. I even had a year (2007) that was so bad it became a benchmark for me. Now I figure if I got through that I can get through anything :)

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