
Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by babydux, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. babydux

    babydux New Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Somebody want to come and give my kids an edumacation? I'm tired of trying to cram every bit of knowledge in their head.

    There doesn't seem like enough hours in the day. Am I the only one that continues to sit at the table and keeps working on assignments and searches for everything known to man long after the kids are done for the day?

    I am tired now! I still have several hours of teaching left. Someone shoot me. :roll:
  3. cherryridgeline

    cherryridgeline New Member

    Jun 20, 2010
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    I feel your pain, I do the same thing. Its hard to let it go sometimes.
  4. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I wouldn't cram the information in their heads. I also wouldn't expect them to memorize stuff just to pass a test.

    If I did give them traditional style tests, I would do it sparingly and just so they know what the world expects in college.

    I personally think that even high school can be done untraditionally with some oral work and less paper work.
  5. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I finally learned the difference between what we have to get in vs. what would be nice to get in. Math is a given, but other subjects' importance tends to vary each year and with each kid. Ds15's have-to subjects are math and biology. His other subjects have a lot of wiggle room and others are strictly supplemental (think vocabulary). Not to say that other subjects are not have-to's, but they may not be a subject we do every day.

    All this to say....maybe you could take a step back and see what information is a must (the next skills build on the one you are learning now) and what information is essentially for their own personal knowledge base. Subjects like history we skim the areas the kids are already strong with and then spend more time on the things that are important facts or concepts, or that are essential to understanding the bigger picture of the time period. A lot of curriculum gives facts to fill up a year's worth of time when the essential information could have been summed up in half of that, kwim?

    Edited to add....yes, cabsmom! We are finding that high school is not much different, other than the focus shifting to "is this essential to learn prior to college". :)
  6. babydux

    babydux New Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Well what seemed like hours turned into minutes...wahoo!!! The child that gives me the most struggle was done in a blink. Thank God!!! Now to take a nap! : )
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Today we looked at science. I told him to read sections 7 and 8. HUH? I've not read 5 and 6 yet.... YOU NEVER TOLD ME TO READ THAT!!! Sigh.... So we looked on yesterday's checklist, and guess what! It had to read sections 5 and 6.... So today he had to do sections 5-8. And BOTH kids didn't bother to write the paragraph on the bottom of the vocabularly page, which I made a POINT TO SHOW THEM, because I knew they wouldn't see it if I didn't say something....
  8. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    There have been two articles in HSLDA's magazine that really helped me with this. One was in the latest edition. Both talked about how it is not our jobs to cram so much knowledge in, but rather to teach the basics along with the ability to learn. Our job is to prepare our kids to be what God designed them to be, not what the world wants them to be.
  9. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    BAHAHAHA!! I know it's not funny. But I totally know what you are talking about.. Mine used to do the same thing! that was before I had a written lesson plan for them to see and for me to refer back to.. Now they can't give me the excuse " you never told me to".. Well they can, but I can SHOW them otherwise and then they get to do it and the new lesson.. Why didn't I think of doing this sooner?? Guess my Laziness got the better of me.. LOL..
  10. babydux

    babydux New Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    We have made it to Wednesday and everyone is still alive. Although I did (jokingly) tell daughter I was going to cut her throat out cause she wouldn't stop talking. Her response was "I would get very hungry!" I giggled and told her she wouldn't have the need for food if her throat was gone. Love that child I do!

    Brooke: A topic we discussed the other day about math. You can totally use Khan Academy everyday for lessons. I went through it over the weekend and set up a lesson plan for them. They watch the video twice and work to proficiency. I have them work the problems on paper and it gets dated. I already am seeing great leaps in their learning and comprehending. My son who usually gives me the hardest time has made some significant progress in a couple days. We are going to go with it for now and see where it takes us. I'm using it just like Teaching Textbooks only this is free! Even my MUS lover son likes this and loves that he can do it from his ipod. And I admit since I'm a math geek as well I have been known to spend hours doing math in bed using Khan. Yes, I know I'm weird.
  11. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Oh. My. Word. Why on earth have I never clicked on the link that others have posted for Khan Academy. I just keep scrolling down and am totally amazed. I haven't opened a lesson link yet, but I am just amazed at the sheer scope of what is available. Thanks for the reminder!
  12. babydux

    babydux New Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Other than English and Bible they pretty much have it all covered. Even their science isn't to bad you can always skip the the evolutionary ideals and throw in some good solid bible facts and you've got free curriculum forever! This is gonna workout great when the move to China happens. The less we have to take the better. ; )
  13. mom_2_3

    mom_2_3 Active Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Khan is amazing. I really enjoy his lectures.
  14. sanderson

    sanderson New Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    My kiddos give such an excuse that I get bowled over, such wacky answers I end up scratching my head! But thankfully I have found some ways to make them understand the topics more, than make him cram.

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