Socialization :(

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom81, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. TeacherMom81

    TeacherMom81 New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    I signed DS up for a youth club that meets on Fridays at the local community center. Last week, only one other child showed up. This week, he was the only one there when I dropped him off, and I'm worried that no one else will show up today.
    It makes me kind of sad, because I know he really wants to do stuff with other kids. Co-ops start up in a few weeks, so he'll have that once a week, but I need to find something else for him to do!
    I'm looking into a youth basketball league, the games are only played at two locations that are both close by to me. It's $90 though. DH says we can do it, so in getting more info when I pick DS up later (and I hope more kids showed up!)
  3. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Boy Scouts? Sports team? Does he have siblings if so he likely will be ok. Church group? Contact some of the other moms in the co op maybe they are facing the same issue? I know it can be hard to find compatible friends or even friends at all. Hang in there :)
  4. mom_2_3

    mom_2_3 Active Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Oh that's disappointing!

    Talking to some of the other co-op moms is a good idea. I know when I talk to moms from our congregation, they always say how bored their kids are. I'm like, "Well if all these bored kids could get together every once in a while, THEY WOULDN'T BE BORED!"
    Sheeze! Sometimes you have to BEG to get the other moms involved.
  5. TeacherMom81

    TeacherMom81 New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    DS and DD are 10 1/2 years apart, so she isn't the best playmate for him right now, lol.

    Our homeschool group does have a lot of activities for the kids, but I also wanted something that was regularly scheduled.
    I inquired about the youth basketball league, but I found something better! The rec cents has an open gym hour 5 days a week where middle school kids play basketball, and it's free! We'll probably do that 2 or 3 times a week, plus co-ops and the youth club. That's more than enough for me!
  6. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    THAT is a great idea! Why didn't I think about that? The same with the rec club. I like those ideas.

    Not that my kids really need more socialization...I don't know what I'm thinking

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