Sorta hmschool related ... :)

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by learningnest, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. learningnest

    learningnest New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    okay, so I couldn't decide which forum to post this one under....

    I'm in a little homeschool sorta funk I guess... school and lessons have been going good - with little fight or frustration from my ds6.... so why have I hit this point where I am bored and almost depressed....and what advice do you have to liven things up a little. There hasn't been many field trips for us to go on lately due to finances and weather. And we are getting a little stir crazy. there are no homeschoolers in our area. How do you survive the "boring" part of staying home?

    Also, I am trying to get myself motivated to fit exercise into my day - we live in a very rural area with no gym etc. and I'm kind of a gym-type person. My kids get plenty of exercise running around/bike riding etc. but I miss having that time to get out and exercise BY MYSELF... :) Any advice?
  3. RebekahG77

    RebekahG77 New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Is there another mom that you can meet somewhere once a week and walk together or something like that? An exercise class in the nearest city, maybe?

    What about doing TaeBo or another exercise show with the kids? Sweatin to the Oldies might be cute :)

    To liven things up if money is tight, maybe you could transform your house once a month into a place that you're learning about? Have the kids help decorate...
  4. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Talk about stir crazy!!! We can't leave - LOL

    Ok - so yesterday they made "play-doh" worlds..... made the play-doh (salt, water, flour) and made a world on a piece of card board. This actually took hours!! I was shocked.... but they would recreate their "world" multiple times over because they were finally done.

    No kidding - but they made "boob-world" which lasted 15 minutes ;) But the way one of the girls had it laid out - yep.....looked like boobs. So that also caused them to crack up for 20 MORE minutes.....

    If you have a Wii - box.... it's an awesome "Sweat it out" workout!!

    Today = Valentine card day..... I'm going to have them make cards for everyone (since we honestly can't leave because of snow - and today wind).....

    Maybe pick a unit study to do.... it can be quick and simple - but it would be different! There are free theme units at I still use these even with the older ones.
  5. maria

    maria Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I feel for you. I haven't started hs'ing yet but plan to next year and this is a concern for me. I live out in the country, don't have excess money for recreational things, and the winter is so hard! When the weather is nice it helps because we take long nature walks and play outside. It makes us all feel better. This time of year is just hard. I try to get my exercise in but its not always easy. I think if you could make time just once a week to get out by yourself it would make a difference. I know it does for me. I leave and can't wait to get back to my kids!
  6. Sue May

    Sue May New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I feel for you. I have been there. I am there! Sometimes I am sooooooo bored I feel like screaming. It is hard to be excited about school when I am bored. What I do is force myself to do something different even if it is baking a new cookie recipe. If you have an eager learner, you can try a new short mini study as in a lapbook. If you don't have an eager learner (my son is not an eager learner), that is more difficult. Also what has helped a lot is having a craft. A cheap craft since money is tight here too. I bead with seed beads since seed beads are cheap. And I love going to this site. It has saved my sanity.

    Soon spring will be here. The flowers will bloom and the sun will shine. Happy days will be here.

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