Some EXCITING news!!

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by mommix3, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Remember when I asked for prayer for my job security. A LOT has happened since I was last here. We got a new supervisor after the old one was fired. After much prayer from my co-workers and others The old program director was hired as the supervisor and we are in the process of regrouping. Things are looking good. My job is secure and I LOVE where I work. Everyone I work with is Christian and we don't have much drama in the "office". It's an amazing place and I get to work doing my passion, working with youth. My experience homeschooling has helped me in this endeavor as well. I've learned some valuable things to help with my job that I wouldn't otherwise know so YES homeschooling has done something for even me. I was brought into the supervisors office Thursday and asked if I would be interested in becoming the program director and second in command. Of course my answer was YES! With that comes a pretty decent raise DOUBLE a month what I was making in the church nursery job that I quit. It's not a for sure thing yet, it has to be approved by our county commissioners and others in the courthouse since it's a county job. I will know for sure on Tuesday if it's approved. But I'm SUPER excited that it was even offered to me.

    AND......... My oldest son who was giving us so much grief is finally starting to come around and see what we were trying to tell him. He had to hit rock bottom first. He was living in a house with no running water and no heat and at times no food. we've had quite a few COLD spells this winter here in the south so it wasn't a comfortable situation for him. We have prayed for him and I knew he would eventually come around. He's been clean and sober for over a month now. I see him several times a week and our relationship is now restored. He's even going to church. Things are not perfect, he's still living in a sinful situation, but we all sin every day. I know that God is working on him. I'm confident that God who started a good work in him will complete it unto the end. THAT is my verse for him. Love my kids with everything I have. Love them enough to let them go and let God work on them even when it's hard to see them hurting. Their choices are theirs alone. Just like ours are ours alone. all we can do is pray for them. And that's A LOT. Why is it that prayer seems to be used as a last resort? Like we have to try to do it all on our own and only when our own actions aren't enough do we call on God. ((((sigh))) God's teaching me so much through all these trials. I love him so much!
  3. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    So happy for you! I really hope the job promotion works out. It sounds great for you.
  4. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    And I got the promotion and a $2 an hour raise!! WOO HOO!!!!!
  5. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Yippee! Good things come to him who waits!
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    YEAH!!! Glad things are finally looking up!!!

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