Something "Funky"

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Brenda, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    For the past several days I've had something "funky" going on with my stomach - severe cramping, bloated belly, nausea, backache, etc, etc, etc.

    I haven't eaten a whole lot since Saturday because everytime I do eat, the cramping seems to worsen. My husband (being a typical man) is quick to jump and say it sounds like PMS but my body is telling me otherwise. I was going to go see the doctor yesterday, but the one on call at the hosptial is known here as a quack! (horrible bedside manner, not very thorough, in and out of the exam room within all of two minutes - when he doesn't leave the hospital without telling switchboard where to find him). I can't get into my own doctor until tommorow morning (when he's on cal at the hospital).

    In the meantime, if I'm not here, you'll all know why - I feel horrible...

  3. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Oh Brenda,

    I'm so sorry! I hope you are able to see your dr. and figure this out!

    In the mean time, we will be praying for you here!!!
  4. Trish

    Trish New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Praying you feel better. It might be some kind of virus. Hope you feel better soon.
  5. Anne

    Anne New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    I'm praying for you, Brenda. Hope you feel better soon!
  6. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    0 you have another hospital to go to? I was thinking along the lines of gall bladder or appendix???? Especially if it came on like an "attack".
  7. CrystalB9

    CrystalB9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    Praying for you Brenda!
  8. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I went to the doctor today. The funky stomach thing has to do with the Celebrex I have been taking for my back injury (which I managed to flare up again last Saturday - so right now I'm dealing with a double whammy).

    I have been put off work for a week (because of my back and the subsequent stomach thing), am not allowed to take the Celebrex anymore (this could be interesting given the current back issues) and have to go for physio. What to take for the back problems in the mean time will be interesting - nothing new until my stomach settles - just Tylenol - which hasn't worked in the past :(

    Thanks for praying, I do appreciate it - I will explain more a little later - I feel rotten and am going to go lay down for a while.

  9. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Sure glad they found out what was going on Brenda. Did you ask them if you can be checked for a Ulcer some meds. can cause that.
    Hang in there and get lots of rest. We will be praying for you.
  10. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    They are questioning an ulcer (they asked me if I was having stress - ME? can you imagine that one :roll: They wanted me to stop the Celebrex for that reason - it is known to cause stomach irritation. I have to go back on the Prevacid and will never be able to stop taking it (and I hate taking pills). If I could get my stomach straightened around, I would feel half decent - I could force myself through the back problems - I've made it this far for this long. If the Prevacid doesn't help and I continue having the stomach troubles I will probably have to go for a scope to see what's going on - YIPPEE!

    When the doctor asked me about stress I snickered and told her about the mortgage ordeal ("was that a good stress?" she asked) and there are a couple other issues right now (my aunt being in the hospital - Mom is so upset about it - crying, and then I have a sister moving home without her children - they're still in foster care on the other side of the country with no family around - heart breaking doesn't describe it).

    Too much on my plate and until I can let go of it (I know I have to practice what I preach), I'm probably going to continue having stomach problems - and they aren't worth it. Being off work is somewhat of a stressor but I can say that I don't care about that - that's at the bottom of my "worry about it" list.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  11. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Brenda, I have a ucler since I have been 14 years of age. There are times it's wonderful and then there are times it's really bad. Alot of it has to do with what you eat too. No soda, salt, fried foods and things that greasy. Very bland diet until things get straight out. I can be on the diet for weeks at time. Before my stomach feels any better.
    The littlest thing can set it off. ALL I can tell is yes stress doesn't help it a bit. It's easier said then done to stop worry, so I can say to do is watch what you and when you eat it. Also, I found that a malt will help me alot of time. JUST to relax my stomach. But, then
    some people I know malts upset them so everyone is different, just try what's best for you. BUT, I do know that sodas, tea, coffee, fried foods, greasy foods don't help it.
    Hang in there. LET me know if I can help in any other way. Keep your head high and I hope and pray you feel better soon.
  12. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    My time off work has been extended until at least the 3rd of February when I go back to the doctor again. I have to go for physio to strengthen my back before she'll let me go back to work to (lift and tug). I called the physio clinic this morning - they're a little backed up (great) but aren't too far behind. And of course, they're waiting for approval from worker's compensation (even though my employer told them to bill the hospital). What a list of snags... I don't want to be away from work indefinately so I may just pay for the physio myself until WCB and whoever else decides what they're going to do.

  13. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I have been in physio for a little more than week now. Doing better than what I was last week, but right now I have some issues that are of concern to me...

