Grr! I hate that my teenager (17) thinks its her right to "police" her mother. Really kid! Do you think you have the almighty wisdom to know what I am doing, what I buy.. etc, is wrong... and then you think its ok to tell daddy... " Hey Dad, Mom bought a shirt today that have very short sleeves... she can't wear it right dad.." Really girl! I can wear what I want , when I want , and where I want! I am the adult!!!! Sometimes I just want to slap someone! Grrr..... :twisted: sorry, she is a good kid, but sometimes she thinks she runs the joint!
My teenagers are great- I have that problem with my 6 year old! lol Take heart- by the time she's 25 she'll realize how much you know.
LOL!!! My girls were great, but I'm ready to ring my 14yo son's neck!!! When Rachael went to college, Faythe really stepped out. "Do you need help with that, Mom? What do you need me to do?" HELLO? WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER, lol! but she also thinks she's Phillip's mom, more than ever before. The other day, Phillip needed to put stuff in the dishwasher, and he's VERY BAD at getting it ALL. Usually, there's half a load still on the counters when he's "done". We were going to be gone, so I told him that when he was done, he might ask Faythe to take a look. Totally up to him, but if I came home and found a bunch lying around, it'd be trouble. And Faythe says, "If he doesn't ask, should I point it out to him?" Sigh.... NO! If he doesn't ask and there's a lot, it's HIS problem, not YOURS!
My daughter's going to be 18 next month...and I've come to the terrible conclusion that she probably IS smarter than me. LOL. Don't you hate that? I was trying to make some stuff for my friend's baby shower a few weeks back, trying to use some pictures I'd found online, and I couldn't get one to copy. So, I asked Elle if she knew any way to do it (somewhere in the deep recesses of my brain I remembered how you could isolate photos from a screenshot or something..I knew it was possible). So she very sweetly and patronizingly says, "Just tell me what you need and I'll take care of it." And I'm like..."No, I just want to know HOW to do it, so I know..." So, she tries giving me instruction. And I'm struggling. And she's getting impatient. Finally she says... "Move over, ya cave woman. I'll print it out for you, and teach you to do it over the summer. I have to study, now." LOL!
Haha! My oldest says she is her sister's mom.. she acts like it too... all.the.time.. it makes for some interesting days around here.
I've been told that the oldest child thinks it's me, Mom, and Dad as a team to raise the younger kids! Faythe may be a "middle", but it sure seems true, especially as she just turned 18!
My daughter feels so sorry for herself. She thinks she is a slave and overworked if I ask her to even put away her own laundry. We have tons and tons of problems with her. Drives me crazy that people assume that because she is the older girl (the only other girl is 2 yrs old, the rest of my children are boys) that she must do tons and tons and tons of work at home. I fight to have her do 1 thing in a week. And that 1 thing is usually putting away her own laundry...not wash the laundry, just put it away.
The thread title alone..... I feel your pain Shelby!! In hind sight, I'm thankful my oldest son didn't give me too much grief going through his teen years but let me tell ya.... the other two???? Book me a room in the mental asylum! Where they found their friends I'll never know nor try to understand but I'm going to totally lose my mind before long. I go to work this morning THINKING my youngest is getting up and going to school then find out when I get home, he left and went to a friends house to hang out! Shortly after that, my middle son comes home between classes (which is the norm, he has a free period) but he goes back to school leaving here one of his wonder boys who decided a full school day is too hard... oh give me a break! If you can't handle a full day of school, how on God's green earth are you going to manage at a job (not that there are any around here). Shortly after this, TWO MORE FRIENDS show up here - they too dropped down to half days and some how they get the idea that this is a hang out place. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME IT ISN'T!! If only their parents cared enough to do something about it. This home is NOT a refuge for truancy. I messaged one mother but "he doesn't listen to anything". Oh excuse me, sorry to hear that your 16 year wear the pants in your home but he is NOT hanging out at my home when he SHOULD be in school or when I'm working. I don't trust any of them. We're moving this summer and it can't possibly happen soon enough. I so want this stuff behind me. I'm tired of worrying where my boys are, who they're with and if they're getting into trouble.
Wow Brenda, that would not fly at my house. I would tough love the crap out of that. Seriously, my kid would have massive consequences for that kind of lapse in judgement. And I would hold my own kid directly responsible. Leaving people in your home uninvited is massively disrespectful to you. Never mind the inappropriate behavior of the other kids don't let your friends walk on your parents that way. I'm glad you're moving. I'd suggest making clear rules up front that this sort of stuff won't be tolerated at the new house. Our rule is that Elle can't have friends over unless she gives me 24 hours notice and gives me an approximate arrival AND departure. I want to know the kid's name, their parent's name and phone number, and I want to spend some time talking to the kids I allow to hang out at my house. (I've made exceptions in special circumstances...and I LIKE having her friends over...but I want some warning and I want to be able to say no without a a fight...that's just mutual respect.) (and truth told...we do have a lot of last minute visits with her boyfriend and spur of the moment sleep overs with her best friend...but she always asks permission and she doesn't give me grief if I say no.) You son should have said...No way, if my mom finds out, she'll call the school and get a truancy officer over....I need permission to have people here. That's just the way she is. You can't stay. Maybe they'll think he's lame...but so what? Those are not the kind of friends he needs in his life. You need to make him understand that his friends were disrespecting him, his parents, and his home. If he invited them to stay, and obviously didn't consult you....he needs some help remembering who pays the bills and who sets the rules. I'd suggest reminding him next time he wants money or some other privilege. I'd come down like a bucket of bricks in that situation. Don't let your kids treat you this way. It's dangerous and unfair.
I seriously thought I was going to snap and lose it yesterday! When we move, we're actually moving half way across the country (to Alberta from where we are now) so we aren't going to have to deal with these kids HOWEVER that means a new set of friends for them BUT I'll be making it clear (again) from the get go what is and isn't acceptable. Andrew has always had problems making friends because of his history. While it's (kind of) nice to see him have friends, I wish he would have found some who are a better influence. Andrew is not a leader, he's a follower so if these kids get into trouble, he's likely to be mixed up in it. I have to be careful how I approach the topic with him because he likes that he has friends to hang around with and at this point lacks the wisdom to see that though he has friends to hang with, they're using him (because of Andrew's age). Noah.... oh dear Father!! We've had our share of challenges with each of the boys but he is by far the wild card. He's some what of a thrill seeker (I could see him trying sky diving or something else absolutely foolish). The second boy who showed up here yesterday (who dropped his afternoon classes), I was able to contact his mother and say find another hang out spot - this isn't it. I *think* we have that one under control. As for the rest of them, I'm working on getting in contact with each of their families. I'm not going to be a party zone for truancy ESPECIALLY when I'm not always home during the day. LOL, and here when my oldest son was in this age group I thought he was putting us to the test and thought we would breeze through the other two. Oh Lord have mercy!! I couldn't possibly have been any more wrong about it. What excites me though through all of this is they will become productive members of society and "this too shall pass" (mom is forever saying that to me). One foot in front of the other
ALBERTA!!! Oh, my that IS half-way across the country!!! No, it's ALL the way across a very big country!!!
LOL, pretty much.... from one coast almost to the other BUT a good change and good things to come. We were leaning on Ontario but offers further west make it hard to say no
EPIC: The mother of the child I was messaging last week blames my middle son for her son jigging all the time. Tell me I'm a happy camper..... NOT !!