    With this back injury, there is sciatic nerve involvement and I'm starting to lose bladder control (how embarassing this is). I know that this isn't a good thing. Wednesday night and yesterday were horrible for me. The physiotherapist did some stretches with me last night (they hurt, but I asked to do them anyway because I have to keep going in order to get further ahead). While it did hurt initially, it did improve. I continued on with the rest of the plan for the evening. I left with pain but not half as much as when I went in. I had a really hard time getting up this morning and when I did I discovered the latest bladder issue. I am concerned about it (I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't).

    So now I'm waiting for a phone call from the physiotherapist to see what I should do about it (besides wear a diaper :cry: )

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    It's just something that happens sometimes. Quite frustrating when it happens, but it's like having the flu or a sprained ankle---it's a medical condition that needs to be taken care of. So don't worry about it!

    Seems like one thing after another, huh?! I'm so sorry! We will certainly be praying for you here!!!
  15. HeidiPA

    HeidiPA New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    I hadn't been following this thread (must have missed it somehow with all those connection problems I was having).
    Anyway, I'm so sorry to hear what all you're going through right now- as if the stressful things weren't enough, now you're in pain, sick, and peeing your pants- you poor, poor girl!
    You're in my thoughts and prayers!
  16. blessedmom

    blessedmom New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    I'll be praying for you, Brenda. Take care.
  17. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I had been waiting for the physiotherapist to call me back the other day, but she was busy (in the meantime I was dribbling away :eek:. I decided I'd better call our doctor...

    When I spoke to them they got me in right away saying "I dont' like the sounds of this" (I had just been to see them the day before). When he came in to see me, wheels in his brain were spinning over time! His resident looked at what was written in the chart and said "I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole".

    He sent me up to the hospital to do a residual with a catheter :eek: , sent the specimen off and I left to go home - had to pick up the boys and DH. I got a phone call a little later asking where I get my prescriptions, I told them and then they said "Is there any possibility you're pregnant?" :shock: (NO) Anyway, for now, it appears that they're treating a baldder infection (one that I had absolutely no symptoms for - that's unusual - in the past when I've had them I was very well aware of that fact). As long as the antibiotics solve the problem I'll be ok, but the doctor was phoning a neuro-surgeon just in case there was more to this.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  18. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Don't you just love when you get passed from place to place with no real answer to comfort you?
    Brenda, some of the symptoms in your original post do sound like an infection....

    I'm sorry you're getting treated so carelesly.
  19. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    The stomach problems I had then were because of the Celebrex I was taking for the back injury (can't win for losing no matter how hard I try).

    The stomach issues have since resolved (now if this back thing would do the same - I'd have it made).

    I have Degenerative Disc Disease in my lower back (and I found out last week that there is a scoliosis problem there as well - WooHoo). The sad reality is that this is something I will live with for the rest of my life, and it may only get worse as I get older (makes you want to get old doesn't it), but I also see it that I am in control of how fast it progresses and how much pain I allow to be a contolling factor of what I can and can't do. (I shouldn't be saying "I" - I do mean God is in control - cause I'm not).

    Anyway, for the time being it's off to physio to deal with the inflammation (since medications aren't an alternative - which really suits me fine anyway) and then to strengthen the abdominal muscles which will make my back stronger.

    I told the physiotherapist the other night that realistically I know that within a couple years I will have to re-train for something else as a career option - that nursing isn't a realistic retirement goal. She may go back and tell the insurance company - oh well! just speaking truth.

    Off to plugging away again at the exercise's....
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  20. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Brenda, I've got scoliosis, too.
    Didn't you know you had it before this?
    Maybe yours isn't like mine. I've got an upper and lower curve, the roundness on the right side of my back. I ws 13 when I was diagnosed.
    I've hid it for years with baggy shirts, being careful to keep my left shoulder up.

    They told me this summer I also have DDD. They said to be sure to take calcium and that was all. I had gone for tests on my hip, and the xrays showed the DDD.

    Isn't it a small world? :wink: :lol:
  21. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    The only other suggestion to this was when I had x-rays done with my previous injury 5 years ago, but even then it wasn't clear whether it was something I had had for years (and didn't know it) or whether it was from muscle spasms in my back at the time fo the x-ray (and to this day I remember the spasms - they weren't fun).

    I only found out about the scoliosis last week - while looking through my patient chart at the doctor's office. Was I ever surprised and does it ever shed light on a lot of things (like no wonder all of my labours were through the back!). I know that there are two types (one from poor posture and one that is common with girls/women that is eveident from birth, so I'm assuming mine is the birth one (I wonder how long they've known and not said anything to me??).

    Anyway, can't change it now. Just have to learn to live with it.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005

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